B.S. Chemistry | The Ohio State University
Andrew’s Group Publications
Strategy for Direct Detection of Chiral Phonons with Phase-Structured Free Electrons
Probing the Polarization of Low-Energy Excitations in 2D Materials from Atomic Crystals to Nanophotonic Arrays using Momentum-Resolved Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
Infrared Near-field Spectroscopy of Gold Nanotriangle Fabry-Pérot Resonances
Optical Control Over Thermal Distributions in Topologically Trivial and Non-Trivial Plasmon Lattices
Visualizing Electric and Magnetic Field Coupling in Au-Nanorod Trimer Structures via Stimulated Electron Energy Gain and Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy: Implications for Meta-Atom Imaging
Lattice Kerker Effect with Plasmonic Oligomers
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