• Room: MGH 238
  • Web page: http://faculty.washington.edu/wpratt/INFX598/
  • Course mailing list: infx598a_sp10@u.washington.edu
  • Time: Fridays 12:30-3:20pm
  • Quarter: Spring 2010
  • Instructor: Professor Wanda Pratt
    • Email: wpratt at uw dot edu
    • Office: MGH 330L
    • Office Phone: 543-6653
    • Office hours: Tuesdays 11-noon (other times available, best to confirm via email or in person)
  • Prerequisites: none
  • Content: In this course, we will examine health informatics from a personal perspective. We will discuss studies of patients’ personal health information management strategies and challenges in the home, at the clinic, and in the world at large. We will also critically examine personal health informatics tools and future directions for research in this area. We will cover topics such as personal health records (PHRs), social networking tools, and pervasive computing for patients.
  • Course Objectives:
  • After completing this course, students will better understand:
    • Personal health informatics as a field of inquiry and what it does/should encompass
    • The key influences on the study of personal health informatics – historically and currently.
    • Key problems and challenges that must be met if we are to make progress in personal health informatics
    • The types of personal health informatics tools currently available or being researched
    • Methods for studying patients and involving patients in the design of personal health informatics tools
    • Methods for assessing the impact of these tools

    As with most graduate-level courses, this course will also help students present their ideas in a written and oral form.

  • Style: In addition to covering the core topic of personal health informatics, this course is designed to provide a enjoyable and supportive environment that helps you improve your skills in reading papers critically, and presenting papers to facilitate discussion. The assignments in this course correspond to this style.
  • Readings are available online

Accommodating Students with Disabilities:

To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact Disabled Student Services: 448 Schmitz, 206-543-8924 (V/TTY). If you have a letter from DSS indicating that you have a disability which requires academic accommodations, please present the letter to me so we can discuss the accommodations you might need in the class.   

Academic accommodations due to disability will not be made unless the student has a letter from DSS specifying the type and nature of accommodations needed.

For additional information, see Statements to Ensure Equal Opportunity and Reasonable Accommodation

Academic Integrity

The essence of academic life revolves around respect not only for the ideas of others, but also their rights to those ideas and their promulgation. It is therefore essential that all of us engaged in the life of the mind take the utmost care that the ideas and expressions of ideas of other people always be appropriately handled, and, where necessary, cited.  For writing assignments, when ideas or materials of others are used, they must be cited. The format is not that important–as long as the source material can be located and the citation verified, it’s OK. What is important is that the material be cited.  In any situation, if you have a question, please feel free to ask.  Such attention to ideas and acknowledgment of their sources is central not only to academic life, but life in general.

Please acquaint yourself with the University of Washington's resources on academic honesty (http://depts.washington.edu/grading/issue1/honesty.htm.


All of the expressions of ideas in this class that are fixed in any tangible medium such as digital and physical documents are protected by copyright law as embodied in title 17 of the United States Code. These expressions include the work product of both: (1) your student colleagues (e.g., any assignments published here in the course environment or statements committed to text in a discussion forum); and, (2) your instructors (e.g., the syllabus, assignments, reading lists, and lectures).  Within the constraints of "fair use", you may copy these copyrighted expressions for your personal intellectual use in support of your education here at UW.  Such fair use by you does not include further distribution by any means of copying, performance or presentation beyond the circle of your close acquaintances, student colleagues in this class and your family. If you have any questions regarding whether a use to which you wish to put one of these expressions violates the creator's copyright interests, please feel free to ask the instructor for guidance.

Student Code of Conduct

Good student conduct is important for maintaining a healthy course environment.  Please familiarize yourself with the University of Washington's Student Code of Conduct at:

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