ECLIPSE (preproc, eclipse2 and eclipse3)

Error Correcting Likelihoods In Pedigree Structure Estimation

Use of software agreement:PLEASE READ

Eclipse is a set of three programs (preproc, eclipse2 and eclipse3) which analyze genetic marker data for genotyping and/or pedigree errors. Using the same preprocessing program (preproc) eclipse2 analyzes data on pairs of individuals, while eclipse3 analyzes data jointly of trios.

Documentation (08/2003)

The three C++ programs are written by Solveig Sieberts.
The first versions were based based on earlier routines written by Jochen Kumm.
Development of this package is supported by NIH grant GM-46255, PI: Elizabeth Thompson.

The current release is version 1.1 (December 2003).
Relative to version 1.0 (Aug 2003), it has a few extra features to make it more user friendly and to speed up computations. These include a command line option to specify the configuration file, and an option to output loci which, under the reported relationship, have a posterior error probability greater than a specified threshhold. The program also now ignores individuals and marker loci for which there are no data. The programs have been tested on Linux systems, in addition to Compaq Alpha and Solaris Unix systems.

Brief release history.
Name Description Size
eclipse.tar.gz Gzipped tar file of source code including also test examples, and readme documentation 191kb

UW - Statistics: Thursday, 25-Jul-19 Contact: Elizabeth Thompson <>