Professional Activities:
- Member, AMS Working Group on Graduate Education, 2011-2013.
- Organizing Committee, Second Pacific Rim Congress of Mathematicians, Shanghai, July, 2013.
- Member, AMS Working Group on Graduate Education, 2011-2013.
- Principal Organizer, NSF Advisory Workshop on Research Networks, April, 2009.
- External VIGRE Advisory Committee, University of Utah, February, 2008.
- Organizing Committee, First Pacific Rim Congress of Mathematicians, Sydney, July, 2009.
- External Review Committee, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Singapore, June, 2007.
- Member, MSRI Building Construction Oversight Committee, 2003-2006.
- Chair, MSRI Gauss Society, 2004-present.
- Grants from the American Institute of Mathematics and the National Science Foundation for a Concentration Year in Dynamics at the UW, 2002-03.
- Co-organizer, BIRS Workshop on Joint Dynamics, June, 2003 in Banff, Canada.
- Co-organizer, BIRS Workshop on The Many Aspects of Mahler Measure, April, 2003 in Banff, Canada.
- Lonseth Lecturer, Oregon State University, May, 2001.
- Member, Visiting Committee to review VIGRE Grant, UC Berkeley, April, 2001.
- Member, MSRI Development Committee, 2001–2006
- Chair, MSRI Building Committee, 2000–2006.
- Associate Editor for Research-Expository Articles, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 1999-03.
- Chair, Committee of Academic Sponsors, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, 1999-05.
- Co-organizer, Northwest Dynamics Symposium, University of Victoria, May, 2000.
- Organizing Committee, Conference on Leadership in Research Mathematics Departments, American Mathematical Society, Indiana University, August 6-7, 1999.
- Co-organizer, Workshop for New and Recent Mathematics Chairs, American Mathematical Society, held January, 1998 in Baltimore; January, 1999 in San Antonio; January, 2000 in Washington, DC; and January 2001 in New Orleans.