
Selected links to op-eds I've authored and various pieces where I am interviewed or quoted. (This was exhaustive through Nov 2020.)

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Podcast: Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000

Newsletter: Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000


Op-Eds and statements

AI Causes Real Harm. Let’s Focus on That over the End-of-Humanity Hype, Emily M. Bender and Alex Hanna, Scientific American, August 11, 2023.

“AI” Hurts Consumers and Workers — and Isn’t Intelligent, Alex Hanna and Emily M. Bender, Tech Policy Press, August 4, 2023.

Statement from the listed authors of Stochastic Parrots on the “AI pause” letter, Timnit Gebru, Emily M. Bender, Angelina McMillan-Major, and Margaret Mitchell, March 31, 2023.

All-knowing machines are a fantasy Beware the human-sounding ChatGPT, Emily M. Bender and Chirag Shah. IAI News December 13, 2022.

Human-like programs abuse our empathy – even Google engineers aren’t immune. Emily M. Bender. The Guardian June 14, 2022.

Look behind the curtain: Don’t be dazzled by claims of ‘artificial intelligence’. Emily M. Bender. The Seattle Times May 11, 2022.

Guest post: AI surveillance in prisons is a terrible idea, both technologically and ethically. Emily M. Bender and Rachael Tatman. GeekWire October 9, 2021.


Artificial voices sound like us, but they lack fundamental qualities of human speech, Julianne Kotch, WHYY, December 9, 2024.

Parrot or Prophet: How AI is Shaping Language, WHYY's The Pulse, December 6, 2026.

Google's health advice is a trip, Shayne Ganam, 630|CHED, Edmonton, Alberta, June 3, 2024.

Attualità Seidisera, RSI, April 6, 2024. (From approx 26:00.)

AI chatbots lie sometimes. Can we possibly solve this problem?, KNX Los Angelese Radio, August 1, 2023.

Microsoft partner OpenAI reportedly under FTC investigation, Monica Nickelsburg, KUOW, July 13, 2023.

Words In Review: AI or 'stochastic parrots'?, Bill Radke, KUOW, June 13, 2023.

AI and human extinction, Inside Science, BBC Radio 4, June 1, 2023.

Chatbots, Word of Mouth, BBC Radio 4, April 25, 2023.

Do we have an AI hype problem?, MarketPlace Tech, April 3, 2023.

AI chatbots: Here's what behind the lifelike, sometimes unsettling responses, KCBS Radio, February 16, 2023.

We asked the new AI to do some simple rocket science. It crashed and burned, Geoff Brumfiel, NPR Morning Edition, February 2, 2023.

How will ChatGPT change the future of information?, KUOW SoundSide with Libby Denkmann, December 13, 2022.

Has AI developed consciousness?, BBC The Inquiry, July 7, 2022.

Don't worry about the robot revolution: One expert explains why AI is nowhere near sentience, Here & Now, June 27, 2022.

Geprägt von Hypes und Vorurteilen: Wie geht bessere Berichterstattung über KI?, Jenny Genzmer and Vera Linss, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, June 4, 2022.

New concerns over AI language program's troubling tendencies, Eliza Strickland, Here & Now, WBUR, October 5, 2021.

Ousted Black Google Researcher: 'They Wanted To Have My Presence, But Not Me Exactly', Bobby Allyn, NPR, December 17, 2020.

Seattle's Morning News, KIRO Radio 97.3FM, April 9, 2019.

Talk the Talk, August 2018.

In Conversation on KPTZ with Sheila Bender of Writing It Real. April 2017.


Intelligenza Artificiale: Tra Rischi, Pretese E Opportunità, ticinonews sera, April 5, 2024. (From 12:16)

Il Quotidiano, RSI, April 5, 2024.

Authors push for change against unauthorized AI-written books, Vanessa Misciagna, Scripps News, August 17, 2023.

Chatbots Don't Actually Understand You, Bloomberg Technology, February 22, 2023.

UW Professor Explains New Artificial Intelligence Chatbot, KIRO 7 News, December 30, 2022.

What Would A Sentient, Conscious Robot Mean For Humans?, Newsy, June 22, 2022.

Al Jazeera, June 14, 2022.

BBC News, June 13, 2022.

Newspapers, online magazines, and other news sites

Profiles and interviews

Emily M. Bender en Alex Hanna: "Zeg nee tegen de AI-hype", Jan Walraven, apache stelt scherp, March 14, 2025.

