Video Lectures and Supplementary Tutorials

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[OLD PAGE] Beginning Scientific Computing [View]


This website makes available all lectures for AMATH 301, Beginning Scientific Computing. This course provides an introduction to programming and the MATLAB scripting language. It is intended for engineering and physical sciences majors, providing a broad introduction to the power of numerical methods, scientific computing and MATLAB programming.



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Data-Driven Modeling & Scientific Computation [View]


This website makes available lectures for the book by J. N. Kutz, “Data-Driven Modeling and Scientific Computation” (Oxford 2013). This textbook is used for courses in scientific computing as well as data analysis.



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Data-Driven Science and Engineering [View]


This website makes available lectures for the book by S. L. Brunton and J. N. Kutz, “Data-Driven Science and Engineering” (Cambridge 2019). This textbook is used for courses in data-driven engineering and physics-informed machine learning.
© 2015 kutz