B.S. Physics and Chemistry | University of Washington
Austin’s Group Publications
Inelastic scattering of transversely structured free electrons from nanophotonic targets: Theory and computation
Spectroscopy in Nanoscopic Cavities – Models and Recent Experiments
Optical Polarization Analogs in Inelastic Free Electron Scattering
Active control of plasmonic-photonic interactions in a microbubble cavity
Polarization-Resolved Electron Energy Gain Nanospectroscopy With Phase-Structured Electron Beams
Nanoscale Mapping and Defect-Assisted Manipulation of Surface Plasmon Resonances in 2D Bi2Te3/Sb2Te3 In-Plane Heterostructures
Infrared plasmonics: STEM-EELS characterization of Fabry-Pérot resonance damping in gold nanowires
Focused Electron Beam Induced Deposition Synthesis of 3D Photonic and Magnetic Nanoresonators
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