Richard T. Gray

Richard T. Gray is Byron W. and Alice L. Lockwood Professor in the Department of Germanics at the University of Washington.

Department of Germanics
Box 353130
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington 98195-3130
Tel: (206) 543-4580
Fax: (206) 685-9063


Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., University of Virginia; August, 1981.
Dissertation:  “Aphorism and Met-Aphorism:  The Aphoristic Tradition and the Aphorisms of Franz Kafka.” Adviser: Walter H. Sokel.
M.A., University of Cincinnati; June, 1976.
B.A., University of North Carolina at Greensboro; May, 1974, cum laude.




2003-2017 Byron W. and Alice L. Lockwood Professor in the Humanities, University of Washington.
1993-2003 Professor of German, University of Washington.
1991-93  Associate Professor of German, University of Washington.
1988-91  Associate Professor of German, Mills College.
1984-88  Assistant Professor of German, Mills College.
1982-84  Visiting Assistant Professor of German, Reed College.
1981-82  Assistant Professor of German, University of Virginia.
1976-79  Graduate Instructor, University of Virginia.
1974-76  Graduate Instructor, University of Cincinnati.


Visiting Professor, Universität Tübingen, Summer Semester 2013.
Visiting Professor, Universität Tübingen, Summer Semester 2004.
Visiting Professor, Universität Tübingen, Summer Semester 2002.
Visiting Professor, Harvard University, Autumn Semester 2000-2001.
Visiting Professor, University of California at Irvine, Spring Quarter 2000.


Dr. Christoph Zeller (University of Stuttgart), Feodor-Lynen-Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 2001-2003.
Dr. Roberto Simonowski (University of Jena), Feodor-Lynen-Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 2001-2002.
Dr. Urs Meyer (University of Fribourg), Swiss National Foundation, 2001-03.
Dr. Hansjörg Bay (University of Erfurt), Feodor-Lynen-Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 2007-08.
Hans Kruschwitz (University of Aachen), Doctoral Mentoring, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2009.
Dr. Hamid Tafazoli (University of Münster), Feodor-Lynen-Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 2009-2011.
Dr. Carolin Dorothée Lange (University of Bochum), DAAD Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2012-14.

Language Classes:
Beginning German
Intermediate German
Intermediate German for Honors Students
German for Reading Knowledge
Advanced Composition and Conversation
Text Analysis
Composition and Stylistics
Literature Classes:
The Modern German Novel
Fin de siècle Austrian Literature and Thought
Literary Revolution and Revolutionary Literature in Germany
Advanced Seminar:  German Critical Theory and Hermeneutics since 1945
Living on the Fault Line: Postwar German Literature East and West
Contemporary Trends in German Literature
The German Short Story
Freud's Vienna:  Modernism and the Origins of the Postmodern
Introduction to German Literature and Culture 1800 to the Present
Interdisciplinary Seminar: Narrative Consciousnesses: European Fiction Since 1900
Vienna 1900
Survey of Nineteenth-Century German Literature
Franz Kafka
Methods of Research and Bibliography
Contemporary Literary Theory
Institutionalization of Aesthetics in the 18th Century
Marx, Money, Materialism and the Literary Economy
German Physiognomics and Racial Thought
Hermeneutics and Reception Theory
Freud and Modern Literature
Modes of Literary Realism
Modern German Short Story
The Fictional Works of W. G. Sebald
Reading Through Kafka's "I's": Forms of Contemporary First-Person Narrative
Testimony and Witnessing in Contemporary German Literature
Authored Books:
Ghostwriting: W. G. Sebald's Poetics of History. New Directions in German Studies. New York: Bloomsbury, 2017 (forthcoming).

Money Matters: Economics and the German Cultural Imagination, 1770-1850, Literary Conjugations (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2008). [Reviewed in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Nr. 111 (14 May 2009): 33; Journal of Contemporary European Studies 18.1 (2010): 125-26; The German Quarterly 83 (2010): 248-49; Business History Review 84.1 (Spring 2010): 140-42; Colloquia Germanica 41 (2008): 272-73; Canadian Journal of History 45 (2010): 373-75; Modern Language Quarterly 72 (2011): 110-13; Monatshefte 103 (2011): 114-15; Goethe Yearbook 18 (2011): 285-95.]

A Franz Kafka Encyclopedia, with Ruth V. Gross, Rolf Goebel, and Clayton Koelb (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2005). [Reviewed in: Reference and Research Book News (Nov. 1, 2005); Library Journal 130.9 (Nov. 15, 2005); Booklist 102.8 (Dec. 15, 2005): 61; Choice Online (Feb. 2006); German Studies Review 30 (2007): 188-189; Modern Language Review 102 (2007): 574-76; Journal of European Studies 37 (2007): 99-101; Germanistik 47 (2006): 395-96.]

About Face: German Physiognomic Thought from Lavater to Auschwitz, in the series “Kritik: German Literary Theory and Cultural Studies” (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2004). [Reviewed in: Humanities and Social Sciences Online, H-Net Book Reviews (February 2005); The German Quarterly 78 (2005): 407-409; German Studies Review 28 (2005): 668-669; Germanistik 46 (2005): 143; Colloquia Germanica 37 (2004): 355-57; Modern Language Review 101 (2006): 601-03; Monatshefte 98 (2006): 456-58; Arbitrium 24 (2006): 204-08; Jewish Quarterly Review 99 (2009): 594-602.]

