Hitachi Monorail Technology
Shown here is the Haneda Line of the Tokyo Monorail,
operating on 13.1 km of double track. It is typical of a conventional straddle-beam type
monorail system that has been applied in Japan by Hitachi. This system has carried about
400 million passengers without any injury for a period of more than 20 years (since its
inaguration in 1964, the year of the Tokyo Olympiad). Now, it holds an essential position
as a safe, rapid and reliable means of mass transit linking the Haneda Airport with
downtown Tokyo.
Currently, construction of straddle-beam type monorails has been approved for three
sites in the Osaka Prefecture, Okinawa Prefecture and the Tokyo Metropolis. The Osaka
Monorail is now under construction, while the other two projects are still being planned
in detail. Hatachi is also under contract to supply and install a monorail system for the
Tokyo Disneyland complex.
Shown here is the version of this technology that is
now being constructed in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.
It is expected to begin public service in 2002
This is
a new, smaller version, of the Hitachi monorail technology. To see a 5-page article about
this type of monorail, click here.
For further information, contact: H. Inoue, Department Manager, Overseas Marketing
Department, Transportation Systems Sales Division, Industrial Systems & Equipment
Sales Operation Group, Hitachi, Ltd.
6, Kanda Surugadai 4-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8010, Japan. Phone: 81-3-5295-5540
(Direct); Fax: 81-3-3258-5230 or 5346. Contact persons: Y. Hirabaya and K. Ito
Last modified: July 04, 2002