« Les chatbots sont comme des perroquets, ils répètent sans comprendre », Alexandre Piquard, Le Monde, October 7, 2024.

English version: 'Chatbots are like parrots, they repeat without understanding'

Linguist Emily M. Bender Has a Word or Two About AI, Tasmia Ansari, Analytics India Mag, January 23, 2024.

The top 12 people in artificial-intelligence policy, ethics, and research, Monica Melton, Business Insider, December 20, 2023.

Wir sollten lieber über Automatisierung sprechen, Rebekka Reinhard, Thomas Vašek, human, 02/ 2023, December 7, 2023, p.50-53

Emily M. Bender: OpenAI und der "unbegründete Hype", Ben Schwan, MIT Technology Review, November 29, 2023.

The AI 100 2023: The top people in artificial intelligence, Business Insider, October 10, 2023.

Emily M. Bender, Professor, University of Washington. TIME100 AI, Issie Lapowsky, TIME, September 7, 2023.

‘Die apocalyptische schrikbeelden over AI zijn marketing’, zegt linguïst Emily M. Bender, Juurd Eijsvoogel, NRC, August 25, 2023.

“If It Sounds Like Sci-Fi, It Probably Is”, Interview by Caryn Hunt, getAbstract, August 3, 2023.

L'IA n'est pas une entité autonome pensante, Propos recueillis par Louise Cognard, Usbek & Rica, July 18, 2023. [Note: Hard copy only, summary available online.]

Emily Bender: “As linguagens humanas são mais do que a sua forma”, João Gabriel Ribeiro, Shifter, May 10, 2023.

Emily Bender über KI: "Wir entfesseln eine Chaosmaschine", Benedikt Schwan, Zeit Online, April 3, 2023.

Intelligenza Artificiale. Emily Bender: “ChatGPT? È soltanto un pappagallo”, Giulano Aluffi, La Repubblica, March 26, 2023.

Emily Bender: “Los chatbots no deberían hablar en primera persona. Es un problema que parezcan humanos”, Jordi Pérez Colomé, El País, March 18, 2023.

You Are Not a Parrot. And a chatbot is not a human. And a linguist named Emily M. Bender is very worried what will happen when we forget this., Elizabeth Weil, New York Magazine, February 27, 2023.

«Es ist absurd, bei Chat-GPT von künstlicher Intelligenz zu sprechen», Ruth Fulterer, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, February 25, 2023. [English version]

Inside a Hot-Button Research Paper: Dr. Emily M. Bender Talks Large Language Models and the Future of AI Ethics, Hayden Field, Morning Brew, February 1, 2021.

Siri, Are You Guessing?, Nancy Joseph, Perspectives Newsletter, October 1, 2019.

Other print media appearances

Why nobody can see inside AI's black box, Abi Olvera, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January 27, 2025.

The year of the AI chatbot: Should you trust them to return accurate information?, Keegan Leech, Africa Check, December 20, 2024.

Chatbots are turning into search engines and the internet is conflicted, Christoph Schwaiger, tom's guide, November 19, 2024

Emily Bender on AI as a 'stochastic parrot', Ananya Vinay, The Student Life, November 15, 2024.

OpenAI’s warnings about risky AI are mostly just marketing, Chris Stokel-Walker, New Scientist, September 13, 2024.

This Week in AI: AI isn’t world-ending — but it’s still plenty harmful, Kyle Wiggers, Tech Crunch, August 14, 2024.

Everyone Is Judging AI by These Tests. But Experts Say They’re Close to Meaningless, Jon Keegan, The Markup, July 17, 2024.

What is AI?, Will Douglas Heaven, MIT Technology Review, July 10, 2024.

AI Finds That AI Is Great In New Garbage Research From Tony Blair Institute, Emanuel Maiberg, 404 Media, July 10, 2024.

WTF is AI?, Devin Coldewey, TechCrunch, June 1, 2024.

Google AI Overview controversy — why there’s a big backlash, Ritoban Mukherjee, tom's guide, May 29, 2024.

The Digital Afterlife Industry Is Burgeoning—And It’s Worrying A.I. Ethicists, Abigail Bassett, The Observer, May 28, 2024.

Cats on the moon? Google’s AI tool is producing misleading responses that have experts worried, Matt O'Brien and Ali Swenson, Associated Press, May 24, 2024.

AI Outperforms Humans in Theory of Mind Tests, Eliza Strickalnd, IEEE Explore, May 20, 2024.

