Some of the scenery we had to endure was pretty amazing.  We got really lucky with the weather, and had some really fabulous lighting at times.  Like we said before, it's really hard to convey the sheer scale and beauty of this place.  But hopefully you'll get an inkling of what it was like. view up the skinning track on Trophy Mountain

Wells Gray Provincial Park is located in central British Columbia, near the Alberta border and the Canadian Rockies.  The park is approximately 1.5 million acres, and the people in our group were the only people in the entire park.  I'm not sure I would have wanted to share these views with many more people anyway!  As with the other pages, hold the cursor on the thumbnail for a sec to read the description.
another look at the uptrack on Trophy
Jen McLarnan and Christl Holsl, with
Trophy tracks in the background (see next image for a zoom)
isn't that a sweet set of tracks?
meadow behind the Trophy Mountain cabin
sunrise over the valley
Dave Cumming, windswept top of Table
another nice skinning track

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