################################################### ##### FEV1, Asthma, and Air Pollution ##### ################################################### VARIABLES: ID -- subject ID variable MALE -- gender (0=female, 1=male) CASE -- asthmatic status (0=non-asthmatic, 1=asthmatic case) GRADE -- recruitment cohort (0=4th grade, 1=7th grade) RACE -- subject race (0=white, 1=non-white) ANNUAL OZONE -- annual average exposure to ozone (ppb) ANNUAL NO2 -- annual average exposure to NO2 FEV1 -- forced expiratory volume (pulmonary function measure) AGE -- age (years) at visit HEIGHT -- height (cm) at visit BMI -- body mass index (weight kg / height^2 m^2) SECOND SMOKE -- exposured to second-hand smoke ASTHMA SYMPTOM -- asthma symptoms at visit (0=no, 1=yes) RESP INFECTION -- respiratory infection at visit (0=no, 1=yes) MONTH OZONE -- mean level of ozone for the month MONTH NO2 -- mean level of NO2 for the month DAY OZONE -- daily measure of ozone NO2 DAY -- daily measure of NO2