Stations of the Divided Subject: Contestation and Ideological Legitimation in German Bourgeois Literature, 1770-1912 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995). [Reviewed in: Choice 33 (Jan. 1996); Michigan Germanic Studies 20 (1994): 187-93; The German Quarterly 70 (1997): 65-66; The Germanic Review 72 (1997): 252-53; Germanic Notes and Reviews 28 (1997): 78-80; German Studies Review 20 (1997): 443-44; Germanistik 37 (1996): 843; MLQ 58 (1997): 233-36; Monatshefte 90 (1998): 384-85; MLR 93 (1998): 1174-76; Forum for Modern Language Studies 34 (1998): 292.]

Constructive Destruction. Kafka's Aphorisms: Literary Tradition and Literary Transformation, Studien zur deutschen Literatur, vol. 91 (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1987). [Reviewed in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 100 (2-3 May 1987); Monatshefte 80 (1988): 488-90; Colloquia Germanica 21 (1988): 364-67; The German Quarterly 61 (1988): 595-96; Deutsche Bücher (1988, no. 2): 143-44; Germanistik 28 (1987): 649-50; The Year's Work in Language Studies 48 (1987): 858-59.]

Edited and Translated Books

Editor (with Hamid Tafazoli), Außenraum–Mitraum–Innenraum: Heterotopien in Kultur und Gesellschaft (Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2012).

Editor (with Nicholas Halmi, Gary Handwerk, and Michael Rosenthal), Inventions of the Imagination: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Imaginary since Romanticism (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2011). [Reviewed in Choice Online (Jan. 2012); Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (March 2012).]

Co-Editor (with Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf and Anna Czajka-Cunico), “Autofiktion: Neue Verfahren literarischer Selbstdarstellung,” Akten des XII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses, Warschau 2010: Vielheit und Einheit der Germanistik Weltweit, vol. 8 (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2013).

Editor (with Klaus Vieweg), Hegel und Nietzsche: Eine literarisch-philosophische Begegnung (Weimar: Bauhaus-Universität, 2007).

Translator, Friedrich Nietzsche, Unpublished Fragments: From the Period of Unfashionable Observations, vol. 11 of The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche in 20 Volumes (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999).

Translator, Friedrich Nietzsche, Unfashionable Observations I-IV, vol. 2 of The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche in 20 Volumes (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995). [Reviewed in: Modern Schoolman 76 (1998): 61-66.]

Editor and translator (with Sabine Wilke), Unification and Its Discontents: Documents from the “Peaceful Revolution,” 1989-1990 (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1996). [Reviewed in: World (20-27 July 1996): 24; The Baelder Pan-European Journal 78-79 (March 1997); German Studies Review 21 (1998): 393-94; The German Quarterly 72 (1999): 415-16.]

Editor, Approaches to Teaching Kafka's Short Fiction, in the “Approaches to Teaching World Literature” series of the Modern Language Association (New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1995). [Reviewed in: Modern Austrian Literature 30.1 (1997): 136-39; Seminar 33 (1997): 182-84.]

Translator (with Sabine Wilke), Manfred Frank, What is Neostructuralism?, Theory and History of Literature, vol. 45 (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989).

Editorial Assistant, Lessing in heutiger Sicht: Beiträge zur internationalen Lessingkonferenz (Bremen: Jacobi Verlag, 1977).
Articles, Esaays, Book Chapters:
“Intertextualität/Netzwerke.” Encyclopedia article, W. G. Sebald-Handbuch: Leben—Werk—Wirkung. Ed. Claudia Öhlschläger and Michael Niehaus (Stuttgart: Metzler, 2017), 122-29.

“Franz Kafka.” Encyclopedia article, W. G. Sebald-Handbuch: Leben—Werk—Wirkung. Ed. Claudia Öhlschläger and Michael Niehaus (Stuttgart: Metzler, 2017), 268-73.

“Un-Verschollen in Amerika: Der Einfluss der österreichisch-jüdischen Emigranten Heinz Politzer und Walter H. Sokel auf die (amerikanische) Kafka-Rezeption.” Journal of the Kafka Society of America 39 (2015; Special 40th Anniversary Issue dedicated to the memory of Walter H. Sokel): 46-52.

"Reisen in die Vergangenheit (der Natur): W. G. Sebald als Öko-Tourist." Literatur für Leser 68.4 (2013): 193-210.

“Economics as a Laughing Matter: Freud’s Jokes and Their Relations to the Economic Unconscious.” The Germanic Review 88.2 (June 2013): 97-120.

“Un-Verschollen in Amerika: Der Einfluss deutsch-jüdischer Emigranten auf die (amerikanische) Kafka-Rezeption.“ Forthcoming in Franz Kafka: Wirkung, Wirkungsverhinderung, Nicht-Wirkung, Intellektuelles Prag im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert, Bd. 5 (Cologne: Böhlau, 2014), 367-82.

“Ökonomische Romantik: Währungsnationalismus bei Johann Gottlob Fichte und Adam Müller,” accepted for publication in the volume Unzeitgemässes: Zur Aktualität der Romantik, eds. Michael Forster and Klaus Vieweg (Münster: LIT-Verlag, 2012), 239-67.

“Unverschollen in Amerika: Der Einfluss deutsch-jüdischer Emigranted auf die (amerikanische) Kafka-Forschung,” paper delivered at conference Franz Kafka: Wirkung, Wirkungsverhinderung, Nicht-Wirkung, published in the on-line magazine LETNAPARK: Prager Kleine Seiten:

“Accounting for Pleasure: Sigmund Freud, Carl Menger, and the Economically Minded Human Being.” Publications of the Modern Language Association of America (PMLA) 127 (2012): 122-30.

