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users can see what topics are being upgraded in QuickTime video format.
The only video
version completred to date is:
Formulas Line-bond animations turning the Fischer projection formula of D-glucose into a 3D view, rotation about the C4-C5
bond, cyclization, and conversion to the stylized Haworth sugar
formulas for the alpha- and beta- pyranoses,
then turning the pyranoses into chair conformations.
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Teachers interested in animated computer graphics for the topics below or other subjects are welcome to contact the author - Darrell Woodman at
Nonfunctional Obsolete Old Collection - Chemistry Teaching Concept Unit Lecture Graphics/Tutorials
If you have difficulty accessing or playing units, please email the author ( with details of the problem, your computer type and operating system, and browser and version.
The Chemistry Teaching Graphics Concept Unit s are a collection of computer presentations with audio and animation, using 3D molecular and other models - on topics where computer graphics may be helpful in depicting dynamic processes, complex 3D structure and relationships, and the microscopic molecular view of matter - chemistry learning resources for classroom projection or individual tutorial study.
click here for Woodman Home Page
Problems, comments and suggestions
should be sent to Darrell J. Woodman at
ORDER OF LATEST ADDED UNITS: Ethane Rotation, SN1 Stereochemistry(SEE SPECIAL INFO BELOW), SN2 Inversion, SN2 Mechanism, SN1 Mechanism, E2 Mechanism, Balancing Equations - Revised, Limiting Reagent, Percent Composition-Molecular Formula, Law of Multiple Proportions, Hydrogenation, Work: Gas Expansion, Haworth Formulas, Photoelectric Effect, Propane, Buffering, RSnaming, Tetrahedral Stereocenter, Pleated Sheet/Silk Fibroin, tRNA, DNA, Nucleophilic Addition to a Carbonyl, Waves1D2D3D, ForcesBranchingBP, IonForces, ForcesDipolesH-bonding, Diatomic Molecular Orbitals, Benzene Resonance, VSEPR (sound verson), Acid Base, Covalent Bond, ChemPhys Change, Myoglobin, Elements
Microscopic/atomic scale introductory view of the structure of various
types of elements. Static graphics, no animation. Intended as a prelude
to the companion unit "ChemPhys Change."
of Multiple Proportions Uses hypothetical
compounds between "boltium" and "nuttigen" to illustrate ratios of
atomic ratios and ratios of elemental weight ratios and the Law of
Multiple Proportions.
Composition - Molecular Formula Uses
hypothetical compound between "blueium" and "greenon" atoms to
illustrate calculation of empirical and molecular formulas.
Size Zoom animation relating the size of
the nucleus of an atom (of ~ 100 pm radius) to the size of a marble on
home plate of a ballfield (of ~ 100 m radius).
Probability Distribution Depicts 1s electron probability distribution through animated development of a rotating 3D dot density plot, and animated generation of 3D orbital sphere.
Aufbau Illustrates electron-filling in the periodic table through the 4s and 3d subshells. For quick class examples or problems, clicking on any element goes directly to its display. Alternatively, "fill subshell" buttons provide quick animations showing the spin of each electron as it moves to its orbital. (Requires 38 movies in the same folder.) For more emphasis on the orbital and spin choices, "individual electron" or forward arrow buttons can be used to examine these choices more slowly in steps.
Covalent/Ionic Bonding Animations of formation of covalent, polar covalent, and ionic bonds.
Covalent Bond Animations of the energy change as two hydrogen atoms approach to form a covalent bond. Compares electron cloud, space-filling (90% boundary surface), transparent boundary surface, covalent radius spheres, wave function, and schematic atom representations of bonding.
Photoelectric Effect Aninmations of photoelectric effect, (varying light beam intensities and frequency) with discussion of theory, followed by animation of photon absorption and summary of energetics..
1D 2D 3D Aninmations of waves and nodes
in one, two, and three dimensions.
Orbitals An examination of the bonding
and antibonding combinations of s and p
Molecular Orbitals Depiction of
overlapping atomic orbitals, resultant bonding and antibonding
molecular orbitals and electron configurations for homonuclear diatomic
molecules of hydrogen through neon.
Geometries Inflating balloons demonstrate the
successive VSEPR geometries. Will students predict the
SP3 Hybridization Animation of the formation of sp3 hybrid orbitals, using orbital phase colors of superimposed atomic orbital combinations to clarify the the hybrid orbital geometries.
SP2 Hybridization Animation of the formation of sp2 hybrid orbitals, using orbital phase colors of superimposed atomic orbital combinations to clarify the the hybrid orbital geometries.
SP Hybridization Animation of the formation of sp hybrid orbitals, using orbital phase colors of superimposed atomic orbital combinations to clarify the the hybrid orbital geometries.
