Request for Proposals for PRT systems at BAA Airports in Great Britian and Elsewhere in the World


06/08/2004       S152                 European Communities  -  Supply contract  -  Negotiated procedure

UK-Hayes: special-purpose land passenger-transport services

2004/S 152-132159



 I.1) Official name and address of the contracting entity:  BAA plc, Supply Chain, Att: Duncan Pike, D'Albiac House, Heathrow Airport, UK-Hayes UB3 5AP  . Tel.: +44 (0)7876 397853  . Fax: +44 (0)20 8745 5316. E-mail:
 I.2) Address from which further information can be obtained:  As in I.1.
 I.3) Address from which documentation may be obtained:  As in I.1.
 I.4) Address to which tenders/requests to participate must be sent:  As in I.1.

 II.1) Description
 II.1.1) Type of works contract:
 II.1.2) Type of supplies contract:
 II.1.3) Type of service contract:
 II.1.4) Framework agreement:  Yes.
 II.1.5) Title attributed to the contract by the contracting entity:  Personal Rapid Transit (PRT).
 II.1.6) Description/object of the contract:  Design, manufacture, installation, supporting infrastructure and support of PRT systems.
 II.1.7) Site or location of works, place of delivery or performance:  Airports and associated facilities at or near Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Southampton, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen; and, on occasion other global locations and assets owned and/or being developed/operated by BAA plc or its subsidiaries.
 II.1.8) Nomenclature
 II.1.8.1) Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV):  60116000, 34116000.
 II.1.8.2) Other relevant nomenclature (CPA/NACE/CPC):  None.
 II.1.9) Division into lots:  Yes.Tenders may be submitted for:
 II.1.10) Will variants be accepted:  Yes.
 II.1.11) Derogation from the use of European specifications:  No.
 II.2) Quantity or scope of the contract
 II.2.1) Total quantity or scope:  Goals:BAA sees potential in emerging PRT technologies to meet a number of key business goals, including (but not limited to):- reductions in vehicle emissions at its airports;- improved passenger service;- re-engineered landside processes;- more efficient use of space; and- improved value for money.Risk Management:PRT applications may prove to be appropriate at any of the sites defined in paragraph II.1.7, but initial focus will be on Heathrow.

Due to the immaturity of emerging PRT technologies, BAA would not be prepared to implement a PRT application at Heathrow without following a three stage approach:Stage 1. Satisfactory demonstration of core technologies on a full size, offsite test track; thenStage 2. Satisfactory demonstration of the applicability of the technology using real passengers in a live airport environment through a limited 'Pilot Scheme' at Heathrow (indicative alignment between the Central Terminal Area (CTA) and a North Car Park); thenStage 3.
Possible roll out of the matured technology on a phased basis at Heathrow and/or the other sites defined in paragraph II.1.7.

Scope:the scope of this Notice therefore encompasses stages 2 and 3 described above.Timescales:- selection of preferred supplier based on stage 1 by Autumn 2004;- design, manufacture and installation, including supporting infrastructure of the stage 2 pilot scheme at Heathrow by the end of 2006;- stage 2 pilot scheme to run for at least a 12 month period;- phased roll-out of the stage 3 applications (subject to satisfactory demonstration at stage 2) to be implemented during 2008-11.It will be for potential suppliers to confirm the status of their technology and to demonstrate to BAA's satisfaction their ability to follow this staged approach in accordance with (or in advance of) the specified dates.

Requirements:the complexity and constraints of the Heathrow site impose certain specific requirements on a PRT system for BAA:(i) access for PRT in and out of the Central Terminal Area (CTA) will be restricted to reuse of the West Side Bore (currently used only by a limited number of cars leaving the CTA). It will not be possible to construct a new tunnel bore, therefore suppliers should demonstrate how their technology would operate safely within a reconfigured West Side Bore (total internal measurements 4,01 m wide æ#151; 4,95 m high) containing (ultimately) two inbound and two outbound guide ways.