Developers are really not happy that OpenAI gets to feed their Stack Overflow posts into ChatGPT, Hasan Chowdhury, Business Insider, May 11, 2024.

Feds appoint “AI doomer” to run US AI safety institute, Ashley Belanger, Ars Technica, April 17, 2024.

Should We Just Accept the Lies We Get From AI Chatbots?, Rashmi Ramesh,, April 10, 2024.

Una “filigrana” per bloccare, o almeno segnalare, i testi scritti con l’intelligenza artifici, Simone Pengue, Ticino Scienza, April 8, 2024.

Intelligenza Artificiale: Tra Rischi, Pretese E Opportunità, ticinones, April 7, 2024

AI keeps going wrong. What if it can’t be fixed?, Henry Mance, Financial Times, April 5, 2024.

Is this AI? See if you can spot the technology in your everyday life., Kevin Schaul, Washington Post, April 2, 2024.

Ne vous méprenez pas : les robots conversationnels ne sont pas conscients, Nicholas De Rosa, Radio-Canada, March 17, 2024.

OpenAI's GPT is a Recruiter's Dream Tool. Tests Show There's Racial Bias, Leon Yin, Davey Alba, and Leonardo Nicoletti, Bloomberg, March 7, 2024.

AI recipes are everywhere — but can you trust them?, Emily Heil and Drew Harwell, The Washington Post, March 7, 2024.

AI Invents Quote From Real Person in Article by Bihar News Site: A Wake-Up Call?, Karan Mahadik, The Quint, March 5, 2024.

ChatGPT and Google Gemini Are Both Doomed, John Herrman, New York Magazine, March 1, 2024.

UK government trials AI to streamline civil service operations, report, Dev Kundaliya, Computing, March 1, 2024.

Joy Buolamwini highlights AI concerns during annual Big Read keynote, Alex Olson, The Daily, February 28, 2024.

Google Is Paying News Orgs to Publish AI-Generated Garbage, Tony Ho Tran, Daily Beast, February 28, 2024.

Google Left in 'Terrible Bind' by Pulling AI Feature After Right-Wing Backlash, Davey Alba, Julia Love, Shirin Ghaffary, and Rachel Metz, Bloomberg, February 27, 2024.

Artificial Intelligence or fair use? Is any real 'intelligence' behind AI?, Rob Tornoe, Editor & Publisher, February 12, 2024.

Tech News Now: 'The Messi of AI' reports, Tesla struggles continue, and more, Ian Krietzberg, The Street, February 8, 2024.

‘Stochastic Parrot’: A Name for AI That Sounds a Bit Less Intelligent, Ben Zimmer, The Wall Street Journal, January 18, 2024.

Silicon Landlords: On the Narrowing of AI’s Horizon, Dwayne Monroe, The Nation, December 19, 2023. chooses ‘hallucinate’ as 2023’s Word of the Year: Why?, Michael Bartiromo, Nextstar Media Wire News, December 12, 2023.

ChatGPT and science: the AI system was a force in 2023 — for good and bad, Richard Van Noorden and Richard Webb, Nature, December 13, 2023.

Forget Sam Altman. America's greatest AI visionary is... an English professor in Illinois, Adam Rogers, Business Insider, December 6, 2023.

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang has a bold claim about the exponential progress of AI, Ian Krietzberg, TheStreet, November 29, 2023.

OpenAI's chaos has both hastened the arms race to AI dominance and opened the door to competitors, Monica Melton, Business Insider, November 25, 2023.

Is artificial intelligence all that intelligent? AI influencers worry about wishful thinking, Alan Boyle, GeekWire, November 12, 2023.

Big problems that demand bigger energy, MIT Technology Review, October 2023.

Biden’s new executive order on AI expected to boost Silicon Valley, Ethan Baron, The Mercury News, October 31, 2023.

Three things to know about the White House's executive order on AI, Tate Ryan-Mosley and Melissa Heikkilä, MIT Technology Review, October 30, 2023.

Can Artificial Intelligence Coach You to Better Health?, Ashwin Rodrigues, GQ, October 25, 2023.

Your Personal Information Is Probably Being Used to Train Generative AI Models, Lauren Leffer, Scientific American, October 19, 2023.

A Chatbot Encouraged Him to Kill the Queen. It’s Just the Beginning, Will Bedingfield, WIRED, October 18, 2023.

Congress Is Blowing It When It Comes to AI Regulation, Tony Ho Tran, The Daily Beast, September 13, 2023.

Generative AI is talking, but is anyone actually listening?, Claire Reilly, TechFinitive, August 30, 2023.

