Reading Data and Plotting in R

Once you have read in your table plotting the data is quite simple, the only command that you need is plot(var) where var is whatever you called the table variable on the last page.
Let's also quickly go over how to create your own data and plot it. Enter the command x=c(1,2,3,4,5) (You should note that once again the name x can be whatever you choose). To see what you have created simply type in x and press enter. Now create another set of values by entering y=c(1:5) and check to see what you have created. You can manipulate these values just as you would expect, for instance a=x*2 will multiply each value of x by 2, and b=a-y will subtract coresponding values of y from a e.g. the first from the the first and so on. Now you can plot your values by entering plot(a,b) which will create a plot of a against b.