Cambridge series
Aseem Prakash is the founding General Editor of the Cambridge University Press Series on Business and Public Policy.
Given the wide range of issues that can be subsumed under public policy and business, the Cambridge Series in Business and Public Policy focuses on two central questions. First, how does public policy influence business strategy, operations, organization, and governance, and with what consequences for both business and society? Second, how do businesses themselves influence policy institutions, policy processes, and other policy actors and with what outcomes? The Cambridge Series seeks to publish empirically rich and theoretically rigorous manuscripts whose scope might be national, comparative, or international. The manuscripts might focus on a given issue area (for example, global warming) or compare across issue areas (say, regulatory politics of intellectual property rights and telecommunications).
Our objective is to publish scholarly yet accessible books. Our aim is to appeal to a wide audience located in social science departments(particularly, political science, international relations, geography, economics, and sociology) as well as professional schools, particularly, business schools and public policy schools. While the accessibility of the material to multiple audiences will be a crucial dimension on the basis of which books will be considered, the proposed Series does not seek to publish popular or trade books which are devoid of any conceptual structure. Nor does it seek to publish books that outline a theoretical or normative perspective on public policy and business without an serious empirical evidence to back up their arguments. Books in this Series must make a broader theoretical argument and systemically employ evidence to examine it.
Cambridge University Press is the top ranked university press in social sciences. We are very selective and publish only the very best work in the area of public policy and business. We consider high quality manuscripts, single or co-authored. The bar is substantially higher for edited manuscripts and we ensure that the chapters correspond to core themes, cohere, and make original contributions.
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