“Shipwreck with Spectators: Ideologies of Observation in Goethe’s Faust II.” Goethe’s Ghost: Reading and the Persistence of Literature. Ed. Simon Richter and Richard Block (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2013), 126-48.

“Imaginary Value and the Value of the Imaginary: J. G. Schlosser, E. T. A. Hoffmann, and the Convergence of Economics and Aesthetics in German Romanticism.” Modern Language Quarterly 72.3 (Sept. 2011): 369-97 (special issue dedicated to “Literary Value”).

“Introduction.” Inventions of the Imagination: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Imaginary since Romanticism, ed. Richard T. Gray, Nicholas Halmi, Gary Handwerk, and Michael Rosenthal (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2011), 3-16.

“Einleitung: Heterotopien in Kultur und Gesellschaft” (with Hamid Tafazoli). Introduction to Außenraum–Mitraum–Innenraum: Heterotopien in Kultur und Gesellschaft. Ed. Hamid Tafazoli and Richard T. Gray (Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2012): 7-33.

“The Fourth Wall: Illusion and the Theater of Narrative in Franz Kafka’s “Ein Bericht für eine Akademie.’” Außenraum–Mitraum–Innenraum: Heterotopien in Kultur und Gesellschaft. Ed. Hamid Tafazoli and Richard T. Gray. (Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2012): 103-30.

“Fabulation and Metahistory: W. G. Sebald and Contemporary German Holocaust Fiction,” appearing in the volume Literarische Experimente, ed. Christoph Zeller (Heidelberg: Carl Winter Verlag, 2012; forthcoming).

“Sebald’s Segues: Performing Narrative Contingency in Die Ringe des Saturn.” The Germanic Review 84 (2009): 26-58. [Reprinted in Contemporary Literary Criticism, volume 296, ed. Jeff Hunter (Dallas: Gale, 2010): 307-23.]

“Writing at the Roche Limit: Order and Entropy in W. G. Sebald’s Die Ringe des Saturn.The German Quarterly 83.1 (Winter 2010): 38-57.

“From Grids to Vanishing Points: W. G. Sebald’s Critique of Visual-Representational Orders in Die Ringe des Saturn.German Studies Review 32 (2009): 495-526.

“Sebald’s Pretexts: ‘Dr. Henry Selwyn’ and its Textual Predecessor.” Forthcoming in Seminar 45 (2009): 387-406.

“Physiognomic ‘Surface Hermeneutics’ and the Ideological Context of German Modernism,” reprint of the Introduction to About Face: German Physiognomic Thought from Lavater to Auschwitz, in: Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, vol. 212 (Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 2009): 308-22.

“Exile as Dis-Placement in W. G. Sebald’s ‘Dr. Henry Selwyn.’” Literatur im Zeitalter des Totalitarismus: Festschrift für Dieter Sevin, eds. Elke Gilson, Barbara Hahn, and Holly Liu, Germanistische Texte und Stidien, Bd. 80 (Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 2008): 209-26.

“Skeptische Philologie: Friedrich Schlegel, Friedrich Nietzsche und eine Philologie der Zukunft.” Nietzsche-Studien 38 (2009): 39-64.

“Kritische Parabase: Schlegel, Nietzsche und die kulturkritische Philologie, oder Wie man mit dem Hammer philologiert,” Transzendentalpoesie oder Dichtkunst mit Begriffen - Friedrich Schlegel und Friedrich Nietzsche, ed. Klaus Vieweg (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2009), 95-107.

“‘Die Metamorphose der Welt in den Menschen’: Übertragung, Metapher und Anthropomorphismus beim frühen Nietzsche,” scheduled to appear in the collection Hegel und Nietzsche: Eine literarisch-philosophische Begegnung, eds. Richard T. Gray and Klaus Vieweg (Weimar: Bauhaus-Universität, 2007): 42-69.

“Economic Value-Theory and Literary Culture in Late-Eighteenth Century Germany: The Debate over Physiocracy,” scheduled to appear in the collection Practicing Progress: The Promise and Limits of Enlightenment, ed. Richard E. Schade and Dieter Sevin (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007), 93-107.

“Fremden-Verkehr: Kafkas Der Nachbar und die Soziologie des Fremden,” Odradeks Lachen: Fremdheit bei Kafka, eds. Hansjörg Bay and Christof Hamann (Freiburg: Rombach, 2006), 143-167.

“Metaphysical Mimesis: Nietzsche’s Geburt der Tragödie and the Aesthetics of Literary Expressionism,” A Companion to the Literature of German Expressionism. Ed. Neil H. Donahue (Columbia, S.C: Camden House, 2005), 39-65. [Reprinted in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, vol. 290. Ed. Lawrence J. Trudeau (Detroit: Gale, 2014), 212-225.]

“Economic Romanticism: Monetary Nationalism in Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Adam Müller,” Eighteenth-Century Studies 36 (2003): 535-557.

“Red Herrings and Blue Smocks: Commercialism, Ecological Destruction, and Anti-Semitism in Annette von Droste-Hülshoff’s Die Judenbuche,” German Studies Review (Oct. 2003): 515-542.

“Filologia Critica: La Vie de Nietzsche alla Critica della Cultura” (Kritische Philologie: Nietzsches Weg zur Kulturkritik) Nietzsche, Illuminismo, Modernitá, eds. Carlo Gentilli, Volker Gerhardt, and Aldo Venturelli (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 2003), 175-189.

