B. J Whitcher, S. D. Byers, P. Guttorp and D. B. Percival (2002), `Testing for Homogeneity of Variance in Time Series: Long Memory, Wavelets and the Nile River,' Water Resources Research, 38, no. 5, pp. 10.1029/2001WR000509.


We consider the problem of testing for homogeneity of variance in a time series with long memory structure. We demonstrate that a test whose null hypothesis is designed to be white noise can in fact be applied, on a scale by scale basis, to the discrete wavelet transform of long memory processes. In particular, we show that evaluating a normalized cumulative sum of squares test statistic using critical levels for the null hypothesis of white noise yields approximately the same null hypothesis rejection rates when applied to the discrete wavelet transform of samples from a fractionally differenced process. The point at which the test statistic, using a non-decimated version of the discrete wavelet transform, achieves its maximum value can be used to estimate the time of the unknown variance change. We apply our proposed test statistic on five time series derived from the historical record of Nile River yearly minimum water levels covering 622 to 1925 AD, each series exhibiting various degrees of serial correlation including long memory. In the longest sub-series, spanning 622 to 1284 AD, the test confirms an inhomogeneity of variance at short time scales and identifies the change point around 720 AD, which coincides closely with the construction of a new device around 715 AD for measuring the Nile River. The test also detects a change in variance for a record of only 36 years.

Key Words

Cumulative sum of squares; Discrete wavelet transform; Fractional difference process; Variance change

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