- accesscontrol
- A system for making and enforcing promises about privacy.
- anarchy
- The absense of any form of government.
- augmentation
- The use of technology to improve or enhance human abilities.
- authentiction
- Verifying that one has authorization to access private data.
- authoritarianism
- A system of government that centralizes power.
- authorization
- Granting permission to access private data.
- automation
- The delegation of human action to technology, often for the purpose of efficiency or reliability.
- bit
- A binary value, often represented as either 1 or 0 or true or false.
- browsing
- Exploring what information exists in an information system.
- capitalism
- A system of commerce organized by government to optimize trade and profit above all other concerns.
- centralization
- Concentrating control over information or information systems to a small group of people.
- conextual integrity
- The degree to which the context of information is preserved in its presentation, distribution, and interpretation.
- context
- Social, situational information that shapes the meaning of information being received.
- controlled vocabulary
- A fixed collection of terminology used to restrict word choice to ensure consistency and support browsing and searching.
- crawler
- Software that navigates interlinked data collections to discover and index new documents.
- customer experience
- Educating customers about an information technology’s functionality and use.
- data
- Analog or digital symbols that someone might perceive in the world and ascribe meaning.
- data science
- Using data and code to answer questions.
- democracy
- A system of government that distributes power.
- design
- The human activity of envisioning how to change the status quo into a more preferred one.
- encoding
- Rules that define the structure and syntax of data, enabling unambiguous interpretation and reliable storage and transmission.
- encryption
- Encoding data with a secret so that it can only be read by those who possess the secret.
- epistemology
- The study of how we know we know things.
- ethics
- Systems of moral and questions and principles about human behavior.
- fixed intelligence
- A false belief that one’s intelligence is fixed at birth.
- fixed interest
- A false belief that one’s interests are discovered rather than developed.
- graphic design
- Creating visual and typographic forms of information.
- index
- A data structure that organizes documents by one or more facets of their contents or metadata.
- information
- The process of receiving, perceiving, and interpreting data into knowledge.
- information architecture
- Organzing data and metadata to faciliate searching, browsing, and discovery.
- information behavior
- How people go about creating, finding, and interpreting information.
- information foraging
- The observation that humans rely on metadata cues in information environments to drive searching and browsing.
- information management
- The systematic and strategic collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis of information for some purpose.
- information system
- A process for coordinating people, data, and information technology in order to faciliate information creation, storage, and access.
- interfaces
- A technology used to faciliate information creation, retrieval, searching, browsing, and/or analysis.
- interoperability
- The ability to move and translate data structures between different systems without losing data or changing its meaning.
- knowledge
- An interconnected system of information in a mind.
- law
- Policies enforced by governments.
- matrix of domination
- The system of culture, norms, and laws designed to maintain particular social hierarchies of power.
- metadata
- Data about data, capturing its meaning and context.
- parse
- Algorithms for translating encoded data into representations suitable for analysis.
- policy
- Rules that restrict human behavior to some end.
- power
- The capacity to influence and control others.
- privacy
- Control over information about one’s body and self.
- product management
- Synthesizing design, engineering, marketing, and sales concerns into strategic choices about product behavior.
- project management
- Organizing teams of people to work more productivity to meet deadlines.
- ranking
- Ordering documents in a collection by relevance.
- regulations
- Interpretations of law that enable enforcement.
- research
- Answering questions that have not yet been answered by humanity.
- satisficing
- Human tendency to seek as little information as is necessary to decide, bounding rationality.
- search engine
- Software that translates queries into a collection of documents related to a query.
- searching
- Attempting to retrieve particular information from an information system.
- security
- Efforts to ensure agreements about privacy.
- sensemaking
- The human process of gathering, interpreting, and synthesizing information into knowledge.
- software engineering
- Writing computer programs to implement a design.
- stakeholder
- Someone who might be directly or indirectly impacted by the creation of a new information technology.
- tagging
- A system for enabling users of an information system to create descriptive metatdata for data.
- user experience design
- Using design methods to envisioning products that meet needs.
- user experience research
- Investigating how technology is currently used to reveal opportunities for how technology might better serve needs.