Linda M. Dawson

Statistics and Physical Science


Professional Experience


IAS Program Lecturer
Milgard School of Business Lecturer
University of Washington
Tacoma, Washington (9/96 - present)

Mathematics and Computer Lecturer
University of Puget Sound
Tacoma, Washington (8/92 - 8/93)
  • Full-time temporary one year position in the Mathematics and Computer Science Department.
  • Instructor of the Introduction to Statistics course using Minitab software and Microcomputer Applications in Business featuring the Lotus and Paradox programs.

Computer Software Instructor
Highline Community College
Continuing Education Center
Federal Way, Washington (10/91 - Present)
  • Instructor and developer of computer appliction software curricula such as Access, Lotus, Excel, Word, Works, Powerpoint, DOS, WIndows, Publisher and Word Perfect.
  • Specialized developer and instructor for the Senior Citizen, Women's Program and customized business classes for the community.
  • Technical writer of computer course handouts and supporting materials for Windows, Senior program and PC Installation & Setup courses.
  • Other locations for instruction of computer courses during this time period are: Art Institute of Seattle, Shoreline Community College and the Des Moines Senior Center.

Engineering Graduate Student
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington (6/90-10/91)
  • Full-time paid PhD student in Aerospace Engineering.
  • Women in Engineering Program Research Assistant, and Mentoring Chair. Duties included recruiting industry mentors and matching same with women engineering students.
  • Part-time Lecturer of Engineering core courses including, Statics, FORTRAN and Thermodynamics.

Engineering Instructor
Green River Community College
Auburn, Washington (9/88 - 6/90)
  • Responsible for teaching a variety of pre-engineering courses including, Statics, Dynamics, Engineering Graphics, Material Science, Engineering Problems and Orientation.
  • Actively involved with curriculum development to update and expand existing materials and develop a more interactive taching approach.
  • Participated in other tenure track activities including, committe work and advising. Served on Multicultural Task Force with focus on minority student retention issues. Site coordinator for the "Expanding Your Horizons" conference, which exposes young women to math and science careers.
Faculty Counselor
NASA Space Life Sciences Training Program
Kennedy Space Center, Florida (Summer 1989)
  • Six week college level course sponsored by NASA and Florida A&M University. Assisted students and scientists in the planning and execution of space flight experiments that were of interest to NASA. Specialized in the Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS) Project.


Senior System Specialist Engineer
Boeing Aerospace Company
Kent, Washington (01/82-05/87)
  • Responsible for requirements definition of air defense systems, military workstations, space plane concepts and space interceptors.
  • Lead engineer in the development of a communications network simulation using interactive graphic displays.
  • Instrumental in organizing a team of engineers in designing communications testbed displays and controls including their hardware and software requirements.
  • Developed system requirements, the coordination of support disciplines, and the definition of system level trade studies for a variety of government projects.
  • Initially involved in evaluating guidance and navigation concepts for new proposals and technical studies on advanced missile concepts and space defense systems.
Aerodynamic Flight Controller
NASA-Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas (08/77-11/81)
  • Served as Aerodynamics Flight Controller for the Mission Control Center Ascent and Entry Flight Control Teams during the first Space Shuttle mission. During orbit phases, served as an advisor of the impact of system failures on the orbiters re-entry trajectory and configuration. From re-entry through touchdown, was responsible for monitoring the orbiters stability and control, advising the crew of any necessary corrective actions.
  • Developed the entry fuel budget for the first two Space Shuttle flights. Involved with assimilating aerodynamic, trajectory and propulsion data which affect orbiter fuel consumption from de-orbit through subsonic flight. Planned and conducted two extensive real-time flight engineering simulations which led to the establishment of the fuel redline.
  • Performed simulation studies to develop crew procedures for anomalous entry conditions and assess system failure impact. Developed mission rules and Mission Control Center requirements for real-time simulation and mission support.
Research Scolar Assistant
NASA-Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia
  • Recipient of a two year assistantship leading to a master's degree.
  • Conducted "An Analytical Investigation of the Feasibility of Estimating Aerodynamic Conefficients Using a Free Flight Model Technique" (thesis research). Involved the comparison of aerodynamic derivatives extracted from flight test data with those extracted from a model free flying in a full scale wind tunnel.

Scholarship and Grants

University of Washington, Tacoma - Founder's Endowment Grant, 1999

University of Washington Tacoma - Seed Technology Grant, 1999

Research Assistantship-NASA Langley Research Center (See above)