Maryam Fazel
Professor of
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Adjunct Professor in:
Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering; Dept. of Mathematics;
Dept. of Statistics
Senior Data Science Fellow and executive
committee member, UW eScience Institute
Office: Paul Allen Center, CSE
University of Washington
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Campus Box 352500
Seattle, WA 98195-2500
Phone: (206) 616-4781
Fax: (206) 543-3842
mfazel (at) ee(dot)washington(dot)edu

I am an Associate Professor in ECE, and hold
adjunct appointments in the departments of Computer Science and Engineering,
Mathematics, and Statistics at UW. My research interests are in convex
optimization, algorithms, machine learning, and control. Prior to joining UW
EE, I was a Research Scientist at Caltech.
I received my PhD in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University where I was part of the
Information Systems Lab, advised by
Prof. Stephen Boyd.
I co-direct our new NSF TRIPODS Institute, ADSI.
I serve on the Editorial board of the MOS-SIAM Book Series on Optimization,
and am an Associate Editor of the SIAM Journal of Optimization
(SIOPT), and an associate editor of the new SIAM Journal on
Mathematics of Data Science (SIMODS).
I am also the chair of the annual ECE Lytle Lecture Series committee, and a coorganizer of the interdepartmental CORE Seminar Series.

Aug 2019: I am coorganizing
the ADSI Workshop on <a href=”https://ajwagen.github.io/adsi_learning_and_control/”>Algorithmic Foundations of
Learning and Control</a>. This event is cosponsored by our TRIPODS
partner institute, IFDS at U Wisconsin.
· Aug
2019: ADSI
2019 <a href=``https://alecgt.github.io/adsi_summer/”>ADSI Summer School on
Foundations of Data Science <\a>. This event is cosponsored by our TRIPODS partner
institute, IFDS at U Wisconsin.
- Sep 2018: ADSI recieved three new NSF TRIPODS+X
grants! NSF
press release
I am the PI on "TRIPODS+X:EDU: Foundational Training Neuroscience
and Geoscience via Hack Weeks," and a co-PI on "TRIPODS+X:RES:
Safe Imitation Learning for Robotics" (with PI Zaid Harchaoui).
News press release
- Aug 2018: ADSI co-organized the
on Nonconvex Formulations and Algorithms in Data Science, with our
TRIPODS partner institute IFDS at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.Videos of talks are available here.
- July 2018: ADSI co-organized the
Summer School on
Fundamentals of Data Analysis, with our TRIPODS partner institute IFDS at the University of Wisconsin,
Madison. Videos of lectures are available here.
- Apr 2018: I am the PI on a new
grant from the DARPA
Lagrange program (an exciting recently-established program on
optimization) on "Control and Learning of Uncertain Dynamical
Systems," with co-PIs Sham Kakade and
Mehran Mesbahi.
- Jan 2018: ADSI launched a new blog highlighting
research breakthroughs by its members and affiliates, check it out!
- Sep 2017: We founded ADSI: Algorithmic Foundations of
Data Science Institute, our NSF TRIPODS Institute. I am the
co-director (with Sham Kakade). Other members of the core PI team are: Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy, Zaid Harchaoui,
and Yin Tat Lee.
- Aug 2017: We received an NSF
This funds the Phase I of an NSF Institute at UW aiming to build a
Theoretical Foundation for Data Science by bridging Mathematics,
Statistics, and Theoretical Computer Science.
announcement, UW press here,
and here.
- Reza defended
successfully and graduated in Aug 2017. Congratulations!!
theory and algorithms, their role in machine learning and data science.
Online optimization and online resource allocation. Convex Optimization.
Low-rank matrix modeling and rank minimization. Applications in ML, signal
processing, and system identification.
Funding from the National Science Foundation
(NSF), the Office of Naval Research
(ONR), and the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is gratefully acknowledged.

