Study Questions for Disturbance & Succession
Acquaint yourself with the variety of natural and human disturbances of
What is the difference between resistant and resilient communities?
Describe 3 aspects of disturbances that are important to consider in
evaluating the effect of a disturbance on natural ecosystems / landscapes.
Why does the time frame for community recovery from disturbance vary so
much in the examples provided from your book (glaciation: 1500 years; old fields
150 years; rocky intertidal: 2 years; streams: 3 months)?
Review the concepts of succession, primary succession, secondary
succession and the three general stages of succession.
What types of life history strategies (R, C, or S) would be most likely
found in these stages of succession? Why?
Why is dispersal such an important factor in primary succession?
Describe how the facilitation, tolerance and inhibition models of
succession would each occur in succession from the open lava flows on Mount St.
Helens to a mature forest 800 years from now.