Wijsman group: Contact information
Current members (at and dot replace the characters in email addresses):
- Nicky Chapman,
nchapman at u dot washington dot edu
- Tyler Day, trcday at uw dot edu
- Hiep Nguyen, hiepng at u dot washington dot edu
Former Student members:
- Charles Cheung,
cyck at uw dot edu
- Yoonha Choi, yoonha dot choi at gmail dot com
Katrina Goddard, katrina dot goddard at nih dot gov
- Sunwei Guo, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, hoxa10 at gmail dot com
- Marla Hoffman
- Umer Khan, umerk at u dot washington dot edu
- Anne-Louise Leutenegger, leutenegger at vjf dot inserm dot fr
- Anya Mikhaylova, avmikh at uw dot edu
- Nadav Nur, NadavNur at prbo dot org
- Adam Olshen, adam dot olshen at ucsf dot edu
- Do Peterson, dopeter at u dot washington dot edu
- James Ronald, james dot ronald at duke dot edu
- Elisabeth Rosenthal,
erosen at u dot washington dot edu
- Joe Rothstein, joseph dot rothstein at mssm dot edu
- Kevin Rubenstein, krube at u dot washington dot edu
- Takumi Saegusa, tsaegusa at u dot washington dot edu
- Greg Snow,
gls at byu dot edu, or
Greg Snow, greg dot snow at intermountainmail dot org
- Jaellah Thallberg, thalbj at u dot washington dot edu, or
jaellah dot thalberg at gmail dot com
- Bowen Wang, bowenw54 at uw dot edu
- Dongmei Yu, dyu at pngu dot mgh dot harvard dot edu
- Xuesong Yu, Seattle Genetics
- Wei Zhao, zhaow at u dot washington dot edu
Former Postdoctoral/Research scientist members:
- Liz Blue,
em27 at u dot washington dot edu
- Erin Conlon,
econlon at mathstat dot umass dot edu
- E. Warwick Daw,
warwick at wustl dot edu
France Gagnon, france dot gagnon at utoronto dot ca
- Andrea Roseli Vancan Russo Horimoto, andrearh at uw dot edu
- Robert Igo, Jr., Case Western Reserve University (deceased)
- Gail Jarvik,
pair at u dot washington dot edu
- Sulgi Kim, sulgik at gmail dot com
- Alejandro (Andrew) Q. Nato,
nato at marshall dot edu
- Rafael Nafikov, rnafikov at uw dot edu
- Jane Olson, Case Western Reserve University (deceased)
- Mohamad Saad, msaad at hbku dot edu dot qa
- Weiva Sieh,
wsieh at mdanderson.org
Yun Ju Sung, yunju at wubios dot wustl dot edu
Former Staff members:
- Will Affleck-Asch (deceased)
- Minh Cao, caom at statsus dot com
- Jane Fulcher, jfulcher at uw dot edu
- Jeff Godden
- Sarah Hammond, sam0345 at u dot washington dot edu
- Rochelle Kochin
- Tung Le, le at uw dot edu
- William Lee
- Mark Marchani
- Meg Ragland, mragland at u dot washington dot edu
- Harkirat Sohi, sohih at uw dot edu
Last updated:
Thursday, 09-Jan-2025 21:11:47 PST