“Disjunctive Signs: Semiotics, Aesthetics, and Failed Mediation in Kafka’s In der Strafkolonie,” Companion to the Works of Franz Kafka. Ed. James Rolleston (Columbia, S.C.: Camden House, 2002), 233-269. [Reprinted in Short Story Criticism, vol. 128. Ed. Jelena O. Krstovic (Detroit: Gale, 2010), 191-207.]

“Hypersign, Hypertext, Hypermarket: Adam Müller’s Theory of Money and Romantic Semiotics,” New Literary History 31.2 (2000): 295-314.

Interview: “Hypertext Wien 1900,” appeared in the electronic on-line journal dichtung-digital ( (with Sabine Wilke).

“Physiognomik,” encyclopedia article in Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft, ed. Klaus Weimar (Berlin: DeGruyter, 2000ff.).

“Goethe als Stiefvater der modernen deutschen Physiognomik,” Körper—Diskurse—Praktiken, eds. Brigitte Prutti and Sabine Wilke (Heidelberg: Synchron, 2004), 93-125.

“Physiognomik im Spannungsfeld zwischen Humanismus und Rassismus: Johann Caspar Lavater und Carl Gustav Carus,” Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 81 (1999): 313-337.

“Translator's Afterword,” Friedrich Nietzsche, Unpublished Writings: From the Period of Unfashionable Observations, vol. 11 of The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche in 20 Volumes (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999), pp. 463-494.

“The (Mis)Fortune of Commerce: Economic Transformation in Adalbert Stifter's 'Bergkristall,' “ Politics and Literature: Festschrift for Frank Ryder, eds. Mark Cory and Beth Bjorklund (Columbia, S.C.: Camden House, 1998), pp. 36-59.

“Translator's Afterword,” Friedrich Nietzsche, Unfashionable Observations I-IV, vol. 2 of The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche in 20 Volumes (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995), pp. 395-413.

“Buying into Signs: Money and Semiosis in Eighteenth-Century German Language Theory,” The German Quarterly 69 (1996): 1-14. [Reprinted in : The New Economic Criticism, eds. Martha Woodmansee and Mark Osteen (NY: Routledge, 1998), pp. 95-113.]

“Introduction: How the East Was Won” (with Sabine Wilke), Unification and Its Discontents: Documents from the “Peaceful Revolution,” 1989-1990 (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1996), pp. xiii-xxix.

“From Caligari to Kafka:  Expressionist Film and the Teaching of Kafka's Short Fiction,” in Approaches to Teaching Kafka's Short Fiction, ed. R. Gray (New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1995), pp. 53-63.

“Teaching Materials on Kafka,” in Approaches to Teaching Kafka's Short Fiction, ed. R. Gray (New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1995), pp. 1-18.

“ 'Das Urteil': Unheimliches Erzählen und die Unheimlichkeit des bürgerlichen Subjekts,” Interpretationen: Franz Kafkas Romane und Erzählungen, ed. Michael Müller (Stuttgart: Reclam, 1994), pp. 11-41. Reprinted in 2001 in digital format, available at [Hungarian translation in Interpretációk: Franz Kafka Regények És Elbeszélések (Budapest: Lava Kiadó, 2006), 10-30.]

“The Dialectic of Enscentment: Patrick Süskind’s Das Parfum as Critical History of Enlightenment Culture,” Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 108 (1993): 489-505. [Reprinted in: The Smell Culture Reader. Ed. Jim Drobnick (Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2006), 235-53.]

“Übersetzungsgeschichte als Wirkungsgeschichte: Überlegungen zur Erstellung einer 'kritischen' anglo-amerikanischen Nietzsche-Ausgabe,”  Übersetzen, verstehen, Brücken bauen: Geisteswissenschaftliches und literarisches Übersetzen im internationalen Kulturaustausch, eds. Arnim P. Frank, Kurt-Jürgen Maass, Fritz Paul, and Horst Turk (Munich: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1994), pp. 685-695.

“Aufklärung und Anti-Aufklärung: Wissenschaftlichkeit und Zeichenbegriff in Lavaters 'Physiognomik',” Das Antlitz Gottes im Antlitz des Menschen: Zugänge zu Johann Kaspar Lavater, eds. Karl Pestalozzi and Horst Weigelt (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1994), pp. 166-178.

“Johann Kaspar Lavaters Physiognomical 'Surface Hermeneutics' and the Ideological (Con)Text of Bourgeois Modernism,” Lessing Yearbook 23 (1991): 127-148.

“Sign and Sein: The Physiognomikstreit and the Dispute over the Semiotic Constitution of Bourgeois Individuality,” Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 66 (1992): 300-332. [Reviewed in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (26 Aug. 1992).]

“Die Geburt des Genies aus dem Geiste der Aufklärung: Semiotik und Aufklärungsideologie in der Physiognomik Johann Kaspar Lavaters,” Poetica 23 (1991): 95-138.

“The Hermeneut(r)ic(k) of the Psychic Narrative: Freud's 'Das Unheimliche' and Hofmannsthal's Reitergeschichte,” The German Quarterly 62 (1989): 473-488.

“Epistemic Conflict, Hermeneutical Disjunction, and the Subl(im)ation of Revolt: A Sociosemiotic Investigation of Schiller's Die Räuber,” Fictions of Culture: Essays in Honor of Walter H. Sokel, ed. Steven Taubeneck (Bern and Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1991), pp. 53-93.

“Romanticism and the Discourse of Revolution:  Heine's Ideen. Das Buch Le Grand and Literature in the Public Sphere,” Monatshefte 81 (1989): 27-44.

“Free-Lancing: Heine's Ideen. Das Buch Le Grand and Literature Between Service and Servitude,” Heinrich Heine-Jahrbuch 27 (1988): 32-66.

