The Daniel Lab
Contact Info


Honorary & Staff Members
M. Patricia Morse
Alison Mehravari
Binh Nguyen
Tanvi Deora*
Ali Weber*
Thomas Mohren*

Melanie Anderson* (MechE)
Jorge Bustamante (Bio)
Sage Malingen (Biology)

Anthony Asencio
Mahad Ahmed
Aman Mamo
Abby von Hagel

* co-advised

High School Interns
Lucie Wolf (summer 2020)

Tom's Picture Tom Daniel

Tom holds Joan and Richard Komen Endowed Chair in the Biology Department. He received his PhD at Duke Biology and was the Bantrell Postdoctoral Fellow in Engineering Sciences at Caltech until 1984 when he joined the University of Washington and has been here ever since. He is the proud recipient of the University of Washington 1989 Distinguished Teaching Award and the 2001 Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award as well as being named a MacArthur Fellow.
His short bio is here.
Trish Morse

Following a distinguished career studying bivalve heart-kidney complex and the bizarre world of tiny meiofauna, Trish now is an honorary lab member, connecting young scientists to best and brightest all over the world! She is the past president of the SICB, Sigma Xi and a prior Program Director at the National Science Foundation. Her interests include education at all levels, from K-12 to undergraduates, graduate students and postdocs (and a few professors too)..
Alison Mehravari
is the Assitant Director of Operations for the WRF supported UW Institute of Neuroengineering (UWIN) and the Air Force Center of Excellence on Nature Inspired Flight Technologies and Ideas (NIFTI). She received her Ph.D. in the Neurobiology and Behavior Program at the University of Washington with a focus on language processing in the Osterhaut lab.
Binh Nguyen
has been at the University of Washington for several decades. Together with the Riffell lab, Binh has been the coordinator of our insect cultures and has been maintaining both the Manduca sexta colony and a new Aedes aegypti colony. Prior to this, Binh received a bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering here at the UW.
Tanvi Deora
is a postdoc in the lab and jointly advised by Bing Brunton. She completed her PhD in the lab of Sanjay Sane at the National Centre for Biological Sciences in Bangalore India where she focussed on the mechanical coupling between wings and halteres. She is a recipient of a prestigious postdoctoral fellowship from the Human Frontier in Science Program for reserach on mechanosensory information processing associated with floral feeding in insects Tanvi's home page
Alison (Ali) Webber
is a postdoc who is jointly advised by Bing Brunton. Ali is supported by generous grants from the Washington Research Foundation as a WRF Postdoctoral Fellow and by the eScience Institute as a UW Data Science Postdoctoral Fellow. Ali received her doctoral training in the labs of Fred Rieke and Eric Shea-Brown, focusing on computational and experimental aspects of vision. She brings expertise in computational neuroscience, electrophysiology and sensory systems. She is currently focusing on distributed mechanosensory systems used for flight. .
Jamie Locport
is a visiting postdoc who received her Ph.D. as Case Western Reserve University in the lab of Mark Willis, focussing on insect chemosensory biology. She is currently working on a variety of computational projectds associated with odor localization by insects, including simulations of odor search strategies as well as omputational fluid dynamics simulations of odor plume.
Thomas Mohren
recently gradauted with his doctorate Mechanical Engineering co-advised by Steve Brunton and is now a postdoc in the lab. Following his Masters Degree in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Delft, Thomas went on to recieve a WRF-funded UW Institute of Neuroengineering graduate fellowhsip. He is working on a project that combines robotics, structural dynamics, and strain sensing in flapping flexible wing models. He is particularly interested in the intersection of sparse sensing and controls in animal flight.Thomas' home page
Jorge Bustamante
is a graduate student in the Department of Biology. He earned his Masters Degree from the University of California at Irvine where he worked with Kate Loudon on the interaction of bean plant trichomes with cuticle mechanics of bedbugs. Prior to that, he earned a bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering at Irvine. Jorge is a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow working on sensorimotor control of flight in a range of taxa with an eye towards "airframe-based" controls through body flexions.Jorge's home page

Melanie Anderson
is a graduate student in the department of Mechanical Engineering co-advised by Sawyer Fuller. She is working on integrating chemosensory signals from electro anntennograms (EAGs) with the controls of a quadrotor to develop an ordor tracking micro air vehicle - the Smellicopter or Odorotor.

