CS 315 Homework 2 - Glyphs

Due Fri Sep 26 at 11:59pm


In this assignment, you will be creating a simple application that renders a short string of text using WebGL. In particular, you will be rendering a series of glyphs, each representing a single character to display. This will allow you to render a short message on the screen using OpenGL!

Since OpenGL is based on rendering primitives, you will need to model these glyphs using triangles--each student will be assigned a few glyphs to model, so that in the end the entire class will be able to display messages using the whole alphabet.

Once the glyphs are modeled, you will load the models into a format that can be understood and rendered by WebGL, and write the appropriate WebGL calls to render these objects. In order to make an entire sentence fit nicely on the screen, you will also need to modify the provided shaders. Finally, you'll add in the ability to get input from the user for what sentence to render!

This assignment should be completed individually.


Necessary Files

You will need a copy of the cs315-hwk2.zip file which contains some basic code to get you started. The file structure should be similar from the last assignment. I've included a few additional libraries (which will also be found in the rest of the assignments).

Assignment Details

Modeling the Glyphs

Your first task will be create models of glyphs so that OpenGL can render them. Glyphs are made up of vertices (corners) organized into triangles. For example, to the right is a modeling of the number '6' using vertices and triangles (image by Wayne Cochran).

Each glyph will be represented by a couple of values:

You will encode these values in JSON format. In particular, you will store the glyphs in .json files named after the glyph. So the 6 would be stored in 6.json, and might look something like this:

  "vertices" :  [ 3, 4.5,  2.5, 5,  0.5, 5,  0, 4.5,  0, 0.5,  0.5, 0,  2.5, 0,
                  3, 0.5,  3, 2.5,  2.5, 3,  0.875, 3, 0.875, 4.125,
                  2.125, 4.125,  2.125, 3.75,  3, 3.75,  2.125, 2.125,
                  0.875, 2.125,  0.875, 0.875, 2.125, 0.875 
  "indices" : [ 12, 13, 14,   12,14,0,    12,0,11,    11,0,1,   11,1,2,   11,2,3,
                11,3,10,    3,4,10,   10,4,16,    4,5,16,   16,5,17,    17,5,6,
                17,6,18,    18,6,7,   18,7,15,    15,7,8,   16,15,8,    9,16,8,
  "size" : [ 3, 5 ]

Put your glyph files in the assets/ folder of your project.

Each student is assigned two (2) letters to model as glyphs, listed below:

Student Letters
Stephanie E M
Lukas N G
Schyler Z D
Alexia W X
Sarah Q V
Gabe Y O
Casey U A
Trevor R B
Nate C S
Jessica H F
Adam T J
Eric P K

I have included a reference document that you can use to help determine the location of vertices in block letters. You are also welcome to come up with your own glyph font if you wish--just make sure they are recognizable as upper case letters!

As soon as you finish modeling your glyphs, submit them to to the professor via email! I will compile the glyphs and make the whole alphabet available, so that you can use entire words in the last part of the assignment.

Finally, I have provided a site where you can test your JSON, to make sure that your models are correct. Do test things before you move on; it is tricky enough to debug OpenGL without having faulty models!

JSON Glyph Testing

Note that you can include additional information in your JSON file if you wish. For example, a colors attribute could store different colors for the vertices (each as an array of rgba values in float format), thereby letting you make multi-colored glyphs! Be careful about using a standard for this format so that other people can easily use your extensions if they wish; Piazza is a good place to coordinate this.

Rendering a Single Glyph

Now that you have a glyph or two modeled, it's time to start writing OpenGL and rendering them! I have provided the beginnings of an OpenGL system, but you will have to add in some of the final work.

