Nicholas W. Bigelow
Graduate Student
Nicholas’s Group Publications
Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Study of the Full Plasmonic Spectrum of Self-Assembled Au–Ag Alloy Nanoparticles: Unraveling Size, Composition, and Substrate Effects
Spatially mapping energy transfer from single plasmonic particles to semiconductor substrates via STEM/EELS
Examining Substrate-Induced Plasmon Mode Splitting and Localization in Truncated Silver Nanospheres with Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
Thermal Signatures of Plasmonic Fano Interferences: Toward the Achievement of Nanolocalized Temperature Manipulation
Resonance-Rayleigh scattering and electron energy-loss spectroscopy of silver nanocubes
Combined Tight-Binding and Numerical Electrodynamics Understanding of the STEM/EELS Magneto-optical Responses of Aromatic Plasmon-Supporting Metal Oligomers
Signatures of Fano Interferences in the Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy and Cathodoluminescence of Symmetry-Broken Nanorod Dimers
Single-Molecule Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering: Can STEM/EELS Image Electromagnetic Hot Spots?
Characterization of the Electron- and Photon-Driven Plasmonic Excitations of Metal Nanorods
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