Fluid Name: Shell Oil w/Ferrofluid
Thermodynamic Property
Density(kg/m3) 913

The specific gravity is measured using a hydrometer, then converted to density. Temperature is a factor and must be accounted for.

Thermodynamic Property
Heat Capacity: Cp(J/kg K) 1922

The heat capacity is measured using a calorimeter.

Thermodynamic Property
Therm. Expansion Coeffb (1/K) 7.17E-04

b is a measure of the density r change of T. It can be determined from the r ~T data from density measurements.

b =-1/r (r / T)

Transport Property
Viscositym (kg/m s) 6.64E-03

Kinematic Viscosity: n=m/r (m2/s) 

The viscosity of a magnetic fluid depends on the solid fraction f, the viscosity of the carrier fluid h0 and the applied magnetic field (orientation as well as force). For the determination without an applie d magnetic field every standard viscometer can be used.

Transport Property
Thermal Conductivity: k (W/m K) 0.127

The thermal conductivity is measured using the hot wire technique. Two wires are immersed in fluid, one acts as a heat source, the other as a thermocouple.

Transport Property

Vortex / Rotational Viscosity

The vortex viscosity ,z orhR , describes the damping due internal rotational friction. It can be measured using a torsional pendulum or estimated by:

(Shliomis 1972)

Magnetic Property
Pyromagnetic Coefficient: K (A/m K) 12.4

Pyromagnetic coefficient K= -( M/ T)H, it is specified by three factors: temperature dependence of the Langevin argument x and magnetic moment of particles m, as well as fluid thermal expansion r (T). It can be calculated from the above relation and be simplified in specific cases.

Magnetic Property
Time Constantt (s) 

There are two kinds of time constants. one is the relaxation time of the magnetic moment at a definite direction of the easy magnetization bilateral axis (t0) which is determined by the magnetic moment range and of order 10-7s, and the other is the Neel time of relaxation (tN) which grows exponentially with increasing s and varies from 10-8 to 10-2s(s is dimensionless parameter, equal to the ratio of anisotropy energy to of thermal fluctuation).

Magnetic Property
Magnetic Susceptibilityc0

quantitative measure of the extent to which a material may be magnetized in relation to a given applied magnetic field. The magnetic susceptibility of a material, commonly symbolized by c , is equal to the ratio of the magnetization M within the material to the applied magnetic field strength H, or c = M/H.



Property References:

  1. R. E. Rosensweig Ferrohydrodynamics, Cambridge Univeristy Press,1985.
  2. Bruce A. Finlayson, Suzane Snyder, and Chittin Tangthieng, ëHeat Transfer to Ferrofluidsí, 1998.