

Elmira:  I figure we really need another page with the above topic.  One thing we can do here is to connect the page to texts of animal tales or texts which in some way have a bearing on the importance of herds, particular animals (esp. horses), etc.    I think we need something on the different emphases on different animals depending on which group of nomads one studies.  Material in the little Barfield book provides plenty of material.  Also, the classic "five (it is five?) animals, etc.  Also, transport of goods, camps etc.  And, of course changes in modern times--using trucks to drive up to the pastures in some areas, etc.  Animals as sources of various necessities--wool; hence felt, woven cloth; skins, etc.  Food can be a separate category as we originally planned.

So, I include here a variety of pictures for these various topics.  Obviously we need to think of how best to organize the material--maybe you can come up with a scheme.


elm8.jpg (66191 bytes)1. Horses and yurt.



aksux12.jpg (47174 bytes) 2.   Horses, Karasu Valley, Pamir Alai. (we may not need to use this).


ashatx1.jpg (45889 bytes)3.Riding in Ashat Valley, Pamir Alai.





ashatx2.jpg (85768 bytes)4.  Horse with saddle bag.  Ashat Valley, Pamir Alai.  (Might want to say something about saddle bags--e.g., about your being given one when you came to U.S.)


ashatx3.jpg (118317 bytes)5. Saddle.   Ashat Valley, Pamir Alai.



mongx5.jpg (23816 bytes)6.  Lassooing a horse, near Erdeni Tzu, Orkhon R. region,Mongolia.


mongx6.jpg (22990 bytes)7.  Lassooing, the horse caught.



mongx10.jpg (15501 bytes)8. Bactrian camels in Gobi, Mongolia.


subax8.jpg (53636 bytes)9. Camels in caravan, carrying Kyrgyz summer camp back to village of Subax, near L. Karakul, Eastern Pamirs, Xinjiang, China.  Probably will want to add some other caravan pictures--perhaps some old one.  Also, I have horse caravan pictures of my own.



mongx12.jpg (22270 bytes)9a.  Ox carts in Mongolia. The construction of these seems not to have changed for centuries..



aksux10.jpg (60558 bytes)10. Sheep in Karasu Valley, Pamir Alai.



aksux11.jpg (72921 bytes)11.   Shearing a sheep, Karasu Valley, Pamir Alai.



kaying2.jpg (69614 bytes)12.  Spinning yarn, Kaying Valley, Eastern Pamir, Xinjiang.



kaying6.jpg (59498 bytes)13.  Stuffing a quilt, Kaying Valley, Eastern Pamit, Xinjiang.




mongx11.jpg (22939 bytes)14.  Goat herd in Gobi, Mongolia. 


subax7.jpg (42921 bytes)15.  Herd of sheep and goats, near L. Karakul, Eastern Pamir, Xinjiang.



I may add a picure or two of goats in Ladakh, since pashmina (the fine wool) is a very important trade product which comes from that region.


aksux15.jpg (56845 bytes)16.  Yaks grazing below one of great granite walls of Aksu Valley, Pamir-Alai.





aksux14.jpg (42798 bytes)17.  Yaks in Aksu Valley, Pamir-Alai.


karat4.jpg (61467 bytes)18.  Riding a yak near [          ] Pass, Eastern Pamir, Xinjiang.




I imagine we need a donkey picture or two, but I will have to think what I have which would be suitable.  It would be nice to have some pictures of felt making, but what I have is copyrighted, I think.