Ingvalson, E. M., Perry, L. K., VanDam, M., & Grieco-Calub, T. M. (2023). Comparing scores on the PPVT and ROWPVT in preschoolers with and without hearing loss. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 32(4), 1610-1619.
Ingvalson, E. M., Grieco-Calub, T. M., Perry, L. K., & VanDam, M. (2020). Rethinking emergent literacy in children with hearing loss. Frontiers in Psychology, 11(39), doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00039
Ingvalson, E. M. & Wong, P. C. M. (2020). Individual differences in lexical tone learning. In H.-M. Liu, F.-M. Tsao, & P. Li (Eds.) Speech perception, production and acquisition: Multidisciplinary approaches in Chinese languages (pp. 59-75). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Ingvalson, E. M. & Lansford, K. L. (2020). Older adults’ perception of multiple speech types predicted by common cognitive factors. Acoustical Science and Technology, 41(1), 390-393.
Morris, R. J., Ingvalson, E. M., Kaschak, M. P., & Smith, A. N. (2019). The effect of menstrual cycle phase on auditory perception. PLoS One. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212673
Lansford, K. L., Lhursen, S., Ingvalson, E. M., & Borrie, S. A. (2018). Older adults adapt to dysarthric speech. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 27, 91-98.
Feng, G., Ingvalson, E. M., Grieco-Calub, T. M., Roberts, M. Y., Ryan, M. E., Birmingham, P., Burrowes, D., Young, N. M., & Wong, P. C. M. (2018). Neural preservation underlies speech improvement from auditory deprivation in young cochlear implant recipients. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(5), E1022-E1031.
Ingvalson, E. M., Lansford, K. L., Fedorova, V. & Fernandez, G. (2017). Receptive vocabulary, cognitive flexibility, and inhibitory control differentially predict older and younger adults’ success perceiving speech by talkers with dysarthria. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60, 3632-3641.
Ingvalson, E. M., Lansford, K. L., Fedorova, V., & Fernandez, G. (2017). Cognitive factors as predictors of accented speech perception for younger and older adults. Journal of the Acoustical Society of the America, 141(6), 4652-4659.
Ingvalson, E. M., Lansford, K. L. Fedorova, V., & Fernandez, G. (2017). Listeners’ attitudes toward accented talkers uniquely predicts accented speech perception. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141(3), EL234-EL238.
Ingvalson, E. M., Nowicki, C., Zhao, A., & Wong, P. C. M. (2017). Non-native speech learning in older adulthood. Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00148
Wenger, M. J., Ingvalson, E. M., & Rhoten, S. E. (2017). The Continuing Evolution of Systems Factorial Theory: Connecting Theory with Behavioral and Neural Data. In D. R. Little & N. Altieri, M. Fific, & C.-T. Yang (Eds.) Systems factorial technology: A theory driven methodology for the identification of perceptual and cognitive mechanisms (pp. 335-350). London: Academic Press.
Ingvalson, E. M. & Wong, P. C. M. (2016). Auditory training: Predictors of success and optimal training paradigms. In N. M. Young & K. I. Kirk (Eds.), Cochlear implants in children: Learning and the brain (pp. 293-298). Philadelphia, PA: Springer.
Ingvalson, E. M., Dhar, S., Wong, P. C. M., & Liu, H. (2015). Working memory training to improve speech perception in noise across languages. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137(6), 3477-3486.
Ingvalson, E. M. & Stoimenoff, T. L. (2015). Greater benefit for familiar talkers under cognitive load. Proceedings of the XVIII Meeting of the International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper number 177.
Ingvalson, E. M., Young, N. M., & Wong, P. C. M. (2014). Auditory-cognitive training improves language performance in prelingually deafened cochlear implant recipients. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 78(10), 1624-1631.
Ingvalson, E. M., Ettlinger, M., & Wong, P. C. M. (2014). Bilingual speech perception and learning: A review of recent trends. International Journal of Bilingualism, 18(1), 35-47.
Ingvalson, E. M., Barr, A. M., & Wong, P. C. M. (2013). Poorer phonetic perceivers show greater benefit in phonetic-phonological speech learning. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 56, 1045-1050.
Ingvalson, E. M. & Wong, P. C. M. (2013). Training to improve language outcomes in cochlear implant recipients. Frontiers in Psychology, 4(263). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00263
Ingvalson, E. M., Lee, B., Fiebig, P., & Wong, P. C. M. (2013). The effects of short-term computerized speech-in-noise training on post-lingually deafened adult cochlear implant recipients. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 56, 81-88.
Ingvalson, E. M., Holt, L. L., & McClelland, J. L. (2012). Training native Japanese listeners to differentiate /r–l/ on the basis of F3 onset frequency. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 15(2), 255-274.
Ingvalson, E. M., McClelland, J. L., & Holt, L. L. (2011). Predicting native English-like performance by native Japanese speakers. Journal of Phonetics, 39(4), 571-584.
Ingvalson, E. M., & Holt, H. H. (2011). Perception-production relationship for /r-/ by native Japanese speakers. Proceedings of the XVII Meeting of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 938-941.
Ingvalson, E. M. & Wenger, M. J. (2005). A strong test of the dual mode hypothesis. Perception & Psychophysics, 67, 14-35.
Wenger, M. J. & Ingvalson, E. M. (2003). Preserving informational separability and violating decisional separability in facial perception and recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 29, 1106-1118.
Wenger, M. J. & Ingvalson, E. M. (2002). A decisional component of holistic encoding. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 28, 872-892.