BAA will not consider any system that requires using existing inbound road tunnel capacity into the CTA, due to the size of the inbound peak traffic flow and the criticality to Heathrow's business of maintaining a satisfactory traffic flow into the CTA at all times;(ii) each vehicle shall be capable of carrying at least four passengers plus luggage;(iii) the PRT system must be demonstrably capable of being introduced with minimal short and long term disruption to vehicular and pedestrian circulation around the CTA.

BAA will not favour systems that create significant unavoidable severance of key facilities within the CTA;(iv) commencement of operations at Terminal 5 in April 2008 is projected to reduce traffic demand in the CTA for a period. Any matured stage 3 application must be capable of being implemented in a window between 2008 and 2011 to integrate with a number of key redevelopments that are currently programmed to be undertaken at that time. The stage 2 Pilot Scheme should therefore be capable of being implemented satisfactorily by the end of 2006;(v) potential suppliers will demonstrate that their PRT system is capable of providing at least the capacity to meet the transport demand projected to 2016 with a capability for future expansion. Systems will be favoured which can demonstrate the greatest ability to handle the demand for the movement of passengers and staff between the CTA and the following facilities:Core capability:- all Northside passenger and staff car parks (15 000 spaces),- car rental bases (435 000 transactions per annum),- World Business Centre and Compass Centre office developments;potential capability:- northside hotels.- possible northside interchange for set down of departing passengers,- possible northside interchange with some bus and coach through-services,- possible landside connectivity service to/from Terminal 5;(vi) in the interests of passenger service, BAA's objective is to reduce end-to-end journey times (defined as waiting time and journey).

Consequently, all vehicles on the system should operate non-stop journeys from point of embarkation to point of disembarkation. For stage 3, the favoured systems will be those that can demonstrate a reduction in end-to-end journey times of 50 % (details of which will be made available during the tender process). The system should be shown to reliably achieve these times in the morning and evening peak demands and achieve a high level of reliability;(vii) systems will be favoured which are able to demonstrate during the evaluation process that the operating costs of the PRT system represent a significant saving in annual operating cost compared with the existing shuttle bus system;(viii) capital expenditure considerations will form a major part of the evaluation process;(ix) systems will be favoured which have already been demonstrated in operation, or at full scale on a stage 1 test track with approval from the appropriate Regulatory Authority to operate with members of the public.

Potential suppliers of systems which have not yet reached this stage will be expected to provide a full explanation of:- their technology design and development programme,- their regulatory approvals strategy and status,- an indication of the structure and availability of funding to move from the design stage to the test stage in a predictable manner; and,- the impact that their current status will have on the timescales indicated above.

 II.2.2) Options. Description and time when they may be exercised:  Framework Agreement for Stage 3 roll-out.
 II.3) Duration of the contract or time period for execution:

 III.1) Conditions relating to the contract
 III.1.1) Deposits and guarantees required:  None.
 III.1.2) Main terms of financing and payment and/or reference to the provisions in which these are contained:  Details will be contained within the tender documentation issued to the successful supplier(s).BAA is receptive to a range of commercial propositions from potential suppliers, including equity investment, lifecycle asset ownership, sharing IP development and as a mainstream capital project.
 III.1.3) Legal form to be taken by the grouping of suppliers, contractors or service providers to whom the contract is awarded:  Joint ventures must enter into a legal agreement with joint and several liability.
 III.2) Conditions for participation
 III.2.1) Information concerning the personal situation of the contractor, supplier or service provider and information and formalities necessary for the evaluation of the minimum capacity required:  In order to be eligible for the selection process, suppliers will be required to provide evidence of:- curriculum vitae and contractual status of key personnel for this application;- demonstration of IPR ownership, or, where appropriate, an indication of the nature of the relationship between the supplier and the IP owner.
 III.2.1.1) Legal position - means of proof required:  The shortlisted suppliers will be required to demonstrate their legal position during the acquisition process.
 III.2.1.2) Economic and financial capacity - means of proof required:  The shortlisted suppliers will be required to demonstrate their economic and financial capacity during the acquisition process.
 III.2.1.3) Technical capacity - means of proof required:  The shortlisted suppliers will be required to demonstrate their technical capacity during the acquisition process.
 III.2.1.4) Other information:  Not applicable.
 III.3) Conditions specific to services contracts
 III.3.1) Provision of the service is reserved to a specific profession:
 III.3.2) Legal entities required to state the names and professional qualifications of the personnel responsible for execution of the contract:

