Source code for mmf.utils.mmf_test

r"""Test tools:

These test tools are based on the nose testing interface, and using
some of the conventions from SciPy.

- `test()`: Run the tests for the module.
- `bench()`: Run benchmarks for the module.

.. note:: The following functionality is obsolete.  Use nosetests

This module facilitates this by providing an initialization of these
functions: Use the following template at the end of your module
definition files::

    # Testing
    from mmf.utils.mmf_test import run
    run(__name__, __file__, locals())

This will modify the local dictionary defining :func:`test` and
:func:`test_suites` as well as providing runtime code to run the tests
if the module is executed.

These default functions allow for two types of tests:

1) Doctest code in the docstrings of the class.  See the doctest
   module for details about how these work.
2) Define a subclasses of the TestCase class provided
   here.  This may be defined in either the module file, or
   (preferably) in a separate testing module.

   The name of the testing module is the same as the module but with
   `test_` prepended.  This may be in either the same directory as the
   module, or in a subdirectory called `tests`.  (These two paths are
   automatically searched.  Of course, the test-module may also occur
   anywhere on sys.path).

In addition to these two function, this module also provides a class
called Test that provides better control over testing (for example,
this will provide code coverage analysis.)

import sys
import os
from optparse import OptionParser
import unittest
import textwrap
import warnings
import filecmp
import fnmatch
import nose

# This contains some useful test functions.
from import *

# These decorators can be used to specify that certain functions
# should be excluded from tests or that they are slow.  See dec.slow
# and dec.isastest
import decorators as dec
from decorators import *

import numpy as np

__all__ = ['run', 'TestCase', 'dec']
__all__.extend([_k for _k in 
                if not _k.startswith('_')])

# Some profiling code.
from test import pystone
import time

# TOLERANCE in Pystones
kPS = 1000

class DurationError(AssertionError): pass

def local_pystone():
    return pystone.pystones(loops=pystone.LOOPS)

def timedtest(max_num_pystones, current_pystone=local_pystone()):
    """ decorator timedtest """
    if not isinstance(max_num_pystones, float):
        max_num_pystones = float(max_num_pystones)

    def _timedtest(function):
        def wrapper(*args, **kw):
            start_time = time.time()
                return function(*args, **kw)
                total_time = time.time() - start_time
                if total_time == 0:
                    pystone_total_time = 0
                    pystone_rate = current_pystone[0] / current_pystone[1]
                    pystone_total_time = total_time / pystone_rate
                if pystone_total_time > (max_num_pystones + TOLERANCE):
                    raise DurationError((('Test too long (%.2f Ps, '
                                        'need at most %.2f Ps)')
                                        % (pystone_total_time,
        return wrapper

    return _timedtest

This decorator is not to use in production code, and would rather
 fit in functional or unit tests. This make performance tests portable to any box and fits performance regression tests you would want to run in unit tests.

For example, in this test we want to be sure test_critical() does not last more than 2kPS:

  >>> import unittest
  >>> class MesTests(unittest.TestCase):
  ...     @timedtest(2*kPS)
  ...     def test_critical(self):
  ...         a =''
  ...         for i in range(50000):
  ...             a = a + 'x' * 200
  >>> suite = unittest.makeSuite(MesTests)
  >>> unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite)
  <unittest._TextTestResult run=1 errors=0 failures=0>
## Private variables
_abs_tol = np.finfo(float).eps*64
_rel_tol = np.finfo(float).eps*64