Research group
- Omid
Sadeghi Meibodi, EE (BS Sharif Univ of Technology, Iran)
- Yue Sun, EE (BS
Tsinghua Univ, China)
- Romain Camilleri,
CSE (ENS Paris-Saclay/Mines ParisTech, France). Co-advised with Zaid Harchaoui.
- Jingjing Bu, EE (BS Beihang Univeristy,
China). Co-advised with Mehran Mesbahi.
- Mitas
Ray, EE (BS UC Berkeley, CA). Co-advised with Lillian Ratliff.
- Andrew Wagenmaker, CSE (BS
U Michigan, MI). Co-advised with Kevin Jamieson.
- Ting Kei
Pong, PhD in Mathematics, June 2011. Co-advised with Prof. Paul
Currently: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Hong Kong
Polytechnic University.
- Brian
Hutchinson, PhD in EE, August 2013. Co-advised with Prof. Mari Ostendorf.
Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Western
Washington University.
- Dvijotham Krishnamurthy, PhD in Computer Science
and Engineering, June 2014. Co-advised with Prof. Emo Todorov.
Currently: Research Scientist at Google Deepmind.
- Palma
London, BS in EE and Math, June 2014. Currently: PhD student at
- Karthik Mohan,
PhD in EE, December 2014.
Currently: Data Scientist at Amazon, Inc.
- James Saunderson, Postdoc (joint position with
Caltech), Sep 2015-June 2016.
Currently: Assistant Professor, Dept of Electrical and Computer Systems
Engineering, Monash Univ, Australia.
- Amin
Jalali, PhD in EE, August 2016.
Currently: Discovery Institute Postdoc, University of Wisconsin.
- Dennis Meng, PhD in EE, May 2017.
- Reza Eghbali, PhD in EE, August 2017.
Currently: Postdoc at the Simons Institute, Berkeley, CA.
Some Recent Talks:
Published in
Journal or Peer-reviewed Conference:
- R. Eghbali, J. Saunderson, M. Fazel, Competitive Online Algorithms
for Resource Allocation over the Positive Semidefinite Cone,
arxiv:1802.01312. Mathematical Programming Series B, Special issue on
ISMP'18. Vol. 170, Issue 1, pp 267-292, July 2018.
- M. Fazel, R. Ge, S. Kakade, M. Mesbahi, Global
Convergence of Policy Gradient Methods for the Linear Quadratic
Regulator, arxiv:1801.05039. Proceedings of Intl. conference on
Machine Learning (ICML), Stockholm, Sweden, July 2018.
- D. Drusvyatskiy, M.
Fazel, S. Roy, An optimal first
order method based on optimal quadratic averaging, arXiv:1604.06543.
SIAM J. on Optimization, 28-1 (2018), 251271. Matlab code.
- A. Jalali, M. Fazel,
L. Xiao, Variational Gram
Functions: Convex Analysis and Optimization, arXiv:1507.04734. SIAM
J. on Optimization, 27-4 (2017), pp. 2634-2661.
- A. Jalali, J. Saunderson, M. Fazel, B. Hassibi,
bounds for Bregman Denoising and Structured Natural Parameter Estimation.
Proc. International Symposium of Information Theory (ISIT), July 2017.
- R. Eghbali, M. Fazel,
Decomposable Norm Minimization
with Proximal-Gradient Homotopy Algorithm,
arXiv:1501.06711. Computational Optimization and Applications, 66 (2),
345-381, March 2017.
- A. Jalali, Q. Han, I. Dumitriu, M. Fazel, Relative
Density and Exact Recovery in Heterogeneous Stochastic Block Models.
Proc. Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), Barcelona, Spain,
Dec 2016.
Full longer version on arxiv.
- R. Eghbali, M. Fazel,
smoothing functions for improved worst-case competitive ratio in online
optimization. Proc. Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS),
Barcelona, Spain, Dec 2016.
Full longer version on arxiv.
