Research Interests
I am interested in the following areas of research.
Computer Science Education
- Teaching techniques: What forms of classroom activities are more likely to
lead to student learning and performance?
- Specific questions about what students know: What do students know about
software design? What is the relationship between knowledge about
computer science fundamentals and software design?
- Curriculum: Given goals of a computer science program, what are effective
ways of organizing a curriculum to achieve those goals?
For example, what are the roles of writing, basic mathematics, ethics, and
other topics in a computer science education?
- Power in the Classroom: How does authority and power manifest itself in the classroom? Specifically, how does the relationship between teacher and student (and student and student) evolve?
Algorithms and Algorithmic Analysis
- I have no specific problem that I am interested in here. Any problem
or application domain that involves a different or unique kind of algorithm
interests me. The analysis of such algorithms also interests me.
Some examples: parallel computation, NP-complete problems, network packet
routing algorithms.