“The Dialectic of Enlightenment in Büchner's Woyzeck,” The German Quarterly 61 (1988): 78-96.

“From Impression to Epiphany:  The Aphorism in the Austrian Jahhundertwende,” Modern Austrian Literature 20, no. 2 (1987): 81-95.

“The Ambivalence of Revolt in Klinger's Zwillinge: An Apologia for Political Inconsequence?,” Colloquia Germanica 19, no. 3/4 (1986): 203-227. [Reprinted in Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, vol. 325. Ed. Lawrence J. Trudeau (Detroit: Gale, 2016), 16-30.]

“Biography as Criticism in Kafka Studies,”  Journal of the Kafka Society of America 10, no. 1-2 (June/December, 1986): 46-55.

“Aphorism and Sprachkrise in Turn-of-the-Century Austria,” Orbis Litterarum 41 (1986): 332-354.

“Suggestive Metaphor:  Kafka's Aphorisms and the Crisis of Communication,” Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 58 (1984): 454-469.

“The Literary Sources of Kafka's Aphoristic Impulse,” The Literary Review (Kafka Centenary Volume) 26 (1983): 537-550.
Book Reviews
“Jakob Lothe, Beatrice Sandberg, and Ronald Speirs, eds. Franz Kafka: Narration, Rhetoric, and Reading,” forthcoming in Studies in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature 38.1 (2014).

“Silke Horstkotte, Nachbilder. Fotografie und Gedächtnis in der deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur,” Monatshefte 102 (2010): 436-38.

“Mark Edmundson, The Death of Sigmund Freud: Fascism, Psychoanalysis and the Rise of Fundamentalism,” Shofar, An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 27.1 (Fall 2008): 187-90.

“Eric L. Santner, On Creaturely Life: Rilke | Benjamin | Sebald,” Modern Language Quarterly 69 (2008): 426-31.

“Claudia Schmölders, Hiter’s Face: The Biography of an Image,” Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly 29 (2006): 642-45.

“Regina Angela Wenzel, Changing Notions of Money and Language in German Literature from 1509 to 1956,” Colloquia Germanica 37 (2004): 202-204.

“María Cecilia Barbetta: Poetik des Neo-Phantastischen: Patrick Süskinds Roman Das Parfum,” Colloquia Germanica 36 (2003): 194-196.

“Maria Luise Caputo-Mayr and Julius Herz, Franz Kafka: Internationale Bibliographie der Primär- und Sekundärliteratur,” Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate 55 (2002): 466-468.

“Jochen Hörisch, Heads or Tails: The Poetics of Money,” The German Quarterly 75 (2002): 214-216.

“Bernd Widdig, Culture and Inflation in Weimar Germany,” Colloquia Germanica 34 (2001): 346-349.

“Benjamin W. Redekop, Enlightenment and Community: Lessing, Abbt, Herder, and the Quest for a German Public,” The Lessing Yearbook 33 (2001): 387-389.

“Frank Pilipp, ed., The Legacy of  Kafka in Contemporary Austrian Literature,” The German Quarterly 74 (2001): 318-19.

“Rainer J. Kaus, Erzählte Psychoanalyse bei Franz Kafka: Die Deutung von Kafkas Erzählung ‘Das Urteil’,” The German Quarterly 73 (2000): 320-22.

“Michael Scheffel, Formen Selbstreflexiven Erzählens: Eine Typologie und sechs exemplarische Analysen,” Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate 53 (2000): 467-70.

“Werner Wunderlich, ed., Der literarische Homo oeconomicus:Vom Märchenhelden zum Manager, and Enrik Lauer, Literarischer Monetarismus: Studien zur Homologie von Sinn und Geld bei Goethe, Goux, Sohn-Rethel, Simmel und Luhmann,” The German Quarterly 71 (1998): 319-21.

“Rüdiger Campe and Manfred Schneider, eds., Geschichten der Physiognomik,” The German Quarterly 70 (1997): 395-96.

“John Reddick, Georg Büchner: The Shattered Whole,” Modern Philology 94 (1997): 545-49.

“Louis Dumont, German Ideology: From France to Germany and Back,” Modern Language Quarterly 57 (1996): 512-15.

“Johannes Saltzwedel, Das Gesicht der Welt: Physiognomisches Denken in der Goethezeit,” The German Quarterly 69 (1996): 69-71.

“Ellis Schookman, The Faces of Physiognomy,” The Lessing Yearbook 27 (1995): 260-62.

“Sander L. Gilman, Franz Kafka, the Jewish Patient,” Michigan Germanic Studies 20 (1994): 210-15.

“Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz, Pandämonium Germanikum, M. Luserke and C. Weiß, eds.,” The Lessing Yearbook 26 (1994): 173-74.

“Dorothea von Mücke, Virtue and the Veil of Illusion: Generic Innovation and the Pedagogical Project in Eighteenth-Century Literature,” Eighteenth-Century Studies 27 (1993-94): 303-306.

Georg Büchner Jahrbuch 7 (1988/89),” Colloquia Germanica 26 (1993): 185-187.

“Johann C. Lavater, Von der Physiognomik und Hundert physiognomische Regeln, eds. Karl Riha and Carsten Zelle,” Lessing Yearbook 25 (1993): 230-232.

“Rudolf Käser, Die Schwierigkeit, ich zu sagen. Rhetorik der Selbstdarstellung in Texten des Sturm und Drang: Herder - Goethe - Lenz,” Lessing Yearbook 21 (1989): 242-244.

