Taldyk Pass

pl4.jpg (46075 bytes)The pass is at 3615 m (around 11,300 ft.).  The road up to it in 1991 was not too rough, but as was typical with the old vehicles that one often rides in the mountains of Central Asia, we barely made it, due to the overheating of the engine.  We were in a vintage small Soviet bus, ratherpl3.jpg (40437 bytes) resembling an American school bus that should have been de-commissioned twenty years earlier.   The views here are on the left from the air, taken approximately over the pass, and then on the right, approximately the same taken from just before crossing the pass. Photos are thumbnailed--click to enlarge. On the other side, the road drops fairly quickly to Sary Tash (click on the map for a view) and the Kyzyl Su River (click on the map to the W. of Sary Tash for another view.


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