Term Project Specs
Note Term projects for this class should be individual projects,
though I expect a high level of collaboration across projects.
- Choose a Grammar Matrix `library' that is not currently targeted
by the AGGREGATION inference scripts.
- Create an inference script that provides answers for that library
on the basis of IGT.
- Evaluate the script with data from Language CoLLAGE, ODIN, and/or the
Matsigenka (mcb) and Chintang (ctn) data sets.
- Perform error analysis over the resulting output
- Attempt to improve the inference script
Note There may be other kinds of AGGREGATION-related tasks
that can serve as term projects, but this should be negotiated with me early
in the quarter.
Term papers should be written according to the ACL style files, with 6-8 pages of text (exclusive of the bibliography) and include the following sections:
- Abstract: State the task approached, the main innovation and main result
- Introduction: Give a brief statement of overall AGGREGATION goals followed by a short description of the piece of that broader picture you're working on, summarize the main result, and give an overview of the paper.
- Background/Related work: Describe AGGREGATION more fully, describe the relevant Grammar Matrix library, and describe any other similar work you have come across.
- Methodology: Provide a detailed description of how you approached the problem.
- Evaluation: Test data, evaluation metrics, baseline, results
- Discussion/Error analysis: What worked, what didn't, and what are some possible reasons that some things didn't work?
- Conclusion: Summarize the paper (task approached, main innovation, results) and point the way forward for future work.
- Acknowledgments
- Bibliography
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ebender at u dot washington dot edu
Last modified: 3/25/15