“Peter Beicken, ed. Erläuterungen und Dokumente: Franz Kafka “Die Verwandlung” and Peter Beicken, Franz Kafka: Leben und Werk,” Die Unterrichtspraxis 22 (1989): 100-101.

“Georg Büchner, Woyzeck and Other Writings, ed. Henry J. Schmidt,” Die Unterrichtspraxis 21 (1988): 147.

“Betty Senk Waterhouse, ed. and trans., Five Plays of the Sturm und Drang,” Lessing Yearbook 20 (1988): 371.

“Friedrich Voit, ed., J. M. R. Lenz 'Der Hofmeister oder Vorteile der Privaterziehung': Erläuterungen und Dokumente,” Lessing Yearbook 20 (1988): 335-336.

Georg Büchner, Complete Works and Letters, eds. Walter Hinderer and Henry J. Schmidt,” Die Unterrichtspraxis 20 (1987): 352-353.

“Hans-Günther Schwarz, Dasein und Realität:  Theorie und Praxis des Realismus bei J. M. R. Lenz,” Lessing Yearbook 19 (1987): 363-364.

“Franz Werner, Soziale Unfreiheit und 'bürgerliche Intelligenz' im 18. Jahrhundert:  Der organisierende Gesichtspunkt in J. M. R. Lenzens Drama 'Der Hofmeister oder Vorteile der Privaterziehung',” Lessing Yearbook 18 (1986): 254-256.

“Werner Preuss, Selbstkastration oder Zeugung neuer Kreatur:  Zum Problem der moralischen Freiheit im Leben und Werk von J. M. R. Lenz,” Lessing Yearbook 18 (1986): 252-253.

“Werner Hoffmann, 'Ansturm gegen die letzte irdische Grenze': Aphorismen und Spätwerk Kafkas,” Modern Austrian Literature 19, no. 1 (1986): 116-118.

“Kenneth Hughes, ed., Franz Kafka:  An Anthology of Marxist Criticism,” Modern Language Notes 98 (1983): 516-517.
“Fabulation and Metahistory: W. G. Sebald and Contemporary German Holocaust Literature.” Hood Fellowship and Goethe Society Lecture, University of Auckland, New Zealand, March 2015.
“The Fourth Wall: Illusion and the Theater of Narrative in Franz Kafka’s ‘Ein Bericht für eine Akademie.’” Hood Fellowship Lecture, University of Auckland, New Zealand, March 2015.
“Getting and Spending in Freud’s Joke Book.” Keynote address at the conference “Getting and Spending,” Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, December 2014.
“Economics as a Laughing Matter: Freud’s Jokes and Their Relation to the Economic and Rhetorical Unconscious.” Duke University, Joint Duke-University of North Carolina Graduate Program in German Studies, October 2012.
“Un-Verschollen in Amerika: Der Einfluss deutsch-jüdischer Emigranten auf die (amerikanische) Kafka-Rezeption.“ International Conference, Franz Kafka: Wirkung, Wirkungsverhinderung, Nicht-Wirkung; sponsored by the Goethe-Institut, Prague, November 2011.
“Fabulation and Metahistory: W. G. Sebald in the Context of Recent German Holocaust Fiction.” Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, University of South Carolina, Columbia. April 2011.
“Fabulation and Metahistory: Metafictional Strategies and Holocaust Representation in W. G. Sebald’s Austerlitz,” conference on “Literary Experiments: Media, Art, Texts 1950-2010,” Vanderbilt University, March 2010.
“Fabulation and Metahistory: W. G. Sebald and Recent German Holocaust Fiction,” Solomon Katz Lecture in the Humanities, University of Washington, February 2010.
“The Fourth Wall: Illusion and the Theater of Narrative in Franz Kafka’s “A Report to an Academy,” Lecture in conjunction with the exhibition, “The Insurance Man: Kafka in the Penal Colony,” Simon Fraser University Gallery, Vancouver, BC, September 2009.
“Kritische Parabase: Schlegel, Nietzsche und die kulturkritische Philologie, oder Wie man mit dem Hammer philologiert,” Conference on “Transzendentalpoesie oder Dichtkunst mit Begriffen - Friedrich Schlegel und Friedrich Nietzsche,” Universität Jena, Oct. 2007.
“Ökonomische Romantik: Wähungsnationalismus bei Johann Gottlieb Fichte und Adam Müller,” Germanistisches Institut, Universität Münster, Oct. 2007.
“The Economics and Poetics of Excess in Chamisso’s Peter Schlemihl,” Washington University, St. Louis, March 2007.
“Counting on God: Economic Providentialism in Johann Heinrich Jung-Stilling’s Lebensgeschichte,” Eighteenth-Century Salon Workshop, Washington University, St. Louis, March 2007.