- R. Eghbali, M. Fazel,
M. Mesbahi, Worst Case Competitive Analysis of Greedy Algorithm
for Online Conic Optimization. Proc. Conference on
Decision and Control (CDC), Las Vegas, NV, Dec 2016.
- D. Meng, R. Eghbali*, M.
Fazel, M. Mesbahi, Online Algorithms for
Network Formation. Proc. Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Las
Vegas, NV, Dec 2016.
- J. Saunderson, M. Fazel,
B. Hassibi, Simple algorithms
and guarantees for low rank matrix completion over F_2, to appear in
Proc. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT),
July 2016.
- K. Jaganathan, J. Saunderson, M. Fazel, Y. C. Eldar, B. Hassibi, Phaseless super-resolution using masks. Proc. 41st
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
(ICASSP), March 2016
- S. Oymak, A. Jalali, M. Fazel, Y. Eldar,
B. Hassibi, Simultaneously Structured Models
with Applications to Sparse and Low-rank Matrices. IEEE Trans. on Information
Theory, 61(5): 2886-2908, May 2015.
- K. Dvijotham, E. Todorov, M.
Fazel, Convex
Structured Controller Design, IEEE Trans. on Control of Networked
Systems, 2-1 (2015), pp. 1-10. arxiv link.
- B. Hutchinson, M. Ostendorf,
M. Fazel, A
Sparse Plus Low-Rank Exponential Language Model for Limited Resource
Scenarios. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language
Processing, 23(3), 494-504, March/April 2015.
- K.-M. Tan, P. London, K. Mohan, S.-I. Lee, M.
Fazel, D. Witten, Learning
Graphical Models With Hubs, Journal of Machine Learning Research
(JMLR), 15(Oct):3297-3331, 2014. Related
R code.
- K. Dvijotham, E. Todorov, M.
Fazel, Universal
Convexification via Risk-Aversion. Conference on Uncertainty in Artifical Intelligence (UAI), July 2014. Best
Student Paper Award .
- K. Mohan, P. London, M. Fazel, D. Witten, S.-I.
Lee, Node-Based Learning of
Multiple Gaussian Graphical Models. Journal of Machine Learning
Research (JMLR), 15(Feb):445-488, 2014. Related
Matlab codes (.zip file).
- S. Oymak, A. Jalali, M. Fazel, B. Hassibi,
Noisy estimation of simultaneously
structured models: Limitations of convex relaxation. To appear in Proc.
Conference on Decision and Control, Dec 2013. Longer version to be
posted soon.
- K. Dvijotham, E. Theodorou, E. Todorov, M. Fazel, Convexity of Optimal Linear Controller Design.
To appear in Proc. Conference on Decision and Control, Dec 2013.
- K. Dvijotham, E. Todorov, M.
Fazel, Convex Control Design via
Covariance Minimization. Proc. of Allerton Conference, Oct
- M. Fazel, T. K. Pong, D. Sun, P. Tseng, Hankel matrix rank minimization with applications
in system identification and realization. SIAM Journal on Matrix
Analysis and Applications, 34(3): 946-977, 2013. Related Matlab
codes (zip file).
- B. Hutchinson, M. Ostendorf,
M. Fazel, Exceptions in
Language as Learned by the Multi-factor Sparse Plus Low-rank Language
Model. Proc. Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
Processing (ICASSP), May 2013.
- F. Fazel, M. Fazel, M. Stojanovic.
Random Access Compressed Sensing over Fading
and Noisy Communication Channels. IEEE Trans. on Wireless
Communications, 12(5): 2114-2125, May 2013.
- K. Mohan, M. Chung, S. Han, D. Witten, S.-I. Lee, M.
Fazel, Structured Learning of Multiple Gaussian
Graphical Models. Proc. Neural Information Processing Systems
(NIPS), Dec 2012.