Femmes dans la tech : licenciées par Google après leurs critiques de l’intelligence artificielle, Mélinée Le Priol, LaCroix, August 17, 2023.

Chatbots sometimes make things up. Not everyone thinks AI’s hallucination problem is fixable, Matt O'Brien, Associated Press, August 1, 2023.

Top tech companies form group seeking to control AI, George Hammond, Financial Times, July 26, 2023.

The problem with Big Tech’s voluntary AI safety commitments, Maeve Allsup, Emerging Tech Brew, July 25, 2023.

Google's AI Chatbot Is Trained by Humans Who Say They're Overworked, Underpaid and Frustrated, Davey Alba, Bloomberg News, July 12, 2023.

How to report better on artificial intelligence, Sayash Kapoor, Hilke Schellmann and Ari Sen, Columbia Journalism Review, July 6, 2023.

Forget about the AI apocalypse. The real dangers are already here, Catherine Thorbecke, CNN Business, June 16, 2023.

Google challenges OpenAI's calls for government A.I. czar Hayden Field and Lauren Feiner, CNBC, June 13, 2023.

AI Doomerism is a Decoy, Matteo Wong, The Atlantic, June 2, 2023.

Volop ontwikkelen aan AI én ervoor waarschuwen. Hoe oprecht zijn de waarschuwingen van techbazen?, Juurd Eijsvoogel, NRC, May 31, 2023.

AI CEOs Say AI Poses 'Risk of Extinction,' Are Trying to Find the Guy Who Did This, Chloe Xiang, Motherboard, May 30, 2023.

Another warning from industry leaders on dangers posed by AI, Sara Goudarzi, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, May 30, 2023.

Workers Are Terrified About AI. What Can They Do About It?, Tony Ho Tran, The Daily Beast, May 28, 2023.

How Congress Fell for Sam Altman’s AI Magic Tricks, Tony Ho Tran, The Daily Beast, May 21, 2023.

How the CEO behind ChatGPT won over Congress, Brian Fung, CNN, May 17, 2023.

The promise and peril of AI, according to 5 experts, Peter Kafka, Vox, May 6, 2023.

‘I didn’t see him show up’: Ex-Googlers blast ‘AI godfather’ Geoffrey Hinton’s silence on fired AI experts, Wilfred Chan, Fast Company, May 5, 2023.

Chatbots Are Digesting the Internet. The Internet Wants to Get Paid. Christopher Mims, The Wall Street Journal, April 29, 2023

Corrections & Amplifications, April 30, 2023

Can existing laws regulate AI? The federal government and experts say yes, Wilfred Chan, Fast Company, April 29, 2023.

Chatbots and the new AI: What will Silicon Valley unleash upon the world this time?, Ethan Baron, The Mercury News, April 25, 2023.

‘Hallucination’: When Chatbots (and People) See What Isn’t There, Ben Zimmer, Wall Street Journal, April 20, 2023.

Researchers Are Calling Out Google And “60 Minutes” For Overhyping AI’s Abilities, Pranav Dixit, BuzzFeed.News, April 19, 2023.

Ledende kritikere av kunstig intelligens tar avstand fra åpent brev, Jon Kåre Time, Morgenbladet, April 12, 2023.

Språkmaskiner som kan sluke sivilisasjonen: Hva har vi sluppet løs?, Jon Kåre Time, Morgenbladet, March 31, 2023.

'He Would Still Be Here': Man Dies by Suicide After Talking with AI Chatbot, Widow Says, Chloe Xiang, Motherboard, March 30, 2023.

Here are 5 reasons people are dunking on that call for a 6-month A.I. development pause, David Meyer, Fortune, March 30, 2023.

The Open Letter to Stop 'Dangerous' AI Race Is a Huge Mess, Chloe Xiang, Motherboard, March 29, 2023.

How a Senator’s Misguided Tweet Can Help Us Understand AI, Mack DeGuerin, Gizmodo, March 29, 2023.

This Tweet Is Proof Lawmakers Aren’t Ready for the AI Boom, Tony Ho Tran, The Daily Beast, March 27, 2023.

OpenAI’s GPT-4 Is Closed Source and Shrouded in Secrecy, Chloe Xiang, Motherboard, March 16, 2023.

Report: Microsoft cut a key AI ethics team, Ashley Belanger, Ars Technica, March 14, 2023.

How Google’s 2021 AI ethics debate foreshadowed the future, Hayden Field, Tech Brew, March 7, 2023.

