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Group Members

  We're an established group (since July '01) and research is really moving along with the first 'crop' of graduates going on to academia.  Please see the Alumni page as well.  The lab phone number is (859) 218-6538.

Dr. Ji Wu:   Earned a Ph.D. (Texas Christian University) in Inorganic Chemistry studying the 'Fabrication and Optical Properties of Erbium-Doped Group IV Nanowires and Their Corresponding Oxides'  He is now leading the effort to use CNT membranes as the active element in programmed transdermal drug delivery of addictive drugs.

Dr. Navaladian Subramanian:   (Joint Rankin Group)  Earned a Ph.D. (Indian Inst. Tech. Madra) in Catalysis.  He is currently energy applications of CNTs with mesoporous photocatalyst.



Xin Zhan:  Comes to us  from the Department of Chemistry here at UK.  He working on new chemistry at the tips of CNTs in membranes and molecular scale electrodes.  Chemistry Ph.D. student

Xin Su:  Comes to us  from the prestigious Tsinghua University with a masters thesis studying ZnO nanostructures.   He working on new electrochemicaI reactions at the tips of CNTs for fuel cells.  MSE Ph.D. student

Karen Gerstandt:  Comes to us  from the prestigious GKSS institute in Hamburg Germany working on water purification membranes.  She is studying electrostatic effects on transport through CNT membranes.  MSE Ph.D. student

Jingyuan Yao:  Comes to us  from Beijing Chemical University with a Masters thesis in mesoporous carbon materials.  She is discovering new ways  to make a new class of multi-functional membranes MSE Ph.D. student

Zhiqiang Chen:  Comes to us from Tianjin University with a BS in Pharmaceutical Engineering.  He is currently working on chiral separations with CNT membranes.  MSE Ph.D. student

Jonathon Wagner:  (joint student-IGERT)  Jonathan’s research with David Rodgers (primary advisor) focuses on substrate specificity determinants in neuropeptidases and fabricating nano-carriers for enzyme protection. Biochemistry PH.D. student


Tao Chen:  Is working on new concepts for programmed transdermal drug delivery using CNT membranes.  MSE Ph.D.


Samantha Jones:  Is working on new ideas for molecular scale electrodes to make solar energy conversion more efficient.  Chem. Ph.D.

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updated 9/29/10