[docs]def skipknownfailure(f): r"""Decorator to raise SkipTest for test known to fail """ def skipper(*args, **kwargs): raise nose.SkipTest, 'This test is known to fail' return ## Here are some test functions.
def check_derivative(x, f, df=None, ddf=None, dddf=None, ddddf=None, eps=np.finfo(float).eps, tol_factor=2.0): r"""Check the derivatives `df(x)` and `ddf(x)` of `f(x)` using finite difference formula. If the function can compute higher order derivatives, then these will be used to estimate the optimal step size and the acceptable error.""" fx = f(x) if dddf: dddfx = dddf(x) else: # Estimate dddfx h3 = max(x, 1.0)*(18.0*eps)**(1./5.) h3 = (x + h) - x dddfx = (f(x+2.0*h)-2.0*(f(x+h)-f(x-h))-f(x-2.0*h))/\ h**3/2.0 if ddddf: ddddfx = ddddf(x) else: # Estimate ddddfx h4 = max(x, 1.0)*(18.0*eps)**(1./5.) h4 = (x + h) - x dddfx = (f(x+2.0*h)-2.0*(f(x+h)-f(x-h))-f(x-2.0*h))/\ h**3/2.0 h1 = (3.0*eps*fx/dddfx)**(1./3.) h1 = (x + h1) - x tol1 = h1**2*dddfx/2.0 def diff(dir1, dir2, recursive=True, print_report=True, skip=[],**kw): r"""Return `True` if two directories are identical. See :class:`filecmp.dircmp` for details. Parameters ---------- dir1, dir2 : str Directories to compare. recursive : bool Recursively check all subdirectories if `True`. print_report : bool If there are differences, print a message. skip : [str] Filenames matching these patterns will only be checked for existence: the detailed comparison will be skipped. (Actually, it will be done, but the call will not fail if there is a difference.) """ _d = filecmp.dircmp(dir1, dir2, **kw) res = _diff_get_diffs(_d, recursive=recursive, skip=skip) if not res and print_report: if recursive: _d.report_full_closure() else: return res def _diff_get_diffs(d, recursive, skip=set()): r"""Recursive helper for :func:`diff`.""" diffs = [_f for _f in d.diff_files if not any([fnmatch.fnmatch(_f,_p) for _p in skip])] res = not d.left_only and not d.right_only and not diffs if recursive and res: res = all([_diff_get_diffs(_d, skip=skip) for _d in d.subdirs]) return res ## These are for testing. They simulate user input. def simulate_input(input): r"""Return a function that simulates raw_input but returns the values in the input list. Examples -------- >>> raw_input = simulate_input(["1", "2", "3"]) >>> raw_input("> ") > 1 '1' >>> raw_input("> ") > 2 '2' >>> raw_input("> ") > 3 '3' >>> raw_input("> ") '' """ if isinstance(input, str): input = [input] input.reverse() def raw_input(msg, input=input): "Simulate user entering input" while 0 < len(input): response = input.pop() print msg + response return response return "" return raw_input def simulate_cancel(msg): "Simulate user entering ctrl-c" print msg + "^C" raise KeyboardInterrupt
[docs]class TestCase(object): r"""Test Case Class Stub with extra testing functions. """
[docs] def ok_(self, res, msg=None): return ok_(res, msg)
[docs] def assertAlmostEqual(self, exact, approx, abs_tol=_abs_tol, rel_tol=_rel_tol, msg=None, relax=None): r"""Fail if the two objects are unequal as determined by their difference compared with the specified absolute and relative tolerances. Parameters ---------- exact, approx : float or array Exact reference value and test value. abs_err, rel_tol : float or (float, float) Success if `abs_err < abs_tol or rel_err < rel_tol` where `abs_err = abs(exact - approx)` and `rel_err = abs_err/abs(exact)`. If pairs are provided, then the test fails only if the maximum tolerances are not met, but a warning is generated if the minimum tolerances are not met. msg : str Optional message. Examples -------- Here is a simple example of usage: >>> tc = TestCase() There is no problem if one of the tolerances (the absolute tolerance here) is met: >>> tc.assertAlmostEqual(0.5, 0.5 + _abs_tol/1.01) but there is a failure if neither tolerance is met: >>> tc.assertAlmostEqual(0.5, 