 IV.1) Type of procedure:  Negotiated.
 IV.1.1) Previous publications concerning the same contract
 IV.1.1.1) Periodic Indicative Notice concerning the same contract:
 IV.1.1.2) Other previous publications:
 IV.1.2) Number of firms which will be invited to tender:
 IV.2) Award criteria:
 IV.3) Administrative information
 IV.3.1) Reference number attributed to the file by the contracting entity:  Not applicable.
 IV.3.2) Conditions for obtaining contractual documents and additional documents:  Terms and method of payment: Details will be provided to those suppliers responding to this notice by the closing date.
 IV.3.3) Deadline for receipt of tenders or participation requests:  23.8.2004.
 IV.3.4) Dispatch of invitations to tender to selected candidates:
 IV.3.5) Language or languages in which tenders or requests to participate can be drawn up:  English.
 IV.3.6) Minimum period for which the tenderer is required to keep open the offer:  3 months from the deadline stated for receipt of tenders.
 IV.3.7) Conditions for opening tenders
 IV.3.7.1) Persons authorised to be present at the opening of tenders:  Not applicable.
 IV.3.7.2) Date, time and place:  To be determined during the course of the acquisition process.

 VI.1) Non-mandatory notice:
 VI.2) Indication whether this contract is a recurrent one and the estimated timing for further notices to be published:
 VI.3) The contract relates to a project/programme financed by EU funds:
 VI.4) Additional information:  The supplier is required to submit the following information in response to this notice:- an expression of interest from those organisations that consider themselves capable of meeting the criteria set-out in this notice;- full contact details of key parties;- summary details (maximum 5 A4 pages) of any existing or planned stage 1 test tracks or live operation;- a dimensioned cross-section drawing of the proposed vehicle;- a dimensioned cross-section of the proposed vehicle and supporting infrastructure allowing for the kinematic envelope of the vehicle. This should show the system being able to fit with 2 inbound and 2 outbound guideways within a reconfigured tunnel bore of measurements 4,01m wide æ#151; 4,95 m high.

No additional information should be included at this stage and please respond via e-mail and hard copy to Duncan Pike at the details shown at the beginning of this notice.II.1.2) Type of supplies contract (in case of supplies contract): yes.II.1.3) Type of service contract (in case of service contract): yes.II.1.4) Is it a framework agreement? Yes (conditional).II.3) Duration of the contract or time-limit for completion:The initial contract will be for the delivery of the Stage 2 Pilot Scheme at Heathrow Airport.If the pilot is successful - based on a set of agreed measures - BAA is looking to place an agreement of up to twenty (20) years, subject to annual reviews, with the successful supplier to implement additional schemes at the other sites defined in paragraph II.1.7.IV.1.1.1)

Periodic Indicative Notice concerning the same contract: Not applicable - this is a combined PIN and Contract Notice and will be the only notice issued in respect of this contract. IV.1.2) Number of firms which will be invited to tender (when applicable): to be determined during the course of the acquisition process.IV.2) Award criteria: Economically and technically the most advantageous offer assessed on the basis of the criteria listed in the tender documentation issued to the shortlisted supplier(s).IV.3.4) Dispatch of invitations to tender to selected candidates (In restricted and negotiated procedure): Summer 2004.

 VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice:  30.7.2004.

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Last modified: January 13, 2005