Because software engineering often times distributes work across multiple people, a fundamental challenge in software engineering is ensuring that everyone on a team has the same understanding of what is being built and why. In the seminal book The Mythical Man Month , Fred Brooks argued that good software needs to have conceptual integrity , both in how it is designed, but also how it is implemented 5 5 Fred P. Brooks (1995). The mythical man month. Pearson Education.
The solution is effective communication. As some events in industry have shown, communication requires empathy and teamwork. When communication is poor, teams become disconnected and produce software defects 4 4 Nicolas Bettenburg, Ahmed E. Hassan (2013). Studying the impact of social interactions on software quality. Empirical Software Engineering.
It turns out, however, that communication plays such a powerful role in software projects that it even shapes how projects unfold. Perhaps the most notable theory about the effect of communication is Conway’s Law 6 6 Melvin E. Conway (1968). How do committees invent. Datamation.
Minghui Zhou and Audris Mockus (2011). Does the initial environment impact the future of developers?. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering.
Because communication is so central, software engineers are constantly seeking information to further their work, going to their coworkers’ desks, emailing them, chatting via messaging platforms, and even using social media 8 8 Amy J. Ko, Rob DeLine, and Gina Venolia (2007). Information needs in collocated software development teams. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering.
Andrew Begel, Yit Phang Khoo, and Thomas Zimmermann (2010). Codebook: discovering and exploiting relationships in software repositories. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering.
Audris Mockus and James D. Herbsleb (2002). Expertise browser: a quantitative approach to identifying expertise. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering.
Communication is not always effective. In fact, there are many kinds of communication that are highly problematic in software engineering teams. For example, Perlow 13 13 Leslie A. Perlow (1999). The time famine: Toward a sociology of work time. Administrative science quarterly.
Gloria Mark, Daniela Gudith, and Ulrich Klocke (2008). The cost of interrupted work: more speed and stress. ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI).
Communication isn’t just about transmitting information; it’s also about relationships and identity. For example, the dominant culture of many software engineering work environments—and even the perceived culture—is one that can deter many people from even pursuing careers in computer science. Modern work environments are still dominated by men, who speak loudly, out of turn, and disrespectfully, with sometimes even sexual harassment 16 16 Jennifer Wang' (2016). Female pursuit of Computer Science with Jennifer Wang. Software Engineering Daily Podcast.
Alicia Nicki Washington (2020). When twice as good isn't enough: the case for cultural competence in computing. ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education.
Paul Luo Li, Amy J. Ko, and Andrew Begel (2017). Cross-disciplinary perspectives on collaborations with software engineers. International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering.
When communication is effective, it still takes time. One of the key strategies for reducing the amount of communication necessary is knowledge sharing tools, which broadly refers to any information system that stores facts that developers would normally have to retrieve from a person. By storing them in a database and making them easy to search, teams can avoid interruptions. The most common knowledge sharing tools in software teams are issue trackers, which are often at the center of communication not only between developers, but also with every other part of a software organization 3 3 Dane Bertram, Amy Voida, Saul Greenberg, and Robert Walker (2010). Communication, collaboration, and bugs: the social nature of issue tracking in small, collocated teams. ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW).
Christoph Treude and Margaret-Anne Storey (2011). Effective communication of software development knowledge through community portals. ACM SIGSOFT Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE).
Jeff Atwood (2016). The state of programming with Stack Overflow co-founder Jeff Atwood. Software Engineering Daily Podcast.
Anna May, Johannes Wachs, Anikó Hannák (2019). Gender differences in participation and reward on Stack Overflow. Empirical Software Engineering.
Because all of this knowledge is so critical to progress, when developers leave an organization and haven’t archived their knowledge somewhere, it can be quite disruptive to progress. Organizations often have single points of failure, in which a single developer may be critical to a team’s ability to maintain and enhance a software product 14 14 Peter C. Rigby, Yue Cai Zhu, Samuel M. Donadelli, and Audris Mockus (2016). Quantifying and mitigating turnover-induced knowledge loss: case studies of chrome and a project at Avaya. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering.
Matthieu Foucault, Marc Palyart, Xavier Blanc, Gail C. Murphy, and Jean-Rémy Falleri (2015). Impact of developer turnover on quality in open-source software. ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE).
What does all of this mean for you as an individual developer? To put it simply, don’t underestimate the importance of talking. Know who you need to talk to, talk to them frequently, and to the extent that you can, write down what you know both to lessen the demand for talking and mitigate the risk of you not being available, but also to make your knowledge more precise and accessible in the future. It often takes decades for engineers to excel at communication. The very fact that you know why communication is important gives you a critical head start.
Jeff Atwood (2016). The state of programming with Stack Overflow co-founder Jeff Atwood. Software Engineering Daily Podcast.
Andrew Begel, Yit Phang Khoo, and Thomas Zimmermann (2010). Codebook: discovering and exploiting relationships in software repositories. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering.
Dane Bertram, Amy Voida, Saul Greenberg, and Robert Walker (2010). Communication, collaboration, and bugs: the social nature of issue tracking in small, collocated teams. ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW).
Nicolas Bettenburg, Ahmed E. Hassan (2013). Studying the impact of social interactions on software quality. Empirical Software Engineering.
Fred P. Brooks (1995). The mythical man month. Pearson Education.
Melvin E. Conway (1968). How do committees invent. Datamation.
Matthieu Foucault, Marc Palyart, Xavier Blanc, Gail C. Murphy, and Jean-Rémy Falleri (2015). Impact of developer turnover on quality in open-source software. ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE).
Amy J. Ko, Rob DeLine, and Gina Venolia (2007). Information needs in collocated software development teams. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering.
Paul Luo Li, Amy J. Ko, and Andrew Begel (2017). Cross-disciplinary perspectives on collaborations with software engineers. International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering.
Gloria Mark, Daniela Gudith, and Ulrich Klocke (2008). The cost of interrupted work: more speed and stress. ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI).
Anna May, Johannes Wachs, Anikó Hannák (2019). Gender differences in participation and reward on Stack Overflow. Empirical Software Engineering.
Audris Mockus and James D. Herbsleb (2002). Expertise browser: a quantitative approach to identifying expertise. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering.
Leslie A. Perlow (1999). The time famine: Toward a sociology of work time. Administrative science quarterly.
Peter C. Rigby, Yue Cai Zhu, Samuel M. Donadelli, and Audris Mockus (2016). Quantifying and mitigating turnover-induced knowledge loss: case studies of chrome and a project at Avaya. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering.
Christoph Treude and Margaret-Anne Storey (2011). Effective communication of software development knowledge through community portals. ACM SIGSOFT Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE).
Jennifer Wang' (2016). Female pursuit of Computer Science with Jennifer Wang. Software Engineering Daily Podcast.
Alicia Nicki Washington (2020). When twice as good isn't enough: the case for cultural competence in computing. ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education.
Minghui Zhou and Audris Mockus (2011). Does the initial environment impact the future of developers?. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering.