Tag: Design-Based Inquiry

Smart Cities & Safe Mobility

Smart Cities & Safe Mobility

Are smart cities part of the solution to the problems of communication and community within cities, poised to improving the lives of citizens? Would they work to expand modes of participation and citizenship or instead suppress communication and further distance and disintegrate communities? 

Feminist Philosophic Toys

Feminist Philosophic Toys

Building on the history of the Victorian ‘philosophical toy’ Feminist Philosophical Toys presents a re-imagined set of paper machines as feminist materials for designers to think with.

Sensing Bodies

Sensing Bodies

How can data creation and visualization foreground the interdependent and reciprocal relationships between human and plant bodies? How can artistic interventions open up new possibilities and ethical orientations toward more-than-human communities and bring forth their complex entwinement with the local environment?

Games for Learning

Games for Learning

How can games engage students critically with science?

Heart Sense

Heart Sense

Fostering Social Connectedness Through Physiologically-Informed Design