Yong-Pin Zhou (周永頻)


       Department of Information Systems and Operations Management 

       Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington 

                             Box 353226, Seattle, WA 98195-3226




Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Department of Information Systems and Operations Management, 2000 – Present

Longbrake Endowed Professor of Operations Management

Faculty Director, Master of Supply Chain Management (MSCM) program, 2017-Present Director, Center for Management Innovation, USTC-UW Institute, 2017-2022


School of Business, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, S.A.R. China, 2012 – 2014



The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1995-2000

Ph.D. in Managerial Science and Applied Economics, August 2000 

            Dissertation Title: “Effective Management of Inbound Telephone Call Centers” M.A. in Managerial Science and Applied Economics, May 1997 


The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, 1993-1995 

M.A. in Mathematics, May 1995 


Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 1990-1993

Dual B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics, July 1993 



        First place, 2022 MSOM Society Service SIG Best Paper Award 

      “Delay Information in Virtual Queues: A Large-Scale Field Experiment on a Major Ridesharing Platform”

        Co-winner of 1st place, 2021 INFORMS Service Science Best Paper Award Competition

      “Delay Information in Virtual Queues: A Large-Scale Field Experiment on a Major Ridesharing Platform”

        Co-winner of 1st place, 2021 INFORMS Service Science Best Paper Award Competition

                  “Pooling Agents for Customer-Intensive Services”

        Honorable Mention, 2021 INFORMS Behavioral Operations Management Best Working Paper Award.

      “Delay Information in Virtual Queues: A Large-Scale Field Experiment on a Major Ridesharing Platform”

        PhD Faculty Mentor Award, Foster School of Business, University of Washington, Seattle, 2020

        Third Place, Service Science Best Paper Award, 2019

                   “Call to Duty: Just-in-Time Scheduling in a Restaurant Chain”

        OPMGT/QMETH Faculty of the Year, Foster School, University of Washington, 2017-2018

        Second Place, INFORMS Behavioral Operations Management Section Best Working Paper Award, 2016

                   “Impact of Queue Configuration on Service Time: Evidence from a Supermarket”

        Global Executive MBA Teaching Award, Foster School of Business, University of Washington, Seattle, 2015, 2016

        Meritorious Service Award, M&SOM Journal, 2008, 2014

        Meritorious Service Award, Management Science Journal, 2013

        Selected as Boeing Welliver Faculty Fellow, Summer 2009

        Dean’s Faculty Research Award for 2006, Business School, University of Washington

        Second Place, INFORMS JFIG (Junior Faculty Interest Group) Paper Competition, 2006

“Call Center Outsourcing: Coordinating Staffing Level and Service Quality”

        Dean’s Junior Faculty Research Award for 2005, Business School, University of Washington

        Finalist, INFORMS George Nicholson Student Paper Competition, April 1999 

        Sloan Research Fellow, Wharton Financial Institutions Center, Summer 1997 - August 2000




        PI, “Improving Customer Experience through Delay Announcements,” Research Grant from Didi, 2019-2022

        PI, General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grant Council (RGC), 2013-2015. Title: "Models and Analysis of Dual-Channel Supply Chain Strategies"

        Project co-leader, National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 71171023), Jan. 2011 – Dec. 2014. Title: "Customer Lifetime Value Modeling and Marketing Strategy in Semicontract Setting"

        Project co-leader, Cooperation research foundation NSFC-NSF of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 70911120262), Sep. 2009 – Dec. 2009. Title: “The impact of culture variable on CLV: the comparative research between USA and China” 

        PI, Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, National Science Foundation, 20072012. Title: “Service Quality and Its Operational Impacts”

        Summer Fellowship, The Global Business Center, University of Washington, (2003-05, 2007)

        Summer Research Fund, The Business School, University of Washington, (2003-Present)



        “Customer Segmentation and Ex-ante Fairness: A Queueing Perspective,” J. Liu, Y.-P. Zhou, and J. Chen. Production and Operations Management, 32(10), 3246-3265, 2023.

        “Pooling Servers for Customer-Intensive Services: Theory and Experimental Evidence.” L. Yang, S. Cui, S. Ulku, Z. Wang, and Y.-P. Zhou. Operations Research, 71(3), 860-875, 2023.

        “Delay Information in Virtual Queues: A Large-Scale Field Experiment on a Major Ride-Sharing Platform.” Q. Yu, Y. Zhang, and Y.-P. Zhou. Management Science, 68(8), 5557-6354, 2022.

        “Call to Duty: Just-in-Time Scheduling in a Restaurant Chain,” M. Kamalahmadi, Q. Yu, and Y.-P. Zhou. Management Science, 67(11), 6751-6781, 2021.

        “Impact of Supply Chain Transparency on Sustainability under NGO Scrutiny,” S. Chen, Q. Wang, and Y.-P. Zhou. Production and Operations Management, 28(12), 2019.

