Reading and Analyzing Primary Sources
Paper-writing Style Sheet
Grading Standards
About Reader Response Papers
How to Read a Book in Five Minutes
Resources at the UW
History Writing Center. Assistance with writing problems and issues encountered in crafting successful History papers
CLUE (Center for Learning and Undergraduate Enrichment). The Center offers tutoring, class discussion sections, and a drop-in Writing Center for writing help.
Odegaard Writing and Research Center. Offers writing and research assistance by appointment.
Student Consultation Service. Students can meet individually with a librarian who will help them research a particular topic.
Office of Minority Affairs' Instructional Writing Center. Writing and test prep assistance by instructors from a variety of educational backgrounds.
Resources beyond the UW
Learning to do Historical Research. A basic introduction to historical research for anyone and everyone who is interested in studying the past, from Prof. William Cronon of the University of Wisconsin.
Reading, Writing, and Researching for History: A Guide for College Students. Step-by-step aids to developing and writing an outstanding college research paper, from Prof. Patrick Rael of Bowdoin College.
Writing a Good History Paper. Very useful handbook on organization, tone, structure, and style, from the History Department of Hamilton College.
Writing the History Paper. From the Dartmouth Writing Program.
HistoryProfessor.org. Resources for history students from Prof. Zachary Schrag of George Mason University.
Writing Guide. From the Boston University Department of History.
What is History? What are History instructors' expectations? What are the different kinds of writing assignments? From the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. |