“Deep Pockets: The Economics and Poetics of Excess in Adelbert von Chamisso’s Peter Schlemihl,” Rodig Lecture, Rutgers University, November 2006.
“Kafka’s ‘Der Nachbar’ and the Sociology of the Stranger,” Rodig Workshop, Rutgers University, November 2006.
“Memory, Remembrance, and Recollection in the Freudian Unconscious,” in the Connections and Contexts Lecture Series, Frye Art Museum, Seattle, February 2006.
“Mimesis or Imagination: Cultural Values and the German Debate over Physiocracy,” Stanford University, April 2005.
“Fremden-Verkehr: Kafkas ‘Der Nachbar’ und die Soziologie des Fremden,” Universität Tübingen, June 2004.
“The Neighbor as Other: Kafka’s ‘Der Nachbar’ (My Neighbor) and the Sociology of the Other,” delivered at the conference “Linguistic Insiders and Outsiders: Translation, Hybridity, and German Modernism,” University of California at Irvine, May 2004.
“Ökonomische Romantik: Geldnationalismus bei Johann Gottlieb Fichte und Adam Müller,” Institute for Philosophy, Universität Jena, June 2002.
“Monetary Nationalism in German Romanticism: Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Adam Müller,” Yale University, Department of German Studies, January 2002; Department of Germanics, University of Washington, April 2003.
“Goethe as Found(l)ing Father of Modern German Physiognomics,” Charles Phelps Taft Lecture, University of Cincinnati, February 2001.
“Failed Mediation in Kafka’s In der Strafkolonie,” Harvard University, Germanics Roundtable, December 2000.
“Technologies of Seeing in the History of German Physiognomics,” Princeton University, October 2000, and Middlebury College, December 2000.
“Turning Points in the History of German Physiognomic Thought, from Lavater to Racism,” Conference on “Jahrhundertwenden: A Centenary Celebration of Cincinnati Scholarship,” University of Cincinnati, April 2000.
“Die Sichtbarmachung des Unsichtbaren: Technologien des Sehens in der modernen deutschen Physiognomik,” Filbinger Lecture, Universität Regensburg, June 1999.
“Goethe als Stiefvater der modernen deutschen Physiognomik: Der Fall Ludwig Klages,” Filbinger Lecture, Universität Regensburg, June 1999.
Panel Discussion, “Germanistik in Deutschland und den USA: Massenfach oder Orchideenfach?,” University of Regensburg, Germany, June 1999.
“The Emergence of the Physiognomical World View in Weimar Germany: Oswald Spengler and Rudolf Kassner,” European Studies Center, Harvard University, December 1998.
“Vienna 1900: Interdisciplinary Web Site for the Humanities,” Harvard University Germanics Roundtable, December 1998.
“Hypersign, Hypertext, Hypermarket: Adam Müller’s Theory of Money and Romantic Semiotics,” Reed College, March 1999; also presented at Ohio State University, April 1999, and University of California, Irvine, May 2000.
“The (Mis)Fortune of Commerce: Economic Transformation in Adalbert Stifter's 'Bergkristall',” University of Washington Germanics Colloquium Series, January 1998.
“Physiognomik im Spannungsfeld zwischen Humanismus und Rassismus:
Johann Caspar Lavater und Carl Gustav Carus,” Departments of Philosophy and German, University of Jena, June 1997.
Panel Discussion, “Amerikanische Universität, Du hast es besser. Oder?” Internationales Begnegnungszentrum, University of Munich, May 1997.
“Germanistik in den USA: Zwischen Sprachunterricht und 'Cultural Studies,' “ Universität Münster, October 1996.
“Lavater and the Disciplining/Disciplined Gaze,” Harvard University, Center for European Studies, March 1995.
“The Inside as Outside: Johann Kaspar Lavater's Physiognomische Fragmente,” Delta Phi Alpha lecture, University of Washington, November 1991.
“Revolutionary Literature and Literary Revolution in Germany: The Case of Heine,” Mills College, Faculty Seminar Series, November 1986
“Revolutionary Literature in Germany,” Harvard University, Mellon Foundation, May 1986
“Free-Lancing:  Heine's Buch Le Grand and the Political Writer Between Service and Servitude,” Harvard University, Germanic Literary Circle, April 1986.
“The Relationship of Aphorism and Parable in Kafka's Works,” Reed College, March 1983.

