I am an Assistant Professor within the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the
University of Washington in Tacoma. I also teach classes within the Computer Science Graduate program,
primarily in Parallel Computing, Distributed Systems, Computer Architecture, and Cyber-Physical Systems.
I founded and lead the Intelligent Platform & Architecture (IPA) Lab that focuses on workload analysis for
edge computing systems, developing new power-efficient acceleration capabitilies into edge architectures
to enable the integration of machine learning and advanced analytics at the edge, and full IoT systems that
augment first responders to safely address emergency scenarios more efficiently.
In the winter months, when not in the lab or class room, I can be found skiing somewhere in the
Cascades with my family. I'm usually not too hard to spot as I'm a Volunteer Ski
Patroller at White Pass.
Current Contact Information:
University of Washington
1900 Commerce Street
Cherry Parkes Building, Office #126
Tacoma, WA 98402
253-692-4579 (office)
360-951-8607 (personal)
email: metolent@uw.edu
Research Interests
I am interested in hardware architectures, system software (firmware, operating systems, middleware, and novel applications),
and tools for efficiently exploiting the computational capacity of high-end computing systems. My recent research has
focused on realizing performance and energy efficiencies in HPC systems, characterizing and modeling emerging server workloads
to drive architectural advances, and developing high-throughput fabric technologies.