Yue Liu, Ph.D., 2019.

Dissertation: Computing Long-term Daylighting Simulations from High Dynamic Range Photographs Using Deep Neural Networks
Liu Y, Colburn A, and Inanici M. “Deep Neural Network Approach for Annual Luminance Simulations,” Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 13(5): 532-554, 2020.
Liu Y, Colburn A and Inanici M. "Predicting Annual Equirectangular Panoramic Luminance Maps Using Deep Neural Networks", IBPSA 2019 Conference, Rome, Italy, September 2-4, 2019.
Liu Y, Colburn A and Inanici M. "Computing Long-term Daylighting Simulations from High Dynamic Range Imagery using Deep Neural Networks", 2018 Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild, co-organized by ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA. Chicago, IL, September 26-28, 2018 (Best paper Award).
Liu Y, Inanici M. and Colburn A. "Computing Long-term Daylighting Simulations from High Dynamic Range Photographs Using Deep Neural Networks," Radiance Workshop 2017, Portland OR.
Kevin van den Wymelenberg, Ph.D., 2012
Dissertation: Evaluating Human Visual Preference and Performance in an Office Environment using Luminance-based Metrics
van den Wymelenberg K and Inanici, M. "Evaluating a New Suite of Luminance-Based Design Metrics for Predicting Human Visual Comfort in Offices with Daylight," Leukos: The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, 2015. DOI: 10.1080/15502724.2015.1062392
van den Wymelenberg K and Inanici M. “A Critical Investigation of Common Lighting Design Metrics for Predicting Human Visual Comfort in Offices with Daylight,” Leukos: The Journal of lluminating Engineering Society of North America, 10(3), 145-164, 2014.
van den Wymelenberg K and Inanici M. “Limitations of Common Lighting Metrics for Evaluating Human Visual Comfort in Spaces with Daylight,” Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) 2013 Conference, Huntington Beach, CA, October 26-29, 2013.
van den Wymelenberg K, Inanici M and Johnson P. “The Effect of Luminance Distribution Patterns on Occupant Preference in a Daylit Office Environment,” Luekos, Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES), 7(2), October 2010, 103-122.
van den Wymelenberg K and Inanici M. “A Study of Luminance Distribution Patterns and Occupant Preferences in Daylit Offices,” Proceedings of the Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) 2009 Conference, Quebec City, Canada, June 22-24, 2009. (Finalist for Best Paper Award in PLEA 2009.)
currently: Dean/Professor, College of Architecture, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Nan Ching Tai, Ph.D., 2010

Dissertation: Role of Light in Real and Pictorial Spaces: A Computational Framework to Investigate Scene-based Luminance Distributions and their Impact on Depth Perception
Tai NC and Inanici M. “Luminance Contrast as Depth Cue: Investigations and Design Applications,” Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 9(5), 691-705, 2012.
Tai NC and Inanici M. “Space Perception and Luminance Contrast: Investigation and Design Applications through Perceptually based Simulations,” Spring Simulation Multi-conference, Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD2010), Orlando, FL, April 12-15, 2010.
Tai NC and Inanici M. “Lighting in Real and Pictorial Spaces: A Computational Framework to Investigate the Scene based Lighting Distributions and their Impact on Depth Perception,” Association of Computer Aided Design and Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2010 Conference, Hong Kong, April 7-10, 2010.
Tai NC and Inanici M. “Depth perception as a function of Lighting, Time, and Spatiality,” Short paper, Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) 2009 Conference, Seattle, WA, Nov. 15-17, 2009.
Tai NC and Inanici M. “Depth Perception in Real and Pictorial Spaces: A Computational Framework to Represent and Simulate the Built Environment,” Proceedings of the Association of Computer Aided Design and Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2009 Conference, Yunlin, Taiwan, April 22-25, 2009.
currently: Professor, Department of Interaction Design, National Taipei University of Technology
Ka Kit Chiu, "Balancing Glare and Circadian Stimulus with Shade Fabric Simulation," 2024.
Bryant Callahan, "A Rhino Grasshopper Plugin for Spectral Daylight Simulation and Analysis in Controlled Environment Agriculture," 2023.
Amber Wu, "Understanding the Effect of Daylight on Circadian Rhythms through High Dynamic Range Measurements and Simulations," 2023.
Zining Cheng, “Visual and Non-visual Effects of Light on Health in Neonatal Intensive Care Units,” 2022.
Shakiba Ahmadi, “An Analysis of Urban Canyon for Performative Daylighting Design,” 2019.
Bo Jung, “Measuring Circadian Light through High Dynamic Range Photography,” 2017.
Doaa Al-Sharif, “Parametric Exploration of Shading Screens: Daylight, Sun Penetration and View Factor,” 2017.
Alireza Hashemloo, “Time-series Luminance Distribution Maps: Implementation of Annual Daylight Simulation Methods for Occupant Visual Comfort,” 2016.
Nicole Peterson, “The Space between Research and Practice: A Critical Evaluation of Computer based Lighting Metrics,” 2015.
Viswanathan Kumaragurubaran, “High Dynamic Range Image Processing Toolkit for Lighting Simulations and Analysis,” 2012.
Randolph Fritz, “Interactive Modeling of Luminaires for Lighting Simulation,” 2010.
Kat Cheney, “Image based Rendering: Using High Dynamic Range Photographs to Light Architectural Scenes,”, 2008.
Saeed S. Al-Shidhani, “The Contemporary Public Market: A Sustainable Design Approach to Low-Cost Operating Public Markets in Oman," 2021.
Nathan Altenberg, “Syncing with the Sky: Daylight Driven Circadian Lighting Design,” 2019.
Guanzhou Ji, “Occupant Centric Daylighting in Housing: Daylight Availability and Occupant Visual Comfort in Seattle Multi-Family Housing,” 2019.
Stephanie Baker, “Eco-Grids for Resilient Communities,” 2017.
Alireza Hashemloo, “GlareShade: A Visual Comfort based Approach to Adaptive Shading Devices," 2014.
Eric Brooks, "Critical Color: The Use of Color in Nature for Energy Performance and its Application to Building Skins," 2012
Steve Duncan, “The Architecture of Light: An Evidence based Design Approach to Treating Winter Depression in Seattle," 2011
Zigurds Greivulis, “Composing with Light: Simulation-based Design of Library at Seattle Center, 2007.
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