The Swalla Lab at FHL

Dr Swalla and Anton Jackson talk while setting up the in situ lab for the summer of 2000. Breezy!

One of the Swalla Lab's microscopes. The lab space is set up such that all experiements can be performed conveniently in one area.

Animal tanks with fresh, circulating sea water to keep animals in the lab space.

Members of the Swalla Lab, Brock Roberts, Dr. Swalla, Shannon Smith Wallace and Federico Brown get together for dinner with guest Dr. Tsuda from Japan at one of Friday Harbor's great restaurants.

Federico, Dr. Tsuda, Brock, Shannon and Dr. Swalla on the ferry from Friday Harbor to Anacortes.

Billie Swalla, Brad Davidson and Jon Allen discussing comparative embryology outside of the commons after lecture in Summer 2000.

Billie chats with George Mackie about colonial ascidians at an FHL popcorn social in Summer 2001. Photo by Gretchen Lambert.

Dr. Swalla, her son Tony, and Federico Brown at the ferry dock.