Slavianskie rukopisi Sobraniia grafa F. A. Tolstogo: Materialy k istorii sobraniia i ukazateli nyneshnikh i prezhnikh shifrov (The Slavic Manuscripts in the Collection of Count F. A. Tolstoi: Materials on the History of the Collection and Indexes to the Current and Former Code Numbers), Zug, Switzerland: Inter Documentation Company, 1977; 2nd ed., Leningrad: Biblioteka Akademii nauk SSSR, 1980. 121 pp.
The Great Turkes Defiance: On the History of the Apocryphal Correspondence of the Ottoman Sultan in Its Muscovite and Russian Variants, with a foreward by Academician Dmitrii Sergeevich Likhachev. Columbus, Ohio: Slavica Publishers, 1978. ix, 354 pp.
(editor), Essays in Honor of A. A. Zimin, Columbus, O.: Slavica: 1985, xiv + 416 pp.
(co-editor with M. Holt Ruffin), Civil Society in Central Asia (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1999). 300+ pp.
"Soviet Watermark Studies--Achievements and Prospects," Kritika, VI/2 (1970), pp. 78-111.
"On the Origin of the 'Correspondence' between the Sultan and the Cossacks," Recenzija: A Review of Soviet Ukrainian Scholarly Publications, I/2 (1971), pp. 3-46.
Appendix I to Edward L. Keenan, The Kurbskii-Groznyi Apochrypha: The Seventeenth-Century Genesis of the "Correspondence" Attributed to Prince A. M. Kurbskii and Tsar Ivan IV (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971), pp. 103-151, 226-230, comprising: "De visu Description of Manuscripts Containing the Correspondence; "The Writings About the Translation of the Savior's Robe to Moscow in 1625: Materials for Further Study"; "Notes on Seventeenth-Century Translations from the Polish Kronika of Alexander Guagnini."
"Neizvestnyi pamiatnik drevnerusskoi literatury: 'Gramota gosudaria tsaria i velikogo kniazia Ivana Vasil'evicha vsea Rusii k Stepanu, koroliu pol'skomu'" (An Unknown Monument of Old Russian Literature: "Epistle of the Sovereign Tsar and Grand Prince of All Rus' to Stepan, King of Poland"), Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1971 god (Moscow, 1972), pp. 357-361.
"The Publication of Muscovite Kuranty," Kritika, IX/3 (1973), pp. 104-120.
"K izucheniiu istorii rukopisnogo sobraniia P. M. Stroeva" (Toward the Study of the History of P. M. Stroev's Manuscript Collection.), Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoi literatury (Instituta russkoi literatury Akademii nauk SSSR [Leningrad]), XXX (1976), pp. 184-203; XXXII (1977), pp. 133-164.
"The Lessons of the Kurbskii Controversy Regarding the Study and Dating of Old Russian Manuscripts," in Don K. Rowney and G. Edward Orchard, eds., Russian and Slavic History, (Columbus, O.: Slavica Publishers, 1977), pp. 218-237.
"Azbuka znakami lits: Egyptian Hieroglyphs in the Privy Chancellery Archive," Oxford Slavonic Papers, N. S., X (1977), pp. 46-50 (plus four plates).
"'Odolenie na Turskoe tsarstvo'--pamiatnik antituretskoi publitsistiki XVII v." ("Victory over the Turkish Empire" -- a Monument of Seventeenth-Century Anti-Turkish Propaganda), Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoi literatury, XXXIII (1979), pp. 88-107.
"Two Unpublished Muscovite Chronicles," Oxford Slavonic Papers, N. S., XII (1979), pp. 1-31.
"News of the False Messiah: Reports on Shabbetai Zevi in Ukraine and Muscovy," Jewish Social Studies, XLI (1979), 3/4, pp. 301-322.
"Ioannikii Galiatovs'kyi's Polemics against Islam and Their Muscovite Translations," Harvard Ukrainian Studies, III/IV (1980) (=Eucharisterion: Essays presented to Omeljan Pritsak on his Sixtieth Birthday by his Colleagues and Students), pp. 908-919.
"A Brilliant Book for the Study of Muscovite History" (on B.M. Kloss, Nikonovskii svod i russkie letopisi XVI-XVII vekov), Russian History, 9/1 (1982), pp. 111-120.
"A. A. Zimin's Study of the Sources for Medieval and Early Modern Russian History," in Waugh, ed., Essays in Honor of A.. A. Zimin (1985), pp. 1-58.
"Tekst o nebesnom znamenii 1672 g. (k istorii evropeiskikh sviazei moskovskoi kul'tury poslednei treti XVII v.)" (A Text Concerning Signs in the Heavens in 1672--On the History of European Connections of Muscovite Culture in the Last Third of the Seventeenth Century), in Problemy izucheniia kul'turnogo naslediia [=Festschrift for Academician D. S. Likhachev] (Moscow: Nauka: 1985), pp. 201-208.
"The Library of Aleksei Mikhailovich," Forschungen zur osteuropäischen Geschichte, 38 (1986), pp. 299-324.
"The Unsolved Problem of Tsar Ivan IV's Library," Russian History, 14/1-4 (1987), pp. 395-408.
(Co-author and ed.), "Correspondence Concerning the 'Correspondence,'" in Harvard Ukrainian Studies (=Kamen' Kraeug"l'n". Essays presented to Edward L. Keenan on his Sixtieth Birthday by his Colleagues and Students), XIX (1995, publ. in 1997), pp. 23-65.
"Anatolii's Miscellany: Its Origins and Migration," in Harvard Ukrainian Studies, XIX (1995), pp. 747-755.
"Anatolievskii sbornik i problemy viatskogo letopisaniia" (Anatolii's Miscellany and Problems of Viatka Chronicle Writing), in Shvedy i russkii sever: istoriko-kul'turnye sviazi (K 210-letiiu Aleksandra Lavrent'evicha Vitberga). Materialy Mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo simpoziuma (Kirov, 1997), pp. 336-354 (published also as "K istorii viatskogo letopisaniia" [On the History of Viatka Chronicle Writing], in In Memoriam. Sbornik pamiati Ia. S. Lur'e [St. Petersburg: Antheneum-Feniks, 1997], pp. 303-320).
"Exploring the 'Kongur Alps' and the Unknown Side of Mustagh Ata," The Himalayan Journal, Vol 54 (1998), pp. 25-32, plus 4 photographs.
"Novoe o 'Povesti o Viatskoi Zemle'" (New Material Concerning the "Tale about the Viatka Land"), in Evropeiskii Sever v kulturno-istoricheskom protsesse (K 625-letiiu goroda Kirova), ed. V. V. Nizov (Kirov, 1999), pp. 350-380.
"K izucheniiu fal'sifikatsii pis'mennykh istochnikov po istorii srednevekovoi Rossii," (Toward the Study of the Falsification of Written Sources for the History of Medieval Russia), Russian History, Vol. 25, Nos 1-2 (1998) [=memorial Festschrift for A. A. Zimin], pp. 11-20.
"The "Mysterious and Terrible Karatash Gorges": Notes and Documents on the Explorations by Stein and Skrine," forthcoming in The Geographical Journal, Vol. 165, No. 3 (1999) (15 pp.).
Reviews in Slavic Review, Russian Review, Russian History, American Historical Review, English Historical Review, Speculum, The Medieval Review, Canadian-American Slavic Studies, Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, Kritika, Recenzija, IPH Information.