Experts Slam OpenAI’s "Meaningless" New Promises About AGI, Victor Tangermann, Futurism, March 1, 2023.

L’intelligenza artificiale oltre quella umana e gli umani come formiche: OpenAI e i rischi della IA Forte, Emanuele Capone, Italian.Tech, March 1, 2023.

Newsletters - Eye on A.I., Jeremy Kahn, Fortune, February 28, 2023.

OpenAI CEO heralds AGI no one in their right mind wants, Thomas Claburn, The Register, February 27, 2023.

Microsoft’s cheeky chatbot portends a strange new world, Seattle Times, February 26, 2023.

ChatGPT is poised to upend medical information. For better and worse., Karen Weintraub, USA Today, Feburary 26, 2023.

O futuro da inteligência artificial – e o que vem depois do ChatGPT, Bruno Garattoni, Super Interessante, February 17, 2023.

Think twice before using ChatGPT for help with homework, Kathryn Hulick, Science News Explores, February 16, 2023.

ChatGPT Reignites the Search Wars Between Google and Microsoft, Davey Alba, Bloomberg, Feburary 8, 2023.

Amazon warns employees not to share confidential information with ChatGPT after seeing cases where its answer 'closely matches existing material' from inside the company, Eugene Kim, Business Insider, Jaunary 24, 2023.

One Good Text ... with Emily M. Bender, Louise Matsakis, SEMAFOR Technology, January 11, 2023.

Startup Uses AI Chatbot to Provide Mental Health Counseling and Then Realizes It 'Feels Weird', Chloe Xiang, Motherboard: Tech by Vice, January 10, 2023.

Search engines and AI will make each other better, Shubhuam Agarwal, Freethink*, December 29, 2022.

Why We Should Not Trust Chatbots as Sources of Information, Mind Matters News, December 18, 2022.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is seen as a path-breaking AI tool. But experts say that’s far from the truth, Shruti Dhapola, The Indian Express, December 12, 2022.

OpenAI Chatbot So Good It Can Fool Humans, Even When It’s Wrong, Dina Bass, Bloomberg, December 7, 2022.

ChatGPT’s Most Charming Trick Is Also Its Biggest Flaw, Will Knight, WIRED, December 7, 2022.

The hidden danger of ChatGPT and generative AI | The AI Beat, Sharon Goldman, VentureBeat, December 5, 2022.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Can it be successfully regulated?, Sarah Glazer, CQ Researcher, November 25, 2022.

Why Meta’s latest large language model survived only three days online, Will Douglas Heaven, MIT Technology Review, November 18, 2022.

Scientists Increasingly Can’t Explain How AI Works, Chloe Xiang, Motherboard: Tech by VICE, November 1, 2022.

Column: The artificial intelligence field is infected with hype. Here’s how not to get duped, Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times, October 7, 2022.

In Experiment, AI Successfully Impersonates Famous Philosopher, Shayla Love, Motherboard, Tech by VICE, July 26, 2022.

Fun AI Apps Are Everywhere Right Now. But a Safety 'Reckoning' Is Coming, Billy Perrigo, Time, June 23, 2022.

Non, l'intelligence artificielle de Google n'est pas consciente, comme l'affirme un ingénieur de l'entreprise, Philippe Berry, 20 minutes, June 15, 2022.

Google Debate Over ‘Sentient’ Bots Overshadows Deeper AI Issues, Davey Alba, Bloomberg, June 14, 2022.

This AI model tries to re-create the mind of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Pranshu Verma, Washington Post, June 14, 2022.

Hat Chatbot LaMDA ein Bewusstein entwickelt? Google beurlaubt Angestellten, Martin Holland, heise online, June 13, 2022.

A.I. experts say the Google researcher's claim that his chatbot became 'sentient' is ridiculous---but also highlights big problems in the field, Jeremy Kahn, Fortune, June 13, 2022

The Google engineer who thinks the company's AI has come to life, Nitasha Tiku, Washington Post, June 11, 2022.

Huge "foundation models" are turbo-charging AI progress, The Economist, June 11, 2022.

The problem with overestimating AI, Hope Reese,, May 18, 2022.

Chatbots in U.S. justice system raise bias, privacy concerns, Avi Asher-Schapiro and David Sherfinski, Thomson Reuters Foundation News, May 10, 2022.

META lancerer verdens største open source-sprogmodel: Kan presse andre til at åbne op, Therese Moreau, Version2, May 10, 2022.