0.5 + _abs_tol*1.01) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: Numbers not almost equal. Max abs_err: 1.43219e-14 > 1.42109e-14 Max rel_err: 2.86438e-14 > 1.42109e-14 Again, no problem if at least one of the tolerances (the relative tolerance here) is met: >>> tc.assertAlmostEqual(2, 2*(1.0 + _abs_tol/1.01)) but there is a again failure if neither tolerance is met: >>> tc.assertAlmostEqual(2, 2*(1.0 + _abs_tol*1.01)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: Numbers not almost equal. Max abs_err: 2.88658e-14 > 1.42109e-14 Max rel_err: 1.44329e-14 > 1.42109e-14 Here is an example of providing two different errors. If the tolerances are met, then there is no problem as before: >>> tc.assertAlmostEqual(2, 2*(1.0 + _abs_tol/1.01), ... abs_tol=(_abs_tol, _abs_tol*2), ... rel_tol=(_rel_tol, _rel_tol*2)) The looser tolerances suppress errors, but the tighter tolerances will generate a warning. (First we turn warnings into errors so we can see the behaviour.) >>> warnings.simplefilter('error', UserWarning) >>> tc.assertAlmostEqual(2, 2*(1.0 + _abs_tol*1.01), ... abs_tol=(_abs_tol, _abs_tol*2), ... rel_tol=(_rel_tol, _rel_tol*2)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... UserWarning: Numbers not almost equal. Max abs_err: 2.88658e-14 > 1.42109e-14 Max rel_err: 1.44329e-14 > 1.42109e-14 `NaN`'s trigger a different type of error message than unmet tolerances: >>> tc.assertAlmostEqual(np.nan, 0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: NaN encountered. These tests also work with arrays and lists, using :mod:`numpy` to provide proper vectorization: >>> tc.assertAlmostEqual([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]) >>> tc.assertAlmostEqual([np.nan, 1, 2], [0, np.nan, 2]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: 2 of 2*3 components are NaN. >>> tc.assertAlmostEqual([0.1, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: 2 of 3 components of arrays not almost equal. Max abs_err: 0.1 > 1.42109e-14 Max rel_err: 1 > 1.42109e-14 >>> tc.assertAlmostEqual([0.1, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], ... abs_tol=(_abs_tol, 0.2)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... UserWarning: 2 of 3 components of arrays not almost equal. Max abs_err: 0.1 > 1.42109e-14 Max rel_err: 1 > 1.42109e-14 >>> tc.assertAlmostEqual([np.nan, 1, 2], [0, np.nan, 2]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: 2 of 2*3 components are NaN. """ exact = np.asarray(exact) approx = np.asarray(approx) abs_err = np.abs(exact - approx) rel_err = np.divide(abs_err, np.abs(exact)) abs_satisfied = (abs_err <= np.max(abs_tol)) rel_satisfied = (rel_err <= np.max(rel_tol)) satisfied = np.logical_or(abs_satisfied, rel_satisfied) if not np.all(satisfied): count = n_fail = np.sum(np.isnan(exact) + np.isnan(approx)) if 0 < n_fail: if count > 1: _msg = ("%i of 2*%i components are NaN." %(n_fail, count)) else: _msg = "NaN encountered." else: n_fail = np.sum(satisfied) max_abs_err = np.max(np.where(satisfied, 0, abs_err)) max_rel_err = np.max(np.where(satisfied, 0, rel_err)) if count > 1: msg1 = ("%i of %i components of arrays not almost equal." %(n_fail, count)) else: msg1 = "Numbers not almost equal." _msg = textwrap.dedent("""\ %s Max abs_err: %g > %g Max rel_err: %g > %g"""%(msg1, max_abs_err, np.max(abs_tol), max_rel_err, np.max(rel_tol))) if msg: msg = "\n".join([msg, _msg]) else: msg = _msg err = AssertionError(msg) err.exact = exact err.approx = approx raise(err) # Check for warning cases abs_satisfied = (abs_err <= np.min(abs_tol)) rel_satisfied = (rel_err <= np.min(rel_tol)) satisfied = np.logical_or(abs_satisfied, rel_satisfied) if not np.all(satisfied): count = n_fail = np.sum(satisfied) max_abs_err = np.max(np.where(satisfied, 0, abs_err)) max_rel_err = np.max(np.where(satisfied, 0, rel_err)) if count > 1: msg1 = ("%i of %i components of arrays not almost equal." %(n_fail, count)) else: msg1 = "Numbers not almost equal." msg = textwrap.dedent("""\ %s Max abs_err: %g > %g Max rel_err: %g > %g"""%(msg1, max_abs_err, np.min(abs_tol), max_rel_err, np.min(rel_tol))) err = UserWarning(msg) err.exact = exact err.approx = approx warnings.warn(err) # Here we form a parse to parse the arguments when a program is run # with python for testing.