Sage Malingen
is a graduate student in the department of Biology. She is interested in the structural and fluid dynamics of the contractile lattice and combines both theoretical and experimental approaches, including finite element methods and x-ray diffraction.

Olivia Thomas
is a graduate student in the Physics Department working with Nathan Kutz in Applied Mathematics. She is building on a project started by Callin Swtizer (prior lab postdoc) and developing deep neural nets based on the simulations done by Jorge. She is particularly interested in bio-inspired network pruning.

Anthony Ascencio
is a postbac in the lab and recently graduated with a Bachelor degree in Biology here at the UW. He is a postbaccalaureate researcher in the lab currently working on a variety of projects associaed with image analysis methods for our time-resolved x-ray diffraction studies, simulations of actin-myosin interactions using agent-based models, and developing tools for cloud-based computing.

Mahad Ahmed
is a postbac in the lab and recently graduated from the Neurobiology program, with a keen interest in multisensor integration, animal learning and behavior. He is collaborating with Tanvi on a series of projects aimed at understanding the neural basis of plant pollinator interactions and the mechanisms of learning in hawkmoths.

Abby von Hagel
is a postbac in the lab and was an undergraduate in the Neurobiology program. She is collaborating with Ali on a wing strain sensing and with Sage on a project that involves understanding the timing and activation of flight muscles in Mandcua.

Ammanuel Mamo
is a postbac in the lab and was an undergradue in Mechanical Engineering. He is collaborating with Melanie Anderson on the "Smellicopter" project, learning ROS and controlls associated with micro-scale quadrotors. He is also working with Ali and Thomas on finite element analyses of dynamic bending in wings.

Lucie Wolf
is a high school summer intern working with Ali and Abby on data analsis of mechanosensory signals associated with wing deformations. She is developing python code for graphical representation of past and current data.

Former Lab Members

Zane Aldworth
Bing Brunton
Julie Cass
Jon Dyhr
Jessica Fox
Danny Grunbaum
Ty Hedrick
Armin Hinterwirth
Tom Libby
Yonatan Munk
Eric Rombokas
Eatai Roth
Simon Sponberg
Sanjay Sane
Mike Tu
Dave Williams
Graduates Students

Dany Adams
Octavio Campos
Stacey Combes
Brad Dickerson
Alexandre Diedonne
Michael Dillon
Annika Eberle
Kevin Flick
Jessica Fox
Mark Frye
Nicole George
Erica Goldman
Robin Harris
Brian Helmuth
Brad Hinkel
Armin Hinterwirth
Chris Jordan
Edgar Meyhofer
Thomas Mohren
Andrew Mountcastle
Joe Powers
Jordanna Sprayberry
Elizabeth Stockwell
Bertrand Tanner
Jamie Theobald
Alan Trimble
Dave Williams
Sharri Zamore

Melanie Anderson
Nathan Berry
Mikael (Coco) Daranciang
Meika Decher
Amber Fechko
Kit Githinji
Robert Hall
Saima Haq
Josh Horwitz
Spencer Howell
Darren Howell
Heidi Huber
Nate Jacobsen
Samia Kazi
Lara Kidoguchi
Jacob Lockey
Jeff Longnioin
Susan Loudon
Craig Magaret
Mike Macpherson
Bjorn Millard
Katherine Miller
Carlos Moreno
Chet Moritz
Amy Paul
Brandon Pratt
Charlotte Robinson
Saray Robles
Elischa Sanders
Mary Salcedo
Bo Bin Song
Joey Sullivan
Stephanie Sundier
Marie Suver
James Tse
Shawn Wilkinson
High School Students

Neil Chauhan
Marissa Dominguez
Ashley Esclante
Molly Geiger
Monica Harris
Darren Howell
Spencer Howell
Zack Horvitz
Peter Jeong
Dylan LaMarca
Emma LaMarca
Andreas Molbak
Cameron Myhrvold
Conor Myhrvold
Arianna Njonge
Winston Roberts
Luca Scheuer
Christina Tull
Jane Woods

Last updated on Thursday, 25-Jun-2020 12:36:06 PDT. Send questions or comments to