Meta has built a massive new language AI—and it’s giving it away for free Will Douglas Heaven, MIT Technology Review, May 3, 2022.

Afternoon Snack: We have been talking about Twitter a lot this week. Ben Schreckinger, Politico: Digital Future Daily, April 29, 2022.

Chatbots could one day replace search engines. Here’s why that’s a terrible idea. Will Douglas Heaven, MIT Technology Review, March 29, 2022.

Q&A: Preserving context and user intent in the future of web search, Lauren Kirschman, UW News, March 14, 2022.

Amazon helps develop Alexa-like Callisto system for Artemis moon mission, Paul Brinkmann, Science News, January 5, 2022.

Why we must rethink AI benchmarks, Ben Dickson, TechTalks, December 6, 2021.

Microsoft is giving businesses access to OpenAI’s powerful AI language model GPT-3, James Vincent, The Verge, November 2, 2021.

Limits to Growth: Can AI’s Voracious Appetite for Data Be Tamed?, John McQuaid, Undark, October 18, 2021.

A Stanford Proposal Over AI's 'Foundations' Ignites Debate, Will Knight, WIRED, September 14, 2021.

At Stanford’s “foundation models” workshop, large language model debate resurfaces, Heyden Field, Emerging Tech Brew, August 30, 2021.

Google’s Next AI Move: Teaching Foreign Languages, Sarah Krouse, The Information, June 16, 2021.

Google is making search worse by making it easier, Nicolás Rivero, Quartz, May 19, 2021.

Google made AI language the centerpiece of I/O while ignoring its troubled past at the company, James Vincent, The Verge, May 19, 2021.

Google baffles AI experts with radical proposals for search engine overhaul: 'What could possibly go wrong?', Martin Coulter, Business Insider, May 17, 2021.

Google Turmoil Exposes Cracks Long in Making for Top AI Watchdog, Nico Grant, Dina Bass, and Josh Eidelson, Bloomberg, April 21, 2021.

Reading between the lines: nuances in language alter our perception of everyday life, with meaningful consequences, Julianna Chang, The Oracle, April 18, 2021.

Computational language models can further environmental degradation and language bias, Kate Companion, The Daily, April 8, 2021.

This Powerful AI Technique Led to Clashes at Google and Fierce Debate in Tech. Here's Why., Hayden Field, Emerging Tech Brew, March 29, 2021.

Training AI to be really smart poses risks to climate, Kathryn Hulick, Science News Explores, March 19, 2021.

How one employee's exit shook Google and the AI industry, Rachel Metz, CNN Business, March 11, 2021.

Large computer language models carry environmental, social risks, Jackson Holtz, UW News, March 10, 2021.

‘This is bigger than just Timnit’: How Google tried to silence a critic and ignited a movement, Katharine Schwab, Fast Company, February 26, 2021.

Kunstig intelligens-forsker: — På en måte er hele fagfeltet en skam, Hanne Østli Jakobsen, Morgenbladet, February 12, 2021.

We read the paper that forced Timnit Gebru out of Google. Here’s what it says., Karen Hao, MIT Technology Review, December 4, 2020.

Google embroiled in row over AI bias research, Richard Waters, Financial Times, December 3, 2020.

Google Scientist’s Abrupt Exit Exposes Rift in Prominent AI Unit, Mark Bergen, Dina Bass, and Shelly Banjo, Bloomberg, December 3, 2020.

GPT-3, the machine that learned to troll, Danny Fortson, The Sunday Times, October 18, 2020.

Gaming The Grade: How One Middle Schooler Beat A Virtual Learning Algorithm, Francesca Paris, Here & Now (WBUR), September 3, 2020.

AI Weekly: The promise and shortcomings of OpenAI’s GPT-3, Khari Johnson, VentureBeat, July 24, 2020.

AI gatekeepers are taking baby steps toward raising ethical standards, Nicolás Rivero, Quartz, June 26, 2020.

Smartphone Coronavirus Test? Apps Would Listen to Your Cough, Asa Fitch, Wall Street Journal, April 16, 2020.

A Linguistic Lens on Artificial Intelligence, Chris Gorski, Inside Science, March 3, 2020.

A tug-of-war over biased AI, Kaveh Waddell, Axios, December 14, 2019.

How Artificial Intelligence Is Getting Us Closer to Star Trek’s Universal Translators, Lorelei Laird,, November 20, 2019.

We Teach A.I. Systems Everything, Including Our Biases, Cade Metz, New York Times, November 12, 2019.

