American Psycho screen shot

Instructions for Using VideoANT

Step One: Selecting a Clip

  1. Go to the annotation resources page on our Canvas site.

  2. Use the clip descriptions to select a clip for annotation. You may also watch the listed clips online or download them to your computer.

  3. Once you’ve chosen a clip, right-click or Control + click on the clip title and Copy link location or Copy shortcut.

    Screen shot of Canvas clip storage space

Step Two: Setting Up VideoANT

  1. Go to the VideoANT..

  2. 2. Click the Click Here to Launch VideoANT! option.

  3. Enter your name, email and annotation title in the appropriate boxes. Paste your clip URL into the URL box using Ctrl + V (PCs) or Command + V (Macs).

    Screen shot of VideoANT info screen

  4. Click the Begin Annotating! button.

Step Three: Annotating the Video

  1. VideoANT allows you to set markers on the film’s timeline and thus link your commentary to specific moments in the clip. On the annotation screen, pause the clip where you want to annotate and click the Add a Marker to the Timeline button.

    Screen shot of VideoANT annotation screen

  2. Title and type your commentary in the box that appears. When you have finished, select SaveANT.

  3. Continue to add timeline markers, type and save comments. All comments will appear as labeled white boxes in the annotation frame. You may edit or delete comments after you have saved them.
  4. Screenshot of VideoANT comment

Step Four: Submitting the Annotation

  1. To submit your annotation, copy and paste the VIEW your annotation URL VideoANT emails you into our Canvas clip annotation submission space.

    Screen shot of VideoANT email