This is Moshe's home page <moshe rosenfeld,,,>.

Text Book

The Java Langauge site

Practice final

Final practice answers

Read file demo program

Java IO Tools

Downward Integers


Load array demo

The GCD recursive demo

The extended GCD recursive demo

Load from a text file methods

Driver for the Load class

Tree node class

Tree class

Test driver for the Tree class

Instance variables for 2-3, 2-4 and red-black trees.

Sorting algorithms demos

Load a Vector from a file

Test driver and demo for the Load class

Bubble Sort analysis

Heaps and heap sort

The Power Mod method

The power function.

Tree methods.

The TreeNode class

Test driver for the tree methods.

Write integers to a text file.

Sorting demos...

Dictionaries and Tables...

Trees, 2-3 trees, 2-3-4 trees, Red-Black trees

To get a copy of the chess board and clickable queens download the next two file. They must be in the same subdirectory when you run the power point application chess1.ppt.

The hostile queens demo

Queen image

Our mid term will take place on Thursday, Nov. 2-nd.

To see some practice problems, download the file below.
Mid-term review questions Fall 2000