Flawed Algorithms Are Grading Millions of Students’ Essays, Todd Feathers, Motherboard, August 20, 2019.

Too many proposals, too little money: After researchers struggle to find funding, UW researcher proposes new funding system, Ash Shah, The Daily of the University of Washington, April 1, 2019.

Immersed in Japan at John Stanford, North American Post, January 11, 2019.

Talking our languages, Eric Engleman, Puget Sound Business Journal, May 21, 2016.

Pieces that need contextualizing

Sometimes I get quoted in media pieces that I think get the overall story wrong. And sometimes I have the time/energy to write up reactions/responses to them. I’ll keep a list of those pieces + my responses here.

The GPT Era is Already Ending, Matteo Wong, The Atlantic, December 6, 2024.

Wong quotes me (correctly) as saying that OpenAI's latest is a "magic trick" --- but contextualizes that as if he's quoted me as saying it's "magic". This reporting is very credulous overall about OpenAI's claims. For a much more critical take, see Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000, Episode 44, OpenAI's Ridiculous 'Reasoning'

Are AI-created recipes hard to swallow?, Padraig Belton, BBC, August 28, 2024.

I was severely misquoted here (though the piece was eventually corrected about a month later). After asking for corrections and just getting stalled, I wrote about it in the MAIHT3k newsletter.

Google DeepMind’s new Gemini model looks amazing—but could signal peak AI hype, Melissa Heikkiläa and Will Douglas Heaven, MIT Technology Review, December 6, 2023

My remark about Gemini being pitched as an "everything machine" gets misconstrued in the lede. This is not a good thing: "everything machines" are effectively impossible to evaluate and therefore not effective or appropriate technology. They eventually quote me as saying that much further down, but the lede is misleading.

What Is An AI Hallucination?, Ellen Glover, builtin, October 2, 2023.

Unfortunately, this article seems to be written from the perspective that the output of LLMs is a potentially valuable information source that (under the right circumstances) should be trusted.

Can AI Replace Your Doctor?, Serena McNiff, theSkimm', August 2, 2023.

No, absolutely not. Using "AI" for gathering health information is a terrible idea. And you can tell the poor quality of this journlism by the fact that they include a quote from ChatGPT at the end (as if they had interviewed it). I regret speaking to this journalist.

De kruistocht van Emily Bender: Taal is ons ding, Marja Pruis, De Groene Amsterdammer, July 12, 2023.

I was not interviewed for this piece and there are many cases where the author mis-represents my views.

The AI Apocalypse: A Scorecard. How worried are top AI experts about the threat posed by large language models like GPT-4?, Eliza Strickland and Glenn Zorpette, IEEE Spectrum, June 21, 2023.

My response: Twitter / Mastodon

How AI could change computing, culture and the course of history, The Economist, April 20, 2023.

My response: tweet thread / toot thread

Lost in translation: Cohere’s AI software wrote parts of this story. But is it ready for the world?, Joe Castaldo, Rob Magazine, the Globe and Mail, October 26, 2022.

My response: tweet thread

The AI revolution is already here, Danny Fortson, The Sunday Times, October 2, 2022.

My response: tweet thread

10 years later, deep learning 'revolution' rages on, say AI pioneers Hinton, LeCun and Li, Sharon Goldman, Venture Beat, September 14, 2022.

My response: tweet thread

A.I. Is Mastering Language. Should We Trust What It Says?, Steven Johnson, The New York Times Magazine, April 15, 2022.

My response: On NYT Magazine on AI: Resist the Urge to be Impressed,, April 17, 2022.


Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000, with Alex Hanna: As videos | As podcast

Will AI Audio Replace Podcasts? Not So Fast, Rachel Feltman, Allison Parshall, and Fonda Mwangi, Scientific American's, Science Quickly, December 11, 2024.

Lingthusiasm Episode 98: Helping computers decode sentences - Interview with Emily M. Bender, November 21, 2024.

AI Hype, A Discussion with Emily M. Bender, Peoples & Things, hosted by Lee Vinsel, September 23, 2024.

Are Our Fears About Artificial Intelligence Unfounded & How Should Legislators Protect Us: A Conversation with Prof. Emily M. Bender and Dr. Alex Hanna, The Electorette, July 11, 2024.

Down The Stupid AI Rabbithole, The Daily Zeitgeist, June 25, 2024.

Exploring AI with Emily M. Bender, Digital Citizen, June 24, 2024.

