Links to Interesting Materials Web Sites

Exploring Materials Engineering (My personal favorite from San Jose State Univ.  A good overview of most every aspect of Mat. Sci.)

MSE Career Link (This is another excellent site with good explanation of MSE and discussion about JOBS)

Materials Research Society (A major society for Materials S&E.  Here is a list of links to other sites)

Discovering Materials Engineering (A pretty good site but it is mainly focuses on Cornell's research areas)

Lucent Laboratories (This site is part of what is arguably one the most important laboratories of the 20th century.  Shown here are some interesting pictures, but at the site is some good history)

Sandia Nat. Labs MEMS Research (This site just shows some really cool work)

De Havilland Comet (This site explains the interesting history of the ill-fated jet liner befallen by materials fatigue)

College of Engineering Homepage