Resonance Animation of the delocalization
of a hypothetical 1,3,5-cyclohexatriene (with energy curve), animated
orbital views, pi circle representation, and contributing structure
Solids - Crystals
Close Packing Detailed comparison of cubic and hexagonal close packing patterns. All views rotate. Preliminary no-audio version.
Crystals Shows CsCl, NaCL, and ZnS
lattices with framework models (unit cells and 8 cell aggregates) and
space filling models (including "sliced atom" views of unit cells),
showing cubic, octahedral and tetrahedral holes. All views
rotate. Preliminary no-audio version.
Intermolecular Forces and Physical Properties
Intermolecular Forces Illustrates different types of forces between molecules (ion, dipole, induced dipole, and London forces), with a "race" to compare magnitudes.
Ion Forces Animated approach of sodium and chloride ions with energy graph.
Forces: Dipoles, H-bonds Molecular dynamics animation showing H-bonding dipole attraction causing HF molecules to coalesce into a microdroplet.
London Forces Animated simulation of transient and induced dipoles, followed by comparisons of stabilization energies for different approaches of two nonpolar chlorine moecules.
States of Matter Short molecular dynamics animations (unshaded graphics) of molecular motion in the solid phase (simple cubic lattice of 64 diatomic hydrogens), on melting, in the liquid phase, on vaporization, and in the vapor phase.
Forces: Branching, Boiling Point Low temperature molecular dynamics animations comparing unbranched pentane with the highly branched isomer neopentane. Favored parallel orientation for n-pentanes is evident in a comparison with pairs of each molecule. With four molecules of each type the lesser London Force attraction for the spherical neopentanes is reflected in less clustering than for pentane..
& Water Molecular dynamics microscale
animation of the separation of mixed methane and water molecules.
Dissolves Like Molecular dynamics animations with
microsamples of 5 different solute-solvent combinations to illustrate
that solubility results when solute-solvent attractive forces are
competitive with both solute-solute and solvent-solvent attraction.
Work: Gas Expansion Derivation of the equation W(surr) = P(ext) x DV - using animations of a gas in a cylinder (cutaway view) with a piston and of the particulate view of internal and external forces.
Structure - Conformation and Sterochemistry
Rotation Animations of rotation of space filling
ethane molecule and interconversion of different staggered and eclipsed
views of both space filling and ball stick models. Definition
of (torsional) energy barrier to rotation and Newman projection
formulas. Animated generation of energy graph vs dihedral
angle. M.O. explanation of energy difference between eclipsed
and staggered conformations.
Space filling model animations of the the interconversion of
propane conformations, showing the two-dimensional conformational
energy surface and an explanation of the extra destabilization of the
di-eclipsed conformer.
Chair Cyclohexane Illustrates puckered chair cyclohexane ring with animations of turns from top to side and end views, color coding of equatorial and axial hydrogens
Chair Chair Interconversion Animation of the interconversion of chair conformations with a tour through intervening half-chairs, twist-boats, and a boat. Preliminary no-audio version.
Stereocenter Animation of a tetrahedral
stereocenter looking in a mirror to see its mirror image, followed by
two unsuccessful attempts at superposition. Then a second mirror is
used to show that any mirror generates the same mirror image.
Builds a color-coded priority table and model for the
textbook example 2-butanol, then animates turns to side and back views
of model for classification.
Chemical Reactions
ChemPhys Change Microscopic/atomic scale comparison of chemical vs physical change. Static graphics, no animation. Intended to follow the companion unit "Elements"
Balancing Equations - REVISED Uses a 3D graph of integers (spheres) to illustrate balancing an equation (water formation) by finding the smallest non-zero integer solution to the two simultaneous mass-balance (or atom-balance) equations for the elements. Revised version with audio and comparison of the method of sequential coefficients..
Balancing Equations Uses a 3D graph of integers (spheres) to illustrate balancing an equation (water formation) by finding the smallest non-zero integer solution to the two simultaneous mass-balance (or atom-balance) equations for the elements. Preliminary no-audio version - SLATED FOR REMOVAL IN SEPT.
Limiting Reagent Illustrates the use of reactant ratios to determine the limiting reagent or reactant and shows the calculation of percent yield.
Coordinate Animation of the formation of 2HI by
the collision of a hydrogen molecule with an iodine molecule, to
illustrate energy changes (heat of reaction and activation energy) in a
chemical reaction.
Base Introduction to model animations of the
mechanistic curved arrow notation and the rule that "a stronger acid
forms a weaker acid.
Contrasts changes in hydronium ion concentration and pH when
acid is added to water and to a buffer solution.
Organic Reactions and Mechanisms
Animation of the mechanism of catalytic hydrogenation of
cyclopentene using the isotope deuterium to illustrate the
stereochemical course.
Mechanism Animation of the mechanism of
E2 elimination, comparing the anti coplanar transition state geometry
with the syn alternative and showing the energy profile and rate
Mechanism Animation of the SN1
mechanism, including orbital and charge-gradient views.