Note: Poor editing, leaving some of my remarks garbled. Also, this was recorded in September 2023, but didn't air until 9 months later.

Linguistics, Automated Systems, & the Power of AI, with Emily M. Bender, Carnegie Council Artificial Intelligence & Equality Initiative Podcast, June 17, 2024.

OpenAI Part 3: Heaven and Hell, Part 1, Foundering (Bloomberg), June 13, 2024.

The Fight Against AI Hype, Block & Build with Cayden Mak, April 26, 2024.

The Turing Test is Bullshit (w/Alex Hanna and Emily M. Bender), Our Opinions Are Correct, April 4, 2024.

Episode 51 - Emily M. Bender and 'AI' hype, Lexis, March 19, 2024.

LLM? More Like “Limited” Language Model with Emily M. Bender, University of Washington, Invisible Machines podcast, February 29, 2024.

Resist the Urge to be Impressed by A.I. 02.27.24, The Daily Zeitgeist from iHeart Radio, February 27, 2024.

Stochastic Parrots and the Information Ecosystem with Emily M. Bender, Tomayto Tomahto with Talia Sherman, February 25, 2024.

Emily M. Bender and Alex Hanna on Why You Shouldn't Believe the AI Hype, The Good Robot Podcast, February 6, 2024.

UN Office for Disarmament Affairs Responsible A.I. for Peace podcast, Episode 2: with Emily Bender, on the risks of large language models and generative AI, December 13, 2023.

Financial Times Tech Tonic podcast series Superintelligent AI, episodes 2 (Superintelligent AI: The Utopians, November 20, 2023) and 3 (Superintelligent AI — can chatbots think?, November 27, 2023).

#9: Understanding LLMs and Breaking Down the AI Hype, with Dr. Alex Hanna & Prof. Emily M. Bender, The Privacy Whisperer, September 21, 2023. [video].

Emily M. Bender on AI Hype, Yeah Nah Pasaran!, September 21, 2023.

EMILY M. BENDER: AI won’t kill us any time soon (don’t believe the bro' hype!), WILD with Sarah Wilson, September 19, 2023.

E82: The Rhetoric of AI Hype (w/ Dr. Emily M. Bender), re:verb, July 28, 2023.

A.I. Hype Hosedown (with Emily Bender and Jack Hessel), Because Language, July 26, 2023.

Your Guides Through the Hellscape of AI Hype, Tech Policy Press (The Sunday Show), July, 2, 2023.

The Great A.I. Hallucination, The Politics of Everything, May 10, 2023.

How worried-or excited-should we be about AI?, Recode Media, May 3, 2023.

A.I. and Stochastic Parrots with Emily Bender and Timnit Gebru, Factually! with Adam Conover, April 26, 2023. [video]

ChatGPT Is Not Intelligent w/ Emily M. Bender, Tech Won't Save Us with Paris Marx, April 13, 2023.

The Limitations of ChatGPT with Emily M. Bender and Casey Fiesler, The RadicalAI Podcast, March 1, 2023.

A Seattle English teacher on ChatGPT, Seattle Now, KUOW, by Patricia Murphy and Jennie Cecil Moore, February 15, 2023.

Emily M. Bender and Ev Fedorenko: Large Language Models, Brain Inspired episode 144, August 17, 2022.

The Real Problem with A.I. with Emily Bender, Factually! with Adam Conover #162, June 21, 2022.

Language Models and Linguistics, Gradient Dissent, September 9, 2021. [Video version]

Me Myself and AI, The Vocal Fries, August 2, 2021.

Can Language Models Be Too Big? 🦜, TWiML AI Podcast, with Margaret Mitchell, March 25, 2021. [Version with video and auto transcript]

NLP Ethics and What Neural Language Models Can't Do, Rasa Chats, February 10, 2021. [version with video and auto transcript]

Technically Ethical, Episode 1, Why Doesn't Siri Understand Me?, recorded May 2020, released August 2020.

The Power of Linguistics: Unpacking Natural Language Processing Ethics with Emily M. Bender, The Radical AI Podcast, recorded May 2020, released July 2020.

Is Linguistics Missing from NLP Research? TWiML AI Podcast, May 2020. [Version with video and auto transcript]

Ethical Considerations in NLP Research, NLP Highlights 106, February 2020.

VoiceFirst.FM's This Week in Voice, September 2017. (Excerpts included in the audio book Perspectives on Gender in #VoiceFirst Technology)

#WomenInLinux Podcast with Tameika Reed and Dionne Parler of Women In Linux. April 2016.

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