“Reisen in die Vergangenheit (der Natur): W. G. Sebald als Öko-Tourist,” Tourismus: Kulturökologische und ökopoetische Perspektiven von Literatur, Kultur und Film vom 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart, University of Tübingen, June 2013.
“Narrating Environmental Catastrophe: Ecopsychology in W. G. Sebald’s “Corsica” Project,” Transatlantic Dialogues on the Environment Workshop, University of Washington, Seattle, September 2012.
“Imaginary Values and the Marketplace in E. T. A Hoffmann's ‘Des Vetters Eckfenster,’” German Studies Association conference, Oakland, CA, October 2010.
Co-Organizer of section “Autofiktion: Neue Verfahren literarischer Selbstdarstellung,” Congress of the Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik (IVG), Warsaw, Poland, August 2011.
“The Fourth Wall: Illusion and the Theater of Narrative in Franz Kafka’s ‘Ein Bericht für eine Akademie,’” Humboldt Foundation Conference on “Heterotopien,” University of Wisconsin, September 2009.
“Hey, Big Spender! Economics and Aesthetics of Excess in Faust II,” German Studies Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, October 2008.
“‘Die Metamorphose der Welt in den Menschen’: Metapher, Übertragung und Anthropomorphismus beim frühen Nietzsche,” International Conference: “Hegel und Nietzsche: Eine literarisch-philosophische Begegnung,” Nietzsche-Kolleg, Weimar, Nov. 2005.
“Mimesis or Imagination: Cultural Values and the German Debate over Physiocracy,” Conference on “Money and Culture,” University College, Cork, Ireland, May 2005.
“From Mimesis to Imagination: The Cultural Implications of the German Debate over Physiocracy,” German Studies Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 2004.
Participant in Podium Discussion “Medien/Terror,” Medien-Forum Conference of North Rhine Westphalia, Cologne, Germany, June 2004.
Session Organizer, “Romanticism and Economics,” North American Society for the Study of Romanticism Annual Conference, Seattle, August 2001.
Program Organizer, “The Sense of Endings,” Meetings of the Division of 19th- and Early-20th-Century Literature, MLA Convention, Washington D.C., December 2000.
 “Kritische Philologie: Nietzsches Weg zur Kulturkritik,” International Nietzsche Conference “Nietzsche, Illuminismo, Modernitá,” Bologna, Italy, November 2000.
“Technologies of Seeing: Envisioning the Invisible in Racial Physiognomics,” Division of Twentieth-Century Literature, Modern Language Association Conference, San Francisco, December 1998.
“Vienna 1900: Interdisciplinary Web Site for the Humanities,” Division of Late-19th and Early-20th Century German Literature, Modern Language Association Conference, San Francisco, December 1998.
“Hypersign, Hypertext, Hypermarket: Adam Müller’s Theory of Money and Romantic Semiotics,” Culture and Economics Conference, Society for Critical Exchange, Exeter England, July 1998.
“Ästhetischer Umbruch und ideologischer Konflikt: Die 'Conti-Szenen' in Lessings Emilia Galotti,” Internationale Vereinigung für germanische Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft,” Vancouver, B.C., August 1995.
“Buying into Signs: Money and Semiosis in Eighteenth-Century Language Theory,” conference on “The New Economic Criticism,” Society for Critical Exchange, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, October 1994.
“Übersetzungsgeschichte und Wirkungsgeschichte: Zur anglo-amerikanischen Nietzsche Ausgabe,” Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Germanistik, Düsseldorf, July 1994.
Session Leader and Program Organizer, “F(r)ictions of Culture: The German and Austrian fin de siécle,” Philological Association of the Pacific Coast, Seattle, November 1993.
 “Aesthetic 'Breakthrough as Repression of the Political: Kafka's 'Das Urteil',” Philological Association of the Pacific Coast, San Diego, November 1992.
“Buying into Signs: Money and Semiosis in Eighteenth-Century Language Theory,” Modern Language Association Conference, San Francisco, December 1991.
“Aufklärung und Anti-Aufklärung: Wissenschaftlichkeit und Zeichenbegriff in Lavaters 'Physiognomik',” Lavater-Symposion, “Das Antlitz Gottes im Antlitz des Menschen,” Zwingliverein, Zurich, November 1991.
“Übersetzungsgeschichte als Wirkungsgeschichte: Überlegungen zur Erstellung einer 'kritischen' anglo-amerikanischen Nietzsche-Ausgabe,” Symposium “Geisteswissenschaftliches und literarisches Übersetzen im internationalen Kulturaustausch,” Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Sonthofen, Germany, October 1991.
“The Transcendence of the Body in the Transparency of its En-Signment: Johann Kaspar Lavater's Physiognomical Surface Hermenutics,” Symposium “Körper-Kultur,” Kommunikationswissenschaftliches Kolleg, Universität Siegen, January 1991.
Chair and Program Organizer, Germanics Division, Philological Association of the Pacific Coast, 1990.
Session Leader and Program Organizer, “Fünfzig Jahre nach dem Einmarsch: Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Nationalsozialismus im amerikanischen Deutschunterricht,” AATG-ACTFL Joint Annual Meeting, Boston, November 1989.
 “Heine and the Historical Avant-garde: Oppositional Literature and the Public Sphere,” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, April 1989.
“Righting Writing: Semiotics and Hermeneutics in Schiller's The Robbers,” Western Regional Conference of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Berkeley, February 1989.
“Heine and the Historical Avant-garde: Oppositional Literature and the Public Sphere,” Modern Language Association Conference, New Orleans, December 1988.
“Schiller's Dramatic Mirror: Writing, Reflection, and the Semiology of Literary Autonomy in Die Räuber,” Philological Association of the Pacific Coast, Portland, November 1988.
Respondent on the panel “Ideology in the History of Hermeneutics,” International Association for Philosophy and Literature Conference, Notre Dame University, April 1988.
“The Political Unconscious in Narratives of the Psyche:  Kafka's Das Urteil and Hofmannsthal's Reitergeschichte,” Modern Language Association Conference, San Francisco, December 1987.
“Around the World of Critical Theory in 80 Minutes,” Mills College Faculty Seminar Series, November 1987.
Respondent on the panel “Postmodernism: High Culture/Popular Culture,” International Association for Philosophy and Literature Conference, Lawrence, Kansas, May 1987.
“Romanticism and the Discourse of Revolution: The Example of Heinrich Heine's Ideas:  The Book Le Grand,” Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Association Conference, San Jose, April 1987.
“The Dialectic of Enlightenment in Büchner's Woyzeck,” Lexington, Kentucky, Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 1987.
“Biography as Criticism in Kafka Studies,” New York, Modern Language Association Conference, December 1986.
“From Impression to Epiphany:  The Aphorism in the Austrian Jahrhundertwende,” Washington D.C., Modern Language Association Conference, December 1984.
“Aphorism and Language Crisis in Turn-of-the-Century Austria,” New York, Modern Language Association Conference, December 1983.

“Narration as State of Exception in Kafka’s ‘Josefine, die Sängerin.’”
“Staging Narration: Kafka’s ‘Beschreibung eines Kampfes.’”


“Kafka and the Act of Narration”
“Ghostwriting: W. G. Sebald's Poetics of History.”

Web Sites:
Vienna 1900: Interdisciplinary Web Site for Studies in the Humanities (collaborative) .

W. G. Sebald (Coordinator: Graduate student web site)

Classical Aesthetics in the Digital Age (Graduate Student Project)

Freud and the Literary Imagination (Course Web Site)