Linda M. Dawson
Education Professional Experience Scholarship and Grants
Statistics and Physical Science
IAS Program Lecturer
Milgard School of Business Lecturer
University of Washington
Tacoma, Washington (9/96 - present)
Mathematics and Computer Lecturer
University of Puget Sound
Tacoma, Washington (8/92 - 8/93)
Computer Software Instructor
Highline Community College
Continuing Education Center
Federal Way, Washington (10/91 - Present)
Engineering Graduate Student
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington (6/90-10/91)
Engineering Instructor
Green River Community College
Auburn, Washington (9/88 - 6/90)
Faculty Counselor
NASA Space Life Sciences Training Program
Kennedy Space Center, Florida (Summer 1989)
Senior System Specialist Engineer
Boeing Aerospace Company
Kent, Washington (01/82-05/87)
Aerodynamic Flight Controller
NASA-Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas (08/77-11/81)
Research Scolar Assistant
NASA-Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia
University of Washington, Tacoma - Founder's Endowment Grant, 1999
University of Washington Tacoma - Seed Technology Grant, 1999
Research Assistantship-NASA Langley Research Center (See above)