        “Impact of Queue Configuration on Service Time: Evidence from a Supermarket,” J. Wang, Y.-P. Zhou. Management Science, 64(7), 2018.

        “To Preannounce or Not: New Product Development in a Competitive Duopoly Market.” T. Klastorin, H. Mamani, Y.-P. Zhou. Production and Operations Management, 25(12), 20512064, 2016.

“Parametric Forecasting and Stochastic Programming Models for Call-Center Workforce Scheduling.” N. Gans, H. Shen, Y.-P. Zhou, N. Korolev, A. McCord,  H. Ristock. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 17 (4), 571-588, 2015.

        “How does customer self-construal moderate CRM value creation chain?” J. Qi, Q. Qu, Y.-P. Zhou. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 13 (5), 295–304, 2014.

        “A Single-Supplier, Multiple-Retailer Model with Single-Season, Multiple-Ordering Opportunities and Fixed Ordering Cost.” A. Jain, K. Moinzadeh, Y.-P. Zhou. Operations Research, 60(5), September/October 2012. 

        “Are customer satisfaction and customer loyalty drivers of customer lifetime value in mobile data services: a comparative cross-country study”, J. Qi, Y.-P. Zhou, W. Chen, and Q. Qu. Information Technology and Management, 13 (4), 281-296, 2012.

        “Routing to Manage Resolution and Waiting Time in Call Centers with Heterogeneous Servers.” V. Mehrotra, K. Ross, G. Ryder, Y.-P. Zhou. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 14(1), Winter 2012. 

        “Service Outsourcing.” J. Ren, Y.-P. Zhou. Book chapter in the Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science.

        “Strategic Consumer Response to Dynamic Pricing of Perishable Products.” M. Cho, M. Fan, Y.-P. Zhou. Chapter 17 of Consumer-Driven Demand and Operations Management Models: A Systematic Study of Information-Technology-Enabled Sales Mechanisms, Netessine and Tang (Eds.), Springer. June, 2009.

        "Analysis of Scale Effects in Peer-to-Peer Networks." Y.-M. Li, Y. Tan, Y.-P. Zhou. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 16(3), June 2008. 

        "Incorporating Delay Mechanism in Ordering Policies in Multi-Echelon Distribution Systems." K. Moinzadeh, Y.-P. Zhou. IIE Transactions, 40(4), 2008.  

        "Call Center Outsourcing: Coordinating Staffing Level and Service Quality." J. Ren, Y.-P. Zhou. Management Science, 54(2), February 2008.

        "Call Routing Schemes for Call-Center Outsourcing." N. Gans, Y.-P. Zhou. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 9(1), Winter 2007.

        "Coordinated Replenishment and Shipping Strategies in Inventory/Distribution Systems." M. Gurbuz, K. Moinzadeh, Y.-P. Zhou. Management Science, 53(2), February 2007.

        "Incorporating Satisfaction into Customer Value Analysis: Optimal Investment in Life-Time Value." T. Ho, Y.-H. Park, Y.-P. Zhou.  Marketing Science, 25(3), May-June 2006. (This is a regular paper, see Marketing Science, 25(5).)

        "On the Incomplete Results for the Heterogeneous Server Problem." F. de Véricourt, Y.-P. Zhou. Queueing Systems, 52(3), March 2006.

        "A Routing Problem for Call Centers with Customer Callbacks after Service Failure." F. de Véricourt, Y.-P. Zhou. Operations Research, 53(6), Nov-Dec 2005.

        "A Call-Routing Problem with Service-Level Constraints." N. Gans, Y.-P. Zhou. Operations Research, 51(2) Mar-Apr, 2003. 

        "Managing Learning and Turnover in Employee Staffing." N. Gans, Y.-P. Zhou. Operations Research, 50(6) Nov-Dec, 2002.  



        “The Granularity Of Wait Time Information: A Large Scale Field Experiment On A Ride-sharing Platform,” Q. Yu, Y. Zhang, and Y.-P. Zhou.

        “Introducing Make-to-stock to Make-to-order Platforms,” Y. Li, M. Shunko, Y.-P. Zhou.

        “Racial and gender biases in customer satisfaction surveys: Evidence from a restaurant chain,”

M. Kamalahmadi, Q. Yu, Y.-P. Zhou

        “Service Strategy and Priority Pricing Based on Loss Aversion.” J. Liu, Y.-P. Zhou, J. Chen.

        “Store Fulfillment Strategies for an Omni-Channel Retailer,” E. Alishah, K. Moinzadeh, Y.-P. Zhou.

        “Analysis of a Two-Stage Service Process: Coordination of Staffing and Effort,” A. Farzan, Y.-P. Zhou.

        “Setting Quality and Speed in Service Industry with Repeated Customers,” A. Farzan, H. Wang, Y.-P. Zhou.

        “An Empirical Study of Revenue Management Practices in the Airline Industry,” M. Cho, M. Fan, Y.-P. Zhou.