- K. Mohan, M. Fazel, Iterative
Reweighted Algorithms for Matrix Rank Minimization. Journal of
Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 2012. Related
Matlab codes (zip file).
- B. Hutchinson, M. Ostendorf,
M. Fazel, A Sparse Plus Low Rank
Maximum Entropy Language Model. Proc. InterSpeech
Conference, Sep 2012 (oral presentation).
- M. Nabi-Abdolyousefi, M.
Fazel, Mehran Mesbahi, A Graph Realization Approach to Network
Identification, Proc. of Conference in Decision and Control (CDC),
Dec. 2012.
- F. Fazel, M. Fazel, M. Stojanovic,
Compressed Sensing in Random Access
Networks with Applications to Underwater Monitoring. Physical
Communications Journal (Elsevier), special issue on Compressive Sensing
in Communications.
- F. Fazel, M. Fazel, M. Stojanovic,
Random Access Compressed Sensing: An
Integrated Architecture For Energy-efficient
Networking. Proc. Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and
Computers, Nov 2011.
- B. Hutchinson, M. Ostendorf,
M. Fazel, Low Rank Language Models
for Small Training Sets. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 18(9),
pages 489-492, Sep 2011.
- F. Fazel, M. Fazel, M. Stojanovic,
Random Access Compressed Sensing in Energy-Efficient
Underwater Sensor Networks. Journal on Selected Areas in
Communications (JSAC), 29(9), Sep 2011.
- S. Oymak, K. Mohan, M.
Fazel, B. Hassibi, A Simplified Approach to Recovery
Conditions for Low-rank Matrices. Proc. Intl. Sympo.
Information Theory (ISIT), Aug 2011.
- R. Arora, A. Kapila , M. Gupta, M. Fazel, Clustering by
Left-Stochastic Decomposition. Proc. of International Conference
on Machine Learning (ICML), July 2011.
- F. Fazel, M. Fazel, M. Stojanovic,
Design of a
Random Access Network for Compressed Sensing. Proc. Information
Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), Feb 2011.
- F. Fazel, M. Fazel, M. Stojanovic,
Random Access Compressed Sensing in Underwater Acoustic Networks. Proc.
Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Sep
- K. Mohan, M. Fazel, Iterative
Reweighted Least Squares for Matrix Rank Minimization, Proc.
Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Sep
- B. Recht, M. Fazel,
P. Parrilo, Guaranteed
Minimum-Rank Solutions of Linear Matrix Equations via Nuclear Norm
Minimization. SIAM Review, Vol 52, no 3, pages 471-501, 2010.
- K. Mohan, M. Fazel, New
Restricted Isometry Results for Noisy Low-rank Matrix Recovery, Proc.
Intl. Symp. Info. Thoery
(ISIT), Austin, TX, June 2010.
- K. Mohan, M. Fazel, Reweighted Nuclear Norm Minimization with
Application to System Identification, Proc. American Control Conference
(ACC), 2010.
- D. Georgiev, M. Fazel,
E. Klavins, Model
Discrimination of Chemical Reaction Networks by Linearization, Proc.
American Control Conference (ACC), 2010.
- K. Dvijotham, M. Fazel,
A Nullspace
Analysis of the Nuclear Norm Heuristic for Rank Minimization, Proc.
of ICASSP 2010, Dallas, Texas, March 2010.
- M. Fazel, E. J. Candes, B. Recht, P. Parrilo, Compressed Sensing and Robust Recovery of Low
Rank Matrices, Proc. of Asilomar Conference, Pacific Grove,
CA, Nov 2008.
- N. Yamamoto, M. Fazel, Computational Approach
to Quantum Encoder Design for Purity Optimization. Physical Review A,
vol. 76, no. 1, July 2007. Available at http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRA/v76/e012327
- B. Recht, M. Fazel,
P. Parrilo, Guaranteed
Minimum-Rank Solutions of Linear Matrix Equations via Nuclear Norm
Minimization. Allerton Conference, Allerton House, Illinois,
Sep 2007.