Stereochemistry Animated summary of the
stereochemical outcome of the SN1 mechanism, using parallel pathways
with both achiral and chiral alkyl halides. NEW VERSION TEST - SEE
Mechanism Animation of the SN2
mechanism, including orbital and charge-gradient views.
Inversion Animation of Walden inversion
in the SN2 mechanism.
Animation of the mechanism of the formation of benzyne and
its reaction with ammonia, using both models (with orbital views) and
Epoxidation Animation
of the peracid epoxidation of alkenes using formulas to show the
traditional "butterfly" transition state and with both space-filling
and ball and stick models to show the newer proposed spiro geometry
Substitution Animation of the mechanism of
electrophilic aromatic substitution, using both models (with orbital
views) and formulas.
Addition to a Carbonyl Animation of the
mechanism of base-catalyzed addition of water to acetaldehyde.
Anion Animation of the base catalyzed conversion of
a carbonyl to an enol, including orbital views.
Substitution Animation of the mechanism of
nucleophilic acyl substitution, using both models (with orbital views)
and formulas.
Biomolecules & Polymers
Haworth Formulas Line-bond animations of the puckering of the Fischer projection formula of D-glucose, rotation about the C4-C5 bond, cyclization, and conversion to the stylized Haworth sugar formulas for the a- and b-pyranoses, followed by puckering to chairs..
Nylon Animations 1) zoom in on an extended chain to show the repeating unit and 2) show two segments aligning to form hydrogen bonds.
Protein Primary Structure The first in a series of units that tour the levels of protein organization. Here a space-filling model of bovine insulin changes to a display of spheres to represent each amino acid (color-coded by polarity, acidity, and basicity). The spheres model of the globular molecule unwinds to show the primary structure of the chains - with a box to toggle on and off displays of three-letter and one-letter abbreviations for the amino acids.
Protein Secondary Structure The second in a series of units that tour the levels of protein organization. One example each is given of helices (with winding animation from fully extended chain), sheets (with puckering animation) and bends (with coiling animation). Multiple rotating displays.
Pleated Sheet, Silk Fibroin Animated depiction of puckering fully extended chains to form H-bonds, association of antiparallel chains in pleated sheets, and stacking of sheets in the 3rd dimension.
Protein Tertiary Structure The third in a series of units that tour the levels of protein organization. The helical segments bent into the globular tertiary structure of myoglobin are shown with space-filling, backbone, and ribbon models. Then one example each is given to illustrate motifs and domains. All displays rotate.
Myoglobin Examines factors involved in tertiary protein structure for myoglobin by color hi-liting of first (external) polar side chains and the distribution of charged polar groups on the protein surface, then (internal) nonpolar side chains. Polar side chains are cut away for a better view of the nonpolar interior groups. Next all side chains are cut away showing color hi-lited prolines helices terminating helical sections. A further display hi-lites interhelix H-bonding or salt bridges. Finally the carbonyls are removed to emphasize the helical backbone. Most displays rotate.
Protein Quaternary Structure The fourth in a series of units that tour the levels of protein organization. An animation shows the approach of the four, differently colored subunits of human deoxyhemoglobin. Then ribbon and space-filling models both rotate. Next, as one example of the extended secondary structures of a fibous protein, a series of dissolves lead from a glypropro sticks model to a left-handed helix, then on to the superhelix of a collagen microfibril (coils, sticks, and space-filling models, all with differently colored subunits). For another fibrous example, see the separate unit "Pleated Sheet" (silk fibroin).
DNA Examination of a 12 base-pair segment of synthetic DNA (1). Ball-stick and space-filling displays rotate to emphasize the major and minor grooves. The two strands are shown in different colors and separated, noting the right-handed helicity. A wire-frame display is used to show that the chains are antiparallel. The sugar-phosphate backbone is also shown separately. In case it is desired to cover or review base pairing in this unit, there is provided a final section that shows the base pairs (color coded by type) and restacks the double helix.
Examination of models of yeast phenylalanine tRNA, including rotation
of wire frame view and zoom animations of acceptor stem and anticodon -
both also shown as space filling.
Bioorganic Processes
Citric Acid Cycle (or Krebs Cycle or Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle) An overview of the citric acid cycle (with options to show compound or enzyme names) includes a cycle animation, which uses red spheres to depict the repetitive catabolic conversion of acetyl-CoA to two carbon dioxides. Next a sequence of simplified schematic mechanistic animations of the reactions of the citric acid cycle reconstruct the summary screen. A series of dissolves then depicts the distribution of isotopic labels from the methyl carbon and from the carbonyl carbon (either separately or combined) of acetyl-CoA. Subsequent displays show free energy changes, regulation points, controls, inhibitors, activators, anabolic pathways, and anaplerotic reactions. Preliminary, no-audio version.
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