        “A Single-Server Queue with Markov Modulated Service Times,” N. Gans, Y.-P. Zhou. 



        “Flexe, Inc.” 2021, updated 2022, 2023

        Toys“R”Us Asia: Ecommerce Strategy” (with teaching note) with D. Lentini, Asia Case Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong  – this case was used for the 2014 HSBC student case competition.

        A Paradigm Shift at NBCNews.com” (with teaching note) with I. Sirichakwal.

        The Boeing Fredrickson Composite Manufacturing Center (CMC),” (with teaching note).  Developed for the Aerospace Industry Manufacturing Seminar (AIMS), with R. Nolan, T. Schmitt, and the AIMS87 class.



        Associate Editor, Operations Research, 2010-2018

        Associate Editor, Management Science, 2009-2018

        Associate Editor, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2007-2014

        Associate Editor, Management Service special issue on Business Analytics, 2012

        Member of the editorial board, 2005, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

        Ad hoc reviewer for European Journal of Operational Research, IIE Transactions, Management

Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Mathematical Methods of

Operations Research, Naval Research Logistics, Operations Research, Production and

Operations Management, Queueing Systems, Qatar National Research Fund, Stochastic Systems

        Member, MSOM Best Student Paper Competition Committee, 2016

        Member, MSOM Service SIG Best Paper Competition Committee, 2016, 2017

        Member, Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE) Annual Conference Best Paper Competition Committee, 2014-2016


        Chair, Service Operations Management Track, POMS conference, Seattle 2017

        Co-Chair, Service SIG, MSOM conference, Aukland, New Zealand, 2016

        Member, Organizing Committee and Chair, Overseas Invited Sessions, The Annual Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE) Conference, 2013Present

        Program Officer, Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE), 2015-present

        Faculty advisor, UW EcoCar 3 competition team, 2015-2016

        Chair, Review Panel for MSc(Eng) in Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management (IELM) Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2014

        Conference Co-Chair, POMS-HK 2014, January 2014

        Organizer, Hong Kong Inter-Campus Workshop on Service Operations Management, 2013

        Member of the Advisory Board, The Global Trade, Transportation & Logistics Studies Program at the University of Washington, Seattle, 2010-2011

        National Science Foundation Grant Proposal Reviewer, May 2008

        Founding Treasurer, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Pacific Northwest Chapter

        Co-chair, MSOM cluster, INFORMS conference, Seattle, 2007




The Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington, Seattle

        Executive Teaching

o  “Operations Management” for Executive Development Program, Foster School of Business, University of Washington, Seattle, 2016

o  “Supply Chain Management” for China Aviation Industry Program, Foster School of Business, University of Washington, Seattle, 2016

o  “Supply Chain Strategies” for Global Leadership & Strategy, Foster School of Business, University of Washington, Seattle, 2015.

o  “Supply Chain Strategies” for Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), 2011, 2012, 2015

o  SK Global Management Program (for SK Group): Summer 2008; Summer 2010

o  Aerospace Industry Manufacturing Seminars (for Boeing): Autumn 2007; Spring 2008;

Autumn 2008

o  “Supply Chain Management” for Executive Development Program, Foster School of Business, University of Washington, Seattle, 2008

        MBA Teaching

o  Operations Management (Global Executive MBA), 2014-2020

o  Operations Management (Executive MBA), Winter 2003, 2007-2012, 2017-Present

o  Operations Management (Evening MBA), Autumn 2005

        Master of Supply Chain Management (MSCM) Teaching

o  Operations Management & Process Analysis, 2017

o  Leadership Series and Practicum, 2018-Present

        Undergraduate Teaching

o    Principles of Operations Management (Core), 2001-2012, 2015, 2016 (including summer in

Shanghai), 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022

o  Service Operations Management (Elective), Spring 2002

        Guest Lecturer

o  Teaching Development Seminar, Business School, University of Washington, "Going beyond the textbook", October 2002


School of Business, The University of Hong Kong

        Executive Teaching

o “Service Operations” for Industrial and Commerce Bank of China (ICBC), 2014

o “Big Data for Airline Operations” for Hainan Airlines (HNA), 2014

o “Operations Management” for the Advanced Management Programme, University of

Hong Kong, 2013

o “Increase Competitiveness through Service Process Improvement and Innovation,” a public lecture delivered to 200+ Fudan University (Shanghai) MBA students, 2013

        MBA Teaching

o Information and Operations Management (HKU-Fudan International MBA), 2014

o Information and Operations Management (Fulltime MBA and Part time MBA), 2013,


     o Quantitative Analysis for Business Decisions (Undergraduate), 2013



        MBA teaching (Service Operations Management) at Korea University Business School

        Executive MBA teaching (Operations Management) at Xiamen University, China




        Faculty Member, Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society

        Member, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)

        Member, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)

        Member, Institute for Supply Management (ISM)

        Member, Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE), formerly known as Overseas Chinese Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering (OCSAMSE)