

Maryam Fazel

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Adjunct Professor in: Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering; Dept. of Mathematics; Dept. of Statistics

Senior Data Science Fellow and executive committee member, UW eScience Institute

Electrical Engineering and Computer Department,
University of Washington

Office: Paul Allen Center, CSE 230


University of Washington
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Campus Box 352500
Seattle, WA 98195-2500
Phone: (206) 616-4781
Fax: (206) 543-3842


mfazel (at) ee(dot)washington(dot)edu



I am an Associate Professor in ECE, and hold adjunct appointments in the departments of Computer Science and Engineering, Mathematics, and Statistics at UW. My research interests are in convex optimization, algorithms, machine learning, and control. Prior to joining UW EE, I was a Research Scientist at Caltech. I received my PhD in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University where I was part of the Information Systems Lab, advised by Prof. Stephen Boyd.
I co-direct our new NSF TRIPODS Institute, ADSI.
I serve on the Editorial board of the MOS-SIAM Book Series on Optimization, and am an Associate Editor of the SIAM Journal of Optimization (SIOPT), and an associate editor of the new SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science (SIMODS).
I am also the chair of the annual ECE Lytle Lecture Series committee, and a coorganizer of the interdepartmental CORE Seminar Series.


·      Aug 2019: I am coorganizing the ADSI Workshop on <a href=”https://ajwagen.github.io/adsi_learning_and_control/”>Algorithmic Foundations of Learning and Control</a>. This event is cosponsored by our TRIPODS partner institute, IFDS at U Wisconsin.

·       Aug 2019: ADSI 2019 <a href=``https://alecgt.github.io/adsi_summer/”>ADSI Summer School on Foundations of Data Science <\a>. This event is cosponsored by our TRIPODS partner institute, IFDS at U Wisconsin.


Research Interests

Optimization theory and algorithms, their role in machine learning and data science. Online optimization and online resource allocation. Convex Optimization. Low-rank matrix modeling and rank minimization. Applications in ML, signal processing, and system identification.

Funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Office of Naval Research (ONR), and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is gratefully acknowledged.

Research group


  • Omid Sadeghi Meibodi, EE (BS Sharif Univ of Technology, Iran)
  • Yue Sun, EE (BS Tsinghua Univ, China)
  • Romain Camilleri, CSE (ENS Paris-Saclay/Mines ParisTech, France). Co-advised with Zaid Harchaoui.
  • Jingjing Bu, EE (BS Beihang Univeristy, China). Co-advised with Mehran Mesbahi.
  • Mitas Ray, EE (BS UC Berkeley, CA). Co-advised with Lillian Ratliff.
  • Andrew Wagenmaker, CSE (BS U Michigan, MI). Co-advised with Kevin Jamieson.


  • Ting Kei Pong, PhD in Mathematics, June 2011. Co-advised with Prof. Paul Tseng.
    Currently: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
  • Brian Hutchinson, PhD in EE, August 2013. Co-advised with Prof. Mari Ostendorf.
    Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Western Washington University.
  • Dvijotham Krishnamurthy, PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, June 2014. Co-advised with Prof. Emo Todorov.
    Currently: Research Scientist at Google Deepmind.
  • Palma London, BS in EE and Math, June 2014. Currently: PhD student at Caltech.
  • Karthik Mohan, PhD in EE, December 2014.
    Currently: Data Scientist at Amazon, Inc.
  • James Saunderson, Postdoc (joint position with Caltech), Sep 2015-June 2016.
    Currently: Assistant Professor, Dept of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Monash Univ, Australia.
  • Amin Jalali, PhD in EE, August 2016.
    Currently: Discovery Institute Postdoc, University of Wisconsin.
  • Dennis Meng, PhD in EE, May 2017.
  • Reza Eghbali, PhD in EE, August 2017.
    Currently: Postdoc at the Simons Institute, Berkeley, CA.



Some Recent Talks:

Published in Journal or Peer-reviewed Conference:

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AA/EE/ME 510: Mathematical Foundations of Systems Theory
Fall 2018 Course page on Canvas


AA/CSE/EE/ME 578: Convex Optimization
Winter 2018
Course page on Canvas

EE PMP 578: Convex Optimization
Spring 2018

2017: On sabbatical leave


EE PMP 578: Convex Optimization (Optimization in System Sciences)
Fall 2015
Course Webpage

EE/AA/ME 578: Convex Optimization
Winter 2016
Course Webpage

EE 546 (special topics): Convex Optimization Algorithms
Spring 2016
Course webpage


EE/AA/ME 578: Optimization in System Sciences
Winter 2015
Course Webpage

EE235: Continuous-time Linear Systems (Signals and Systems)
Spring 2015


EE235: Continuous-time Linear Systems (Signals and Systems)
Fall 2013
Course webpage

EE/AA/ME 578: Optimization in System Sciences
Winter 2014

EE 546: Frontiers in Optimization: Convex Optimization Algorithms
Spring 2014
Course webpage

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  • Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, CA, March 2002
  • M.S. Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, CA, June 1997
  • B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1995

Ph.D. Thesis


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