Figures in paper

Figure 1: Adjusted FOMs of clustering algorithms on a simulated data set with 5 clusters

Figure 2: Adjusted FOMs of clustering algorithms on the yeast cell cycle data set (420 genes, Cho et al.)

Figure 3: Adjusted FOMs of clustering algorithms on the Barretts esophagus data set (795 genes)

Figure 4: Adjusted FOMs of partitional clustering algorithms on the rat CNS data (112 genes)

Figure 5: Adjusted FOMs of hierarchical clustering algorithms on the rat CNS data set (112 genes)

Figure 6: Adjusted FOMs of clustering algorithms on the ovary data set (233 clones)

Figure 7: Adjusted Rand index (based on Wen et al.’s four categories) against FOM(0,4) on the rat CNS data set.

Figure 8: Adjusted Rand index (based on five stages of cell cycle) against FOM (0,5) on the yeast cell cycle data set.

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