_usage = """%prog [options] Run the test suite on %prog. """ _parser = OptionParser(usage=_usage) _parser.add_option("-c", "--coverage", action="store_true", dest="coverage", default=False, help="Perform coverage analysis") _parser.add_option("-p", "--profile", action="store_true", dest="profile", default=False, help="Perform hotshot profile analysis") _parser.add_option("--full", action="store_false", dest="fast", default=False, help="Run all tests") _parser.add_option("-f", "--fast", action="store_true", dest="fast", default=True, help="Run only 'quick' tests") _parser.add_option("-b", "--benchmark", action="store_true", dest="bench", default=False, help="Run only benchmarks") @dec.setastest(False) def defineModuleTests(name, fileName, locals, verbose=False): r"""Define tests for module and run if `name == __main__`. This is designed to be called at the end of the main module file as follows:: # Testing from mmf.utils.mmf_test import run run(__name__, __file__, locals()) .. note:: This functionality is obsolete. Use nosetests instead. All tests may be run by calling the function test() and the test suite may be accessed through the function :func:`test_suite`. These are added to the dictionary locals for use in the module to be tested. Tests are searched for in the file fileName as well as in the file `test_` + `moduleName` in either the current directory, or in the directory tests/ Note that this is desined to allow a single module (file) to be tested. To test an entire package you should use the standard nose testing framework by running nosetests. """ # Extract module name. if ".pyc" == fileName[-4:]: # Get module from .py file if it exists. newName = fileName[:-1] if os.access(newName, os.R_OK): fileName = newName fileName = os.path.abspath(fileName) (modulePath, moduleFile) = os.path.split(fileName) (moduleName, ext) = os.path.splitext(moduleFile) paths = [modulePath, os.sep.join([modulePath, "test"]), os.sep.join([modulePath, "tests"])] names = [moduleName+".py", "test_"+moduleName+".py"] files = [] for p in paths: for n in names: f = os.sep.join([p, n]) if os.access(f, os.R_OK): files.append(f) nose_argv = [''] + files + ["--with-doctest"] @dec.setastest(False) def test(extra_args=[]): print nose_argv+extra_args def bench(extra_args=[]): argv = nose_argv argv += ["--match", r'(?:^|[\\b_\\.%s-])[Bb]ench'%os.sep] locals['test'] = test locals['bench'] = bench if name == "__main__": (options, args) = _parser.parse_args() if options.coverage: args += ["--with-coverage", "--cover-package", moduleName] if options.profile: args.append("--with-profile") if args += ["-A", "not slow"] if options.bench: bench(args) else: test(args)
[docs]def run(name, file, locals): """Run all the tests in the module This is to be used by including the following code in your source:: # Testing from mmf.utils.mmf_test import run run(__name__, __file__, locals()) .. note:: This functionality is obsolete. Use nosetests instead. Parameters ---------- name : The name of the current module. Typically this is set to the global variable `__name__`. file : The name of the current file. Typically this is set to the global variable `__file__`. locals : Dictionary of local variables for the module. Typically this is set to the result of :func:`locals()`. """ if name is '__main__': import mmf.utils.mmf_test mmf.utils.mmf_test.defineModuleTests(__name__, __file__, locals)