- M. Lobo, M. Fazel, and S. Boyd, Portfolio Optimization with Linear and Fixed
Transaction Costs. Annals of Operations Research, special
issue on Financial Optimization, 152(1):376-394, July 2007.
- D. Gayme, M. Fazel,
J. Doyle, Complexity in Automation of SOS Proofs:
An Illustrative Example. Proc. Conference on Decision and Control,
San Diego, California, Dec 2006.
- M. Fazel, D. Gayme, M. Chiang, Transient Analysis for Wireless Power Control.
Proc. Globecom Conference, San Francisco,
California, Nov 2006.
- H. El-Samad, M. Fazel, X. Liu, A. Papachristodoulou, S. Prajna,
Stochastic Reachability Analysis in Complex
Biological Networks. Proc. American Control Conference,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2006.
- A. Fakheri, M. Fazel,
A Methodology for Optimization of Shell and
Tube Heat Exchangers in Series . International Journal of Heat
Exchangers, volume VII, number 1, June 2006.
- M. Fazel, M. Chiang, Network Utility
Maximization with Nonconcave Utilities Using Sum-of-Squares Method. Proc.
Conference on Decision and Control, Seville, Spain, Dec 2005.
- T.-M. Yi, M. Fazel, X. Liu, T. Otitoju, A. Papachristodoulou,
S. Prajna, and J. Doyle, Application
of Robust Model Validation Using SOSTOOLS to the Study of G-Protein
Signaling in Yeast . In Proc. Foundations of Systems Biology and
Engineering, Santa Barbara, California, August 2005.
- M. Sharif, C. Florens, M.
Fazel, B. Hassibi, Amplitude
and Sign Adjustment for Peak to Average Power Reduction . IEEE
trans. on Communications, volume 53, number 8, pp. 1243--1247,
August 2005.
- M. Fazel, H. Hindi, and S. Boyd, Rank
Minimization and Applications in System Theory. Proc. American
Control Conference, Boston,
Massachusetts, June 2004.
- M. Sharif, C. Florens, M.
Fazel, B. Hassibi, Peak
to Average Power Reduction Using Amplitude and Sign Adjustment. Proc.
International Conference on Communications, Paris, France, June
- M. Fazel, H. Hindi, and S. Boyd, Log-det Heuristic for Matrix Rank Minimization with
Applications to Hankel and Euclidean Distance Matrices. Proc.
American Control Conference, Denver, Colorado, June 2003.
- M. Fazel, H. Hindi, and S. Boyd, A
Rank Minimization Heuristic with Application to Minimum Order System
Approximation. Proc. American Control Conference, Arlington,
Virginia, June 2001.
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AA/EE/ME 510: Mathematical Foundations of Systems Theory
Fall 2018 Course page on Canvas
AA/CSE/EE/ME 578: Convex Optimization
Winter 2018
Course page on Canvas
EE PMP 578: Convex Optimization
Spring 2018
2017: On sabbatical leave
EE PMP 578: Convex Optimization (Optimization in System Sciences)
Fall 2015
Course Webpage
EE/AA/ME 578: Convex Optimization
Winter 2016
Course Webpage
EE 546 (special topics): Convex Optimization Algorithms
Spring 2016
Course webpage
EE/AA/ME 578: Optimization in System Sciences
Winter 2015
Course Webpage
EE235: Continuous-time Linear Systems (Signals and Systems)
Spring 2015
EE235: Continuous-time Linear Systems (Signals and Systems)
Fall 2013
Course webpage
EE/AA/ME 578: Optimization in System Sciences
Winter 2014
EE 546: Frontiers in Optimization: Convex Optimization Algorithms
Spring 2014
Course webpage
size=0 width="100%" align=center>
- Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
CA, March 2002
- M.S. Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, CA,
June 1997
- B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of
Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1995
Ph.D. Thesis
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