  1. You'll need to load the JSON from the assets files and store it somewhere (perhaps in the handly global glyphs hash). You can use the provided Utils.loadJSON() method, which will retrieve the specified file and return a JavaScript object of that data.
    • I recommend making a String of glyphs to load, and then just iterating through the characters in that String. This will let you specify which glyphs are available.
  2. After you've loaded the JSON, you will need to create some WebGL Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs) to store the data-- both the vertices and the indices of the triangles! These are effectively arrays of data that can be easily passed to the GPU in OpenGL.
    1. First, you'll want to convert the simple JavaScript Array into a Float32Array, an explicit array of 32-bit floats (rather than the mixed-types allowed by JavaScript). You can just call the Float32Array constructor: vertexFloat32 = new Float32Array(myVertexArray)
      • Triangle indices, on the other hand, will want to use a Uint16Array--an array of unsigned 16-bit integers.
    2. Create a buffer by using the gl.createBuffer() method. I recommend you store this buffer in the same glyphs hash for easy organization. Note that this method only allocates memory for the buffer; it doesn't put any data in there!
    3. To put data into the buffer, you'll first need to bind it as the "current active buffer" using gl.bindBuffer(). You can then actually put data into the buffer using gl.bufferData(). For example:
        gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer);
        gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexFloat32, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
      • The first parameter of this method is the type of data that will go in; for vertices, this would be gl.ARRAY_BUFFER (a simple array), while for triangle indicies this would be a gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER.
      • The gl.STATIC_DRAW gives OpenGL a hint that the data in this buffer won't be changing as the program runs
    4. You'll also want to store the number of items in the buffer--for example, the number of vertices. IMPORTANT: this is not the number of elements in the array! For example, each vertex has two coordinates, so while there might be 10 elements in your vertices array, there are only 5 vertices! You'll want to store the 5.

    Note that this should all happen as part of your program's initialization; don't load the files and process buffers over and over again!

  3. When you want to actually draw the glyph, you'll need to rebind the buffers so that OpenGL knows to use them. You can do this with the same gl.bindBuffer() calls you used earlier. This is how you "switch" between buffers and draw multiple glyphs!
  4. Once you've bound the right buffers as current, you'll need to pass the appropriate data into the shaders. There are two kinds of variables you'll need to pass: vertex attributes (variables that change per vertex, such as position or color), and uniforms (variables that don't change between calls to render a set of vertices).
    • For vertex attributes, you just setup the shader so it's ready for the attributes (the data itself gets passed in momentarily). First you declare the type and format of the attribute, then you "turn on" (enable) OpenGL's use of an array for that attribute:
        gl.vertexAttribPointer(shaderProgram.vertexPositionHandle, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
      Note that we're using references (or "handles") to the memory location of the shader variables, which were established in the init() function as provided code.
    • For uniforms, you make a call to gl.uniform*, with the * replaced by the type of the variable. So for a single integer uniform, you'd call gl.uniform1i, and for an array (vector) of 2 floats you'd call gl.uniform2fv. Thus you'll have something like:
        gl.uniform2fv(shaderProgram.glyphSizeHandle, myGlyphSize);

      Protip! Your gl.uniform* formats will need to match the types declared in the shader (generally the vertex shader)! If you're unsure what type to use, check there.

  5. Finally finally finally, you can actually draw the elements! gl.drawArrays() is described in the text and is used for simply drawing arrays of vertex coordinates. However, since we're using indexed vertices (we've specified the triangles, instead of just using every 3 vertices), you'll need to use gl.drawElements():
      gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, numberOfIndicies, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
    • Things to note: the first argument specified the format of the indicies (gl.TRIANGLES because we're using plain triangles, but you'd use gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP for a triangle strip). The third argument is the data type of the index data: since we're using 16 bit unsigned integers, those are gl.UNSIGNED_SHORTs.

Whew! That's a lot of pieces, but one this is in you should be able to see your glyph rendered on the screen! If you have problems, please don't hesitate to ask. Make sure this works before moving on!

Making Everything Fit

At this point, you should be able to load and render a single glyph and have it look nice. But what about rendering an entire String of glyphs?

Basically, each glyph is modeled within it's own coordinate system (a.k.a, it's own basis or frame). The provided shader transforms that glyph into the canonical view frame: the coordinate system used by the OpenGL canvas. This coordinate system has the origin (0,0) at the center of the canvas, and corners are at (-1, -1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), and (1,1).

The positioning of the glyph is determined by how to translate from the glyph's coordinate system to OpenGL's; where does point (2,3) in the glyph's world get mapped to? This is called changing basis.

So in order to make the make all the glyphs appear at the right size and in the right place, you'll need to tell OpenGL how to scale and how to move the coordinate system (frame) that it is using for each gl.drawElements() call, before you actualy make that call!

The provided code will calculate a scale factor and an offset (in OpenGL's basis) that you can use to switch frames. But to use these variables, you'll need to make them accessible to the vertex shader, as well as modifying that shader to use them!

