Project grading rubric and documentation guidelines
Each term project should be accompanied by documentation
(approximately 5 single-space pages) covering the following:
- Specs: What it's supposed to do
- Approach: How you're attacking the problem
- Deatils: Spare us the minutiae, but do describe the
major modules and/or algorithms involved
- How to: How do we run it?
- Outlook: In what ways is your system insufficiently
general? What would your next steps be if you were to
go about generalizing it?
We will be grading the projects (out of 40 points total)
roughly according to the following distribution:
- 8 points: Clarity of documentation
- 8 points: Completeness of documentation
- 12 points: Conception of project
- 12 points: Functionality (does it meet spec?)
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