Biarticular Prosthesis Support Files

getOsimData: A Tool to Plot Opensim Kinematic Curves

This function will create a vector of OpenSim data within a full stance phase using the format: [d,td] = getOsimData(filename, col, t1, t2) (link to .m file)

“Filename” is the text file containing the matrix of OpenSim data. “Col” is the column of interest, with “t1” and “t2” marking the beginning and end times of the full stance phase or other interval of interest. The normalized time vector, td, can then be plotted against the respective function values, d, of the desired data.

getWinterData: Plotting Standard Kinematic Curves for Hip, Knee, and Ankle

This function will create reference vectors to model Winter’s 1987 kinematics data using the format: [values, percent_gate, sd] = getWinterData(joint) (link to .m file)

By entering ‘knee’, ‘ankle’, or ‘hip’ into the function, vectors will be returned  containing the kinematic angles (values),  stance phase percentages (percent_gate),  and standard deviation values (sd) of the chosen joint.


In the above example, the ankle vectors have been graphed to display one full stance phase of movement. The dashed line encompasses one standard deviation above and below the ankle averages. All data needed to plot this standard is generated using getWinterData.



1) Winter, D.A. (1987). The biomechanics and motor control of human locomotion.        Waterloo: University of Waterloo Press.