  1. Start by modifying the shader so it has two additional variables: one for the scale factor and one for the offset.
    • Should these be attributes or uniforms? Is the value changing per vertex or per render call?
    You can then modify the shader's main() method so that it applies these variables when calculating the vertice's final gl_Position.
    • Think about where a particular vertex (e.g., something at (2,3)) gets moved to by the end of the shader. You'll need to be careful about the order of your operations.
    • Scaling should be pretty straightforward; it's the moving that's harder. You'll want to move everything down by (-1, -1) so that the origin goes from the lower corner to the center, and then further move things based on the offset.
      • The calculated value for scale factors and offsets works if you move the coordinate frame by (offset, 1.0 - scale)
  2. In addition to modifying the shader, you'll need to pass values to it from your main script. To do this, you'll need to (1) get the memory location of the variables, and (2) actually put data in that memory location!
    1. For (1), you'll want to create additional shader handles, similar to those in the provided code. The gl.getUniformLocation() method basically searches the shader code for the memory location of the given variable!
    2. For (2), simply pass in the appropriate data the same way you passed in the glyph size. Make sure you use appropriate data types!

If all goes well, your single glyph should now be rendered in the center of the screen. If you try rendering a String of glyphs, they should appear in order... and scale down as the string gets longer!

Using Transformations

It may be starting to bother you at this point that you've "hard-coded" the change of basis into your shader. It can make it harder to reuse the shader for other purposes (for example, if you wanted to draw 3D glyphs).

Modify your program and shader so that it uses a transformation matrix to encode the offset used to move the frame of reference, rather than doing that math in the shader (the scaling should still occur in the shader).

  1. You can (and should!) use the included glMatrix library library to work with matrices. Since OpenGL uses 4x4 matrices to represent basis changes (for reasons we'll talk about in class), start by creating a new mat4 object with mat4.create(). This creates a 4x4 Identity Matrix.
  2. You can then perform basis changes by composing (i.e., multiplying) matrices. glMatrix has numerous helper methods to make this process fast and easy. Since we're interested in moving the frame--called a translation, you should use the mat4.translate() method. Look at it's documentation, and the documentation for the rest of the library for how best to use this. And if you get stuck, ask for help!
    • Remember that you can compose multiple matrices to do lots of small basis changes. So you could have a translation that moves the origin to the center, and then another that applies the offset. You know, for example.
  3. Once you have your matrix, you'll need to pass it in to the shader. You'll need another uniform variable, another memory address handle, etc.
  4. Finally, modify the shader so it uses the passed in matrix. Note that you can simply multiply your translation matrix by the (scale-corrected) location to get a new vec4 to output via gl_Position.

This matrix that represents the transformation from "model frame" to "world frame" is commonly known as a Model Matrix. In fact, you can encode all the transformation components--both offset and scaling--in a single matrix! Try using the mat4.scale() methods to create scaling transformations, and then compose them with your existing transformation matrix. If you're good, you can skip passing in any uniform variables other than the model matrix!

When everything works, you should have the same functionality as at the end of the previous part. But your shader will be simpler and your code will be more robust (and possibly faster, though not enough that you'd notice).

Adding Interaction

Once last piece: it would be nice if the user could type in a word of sentence and see it rendered on the screen using your glyphs. Add this functionality.

  1. Add some simple HTML to your glyphs.html file so that the user has an <input> field and a <button> to press. Remember to give both elements IDs so you can access them in the JavaScript!
  2. Add a trigger (e.g., $.click()) so that when the button is clicked, your script grabs the text from the <input> field and renders that text. Having the click set a global variable and then call render() should make this easy!


There are plenty of extensions you could add to this program, in order to continue to experiment with OpenGL. Just make sure you have the base system in first!


BEFORE YOU SUBMIT: make sure your code is fully functional! Grading will be based primarily on functionality. I cannot promise that I can easily find any errors in your code that keep it from running, so make sure it works.

Upload your entire project (including the lib/ and asset/ folders) to the Hwk2 submission folder on vhedwig (see the instructions if you need help). Also include a filled-in copy of the README.txt file in your project directory!

The homework is due at midnight on Fri Sep 26.


This assignment will be graded out of 18 points: