Directory structure: Each model grid ("HIGH" or "STD") will unzip into a directory structure with the following levels (for the details of the various physical assumptions - e.g., how a continuous vs. instantaneous-burst SFH was simualted - see Levesque, Kewley, & Larson 2010). Star formation history ("continuous_sf" for a continuous SF history, "instantaneous_burst" for an instantaneous burst of SF at 0Myr) Electron density (dens_1e1=10, dens_1e2=100, dens_1e3=1000, and dens_1e4=10000. Note that only dens_1e2 and dens_1e3 have complete model grid data. We recommend the dens_1e2 models). Metallicity (where Z0.02 corresponds to solar metallicity) Ionization parameter (where q1e7 corresponds to q=1e7, etc.) Age (these go from 0 to 10Myr in 0.5Myr increments and correspond to the age step of the models) In each age folder are the Starburst99/Mappings output files (. A complete description of these is given at but most people are interested in the spec0001.ph5, which contains the output emission line spectrum. If you have questions, contact Emily Levesque at