Ocean 499D

Grading:  Credit/No Credit

SLN: 5698


Instructor: Prof. Brian Lewis


MATLAB is a widely used commercial program for performing  scientific calculations. It has many functions for inputting data, analyzing and plotting data, making maps and many other scientific applications. MATLAB uses matrix algebra as the basis for manipulating data and functions.


At the University of Washington  MATLAB has been installed on the computers that are accessible to students, faculty and staff and the most current versions of the program are on these machines. For students this is the computer called GOODALL and for faculty it is the MEAD computer. These computers use the  UNIX operating system and have available on them many other tools in addition to MATLAB that are helpful  in processing and analyzing oceanographic data.  Although there are also versions available that run on PC's, the UW site license covers only the versions running on the UW computers called MEAD (faculty) and GOODALL (students). These versions are up to date and include most of the options available for MATLAB.


 The UW versions of MATLAB can be accessed from a PC by running a XWINDOWS program on the PC (such as XWIN32). This makes MATLAB very easily accessible by all students and faculty.


To effectively use MATLAB on the UW computers one must have some knowledge of the UNIX operating system. This is provided in this course.


MATLAB is based on matrix linear algebra and an introduction to matrix algebra is also covered in the course.


This is a "how-to" course, rather than an in depth science course, and it will not be counted toward your degree requirements of 20 credits of upper-division science. The class would normally meet twice a week in the Fisheries computing lab. This lab can accommodate about 10 students. In this course I will cover;


An introduction to UNIX

An introduction to matrices

Using MATLAB to calculate and plot math functions

Using MATLAB to input data and plot the data (eg CTD data, ADCP data)

Using MATLAB to make maps.



This information is available on the WEB at




 Some examples of what can be accomplished in MATLAB are as follows.


Example 1. Visualizing mathematical equations. The code below calculates and plots the sin(x)/x function.


% sombrero to illustrate plotting options

[X Y]=meshgrid(-8.5:0.5:8.5, -8.8:0.5:8.5);

Z=sqrt(X.^2 +Y.^2) +eps;




shading interp








axis off




Example 2. Inputting data, calculating spectra etc are all relatively simple in MATLAB. In this example spectra of sea-surface waves are compared with the spectra of sea_floor pressure to show that the non-linear interaction of sea-surface waves results in sea-floor pressure at twice the frequency of the waves.

Example 3. Maps.  MATLAB has an extensive set of functions for accessing geographic data and plotting it. In this example, from the matlab site,  land topographic data and ocean depth data are combined into a single map.





To see some more information on each of these topics click on the links below.


Visit the MATLAB home page to see a detailed description of  what this program is capable of.



For some info on UNIX click here            UNIX

For  some  more  matlab info click here    MATLAB