IMPORTANT: this page refers to the original version of Dusty from 1999 (internally known as V2, FORTRAN 77
An improved version (internally known as V4, FORTRAN 90 version) is available from
Dusty's GitHub site.
The code DUSTY was developed at the University of Kentucky by
Željko Ivezić, Maia Nenkova and Moshe Elitzur for a commonly encountered astrophysical problem: radiation from some source (star, galactic nucleus, etc.) viewed after processing by a dusty region. The original radiation is scattered, absorbed and reemitted by the dust, and the emerging processed spectrum often provides the only available information about the embedded object. DUSTY can handle both planar and centrally-heated spherical density distributions. The solution is obtained through an integral equation for the spectral energy density, introduced in Ivezic & Elitzur 1997. The number of independent input model parameters is minimized by fully implementing the scaling properties of the radiative transfer problem, and the spatial temperature profile is found from radiative equilibrium at every point in the dusty region.
DUSTY has built in optical properties for the most common types of astronomical dust and comes with a
library for many other grains. It supports various analytical forms for the density distribution, and can perform a full dynamical calculation for radiatively driven winds around AGB stars. The spectral energy distribution of the source can be specified analytically as either Planckian or broken power-law. In addition, arbitrary dust optical properties, density distributions and external radiation can be entered in user supplied files. Furthermore, the wavelength grid can be modified to accommodate spectral features. A single DUSTY run can process an unlimited number of models, with each input set producing a run of optical depths, as specified. The user controls the detail level of the output, which can include both spectral and imaging properties as well as other quantities of interest.
The manual for DUSTY is available online in
pdf format,
as well as the LaTeX source itself.
The latter is included in the DUSTY distribution package.
Distribution Files
The entire package comes in a single
gzip file of less than
700kb, which needs to be expanded. Under UNIX:
- gzip -d dustyV2.tar.gz
- tar -xvf dustyV2.tar
If you work with Windows, WINZIP or any equivalent program will execute both steps. Make sure the extraction preserves the sub-directories structure.
If you prefer downloading the files separately, you can access them
In addition to the source code, the distribution contains various sample input files.
The corresponding output
can be accessed here.
Make sure you have the most recent version of DUSTY by checking
DUSTY's website.
Your comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. To be placed on DUSTY's mailing list, please send an e-mail request.
Last updated Dec 31, 2017.