have been years when I have arrived at Sleeping Lady with a relatively
lightweight agenda, relying (completely safely) on whatever collection of folks
turned up that year to use my topics plus the ones they brought to produce a
lively, thoughtful discussion that would send us all out enriched and with far
more to think about than we arrived with. This was not such a year. We had a
tripartite agenda, and each part was a hefty one. The parts were, respectively:
A) The
Common Core State Standards (aka CCSS), now officially adopted -- What's the
point? What's so exciting about them? How can what's exciting survive the
inevitable wear and tear of implementation? What are the implications about
Washington STEM -- What is it? What is it doing? What's so exciting about it?
Why is it relevant to us? Why are we relevant to it?
WaToToM -- What is our role? What's so exciting about us? And -- the chilling
question -- how can we survive?
A was covered masterfully by Greta Bornemann. She's pretty excited about
the potential of the CCSS. One of the reasons is that the writers have
genuinely addressed an issue that we have all been caterwauling about for a
couple of decades: the "mile-wide, inch-deep curriculum". It has been
clearly demonstrated over the decades that random sandbags along the edges have
very little impact. So instead the writers re-thought the whole construction
process and decided to work with progressions. They chose a small number of
absolutely essential mathematical outcomes, worked backward through the
requirements for those outcomes down to the earliest mathematical needs and paid
close heed to the order and importance of the elements. This process produced a
small but vital collection of mathematical progressions. Then they considered
how different progressions related to and strengthened each other. And only
after all of that did they look at the progressions in layers with an eye to
grade levels.
these progressions, teachers can work with real focus, knowing what is
mathematically important, and why it is so. They can also stop the breathless
scramble to "cover" a zillion tidbits, and allow their students time
to think. And that brings us to the second exciting element: the mathematical
practices. Already last year I was burbling about the fact that the CCSS put
huge emphasis on the Standards for Mathematical Practice. I will list them
(though omitting the explanatory paragraphs is unfair to them):
1 Make
sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Reason abstractly and quantitatively
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Model with mathematics.
5 Use
appropriate tools strategically.
Attend to precision.
7 Look
for and make use of structure.
8 Look
for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
question then is -- how do we keep these admirable aims at the center of all
mathematics teaching rather than having them looked at on alternate Fridays?
That will never be easy, but with more focus and less clutter it is a lot more
feasible than it was. On the other hand, making all of this accessible to
teachers throughout the state is an incredible challenge. Turning the
low-budget lemon into a nice bit of lemonade, Greta pointed out that at least
OSPI can't be tempted into what she calls the Tacoma Dome solution: gather
everybody under one roof for a long week-end and dump information on them, then
turn them loose and dust your hands. This tactic has been proven to be
remarkably ineffective, but it can nonetheless be tempting, because the
razzle-dazzle gives an impression of vigorous action. Can't be done on a
minuscule budget, though, which is what they've got. So they have set to work
to use what is available -- existing leadership within ESDs and districts and
schools -- and they have some heartening beginnings under way. Only snag: Greta
mentioned in passing that the state budget currently under discussion
zeroes out the ESD math coordinators. More about that later. Another lovely
tidbit was that outreach to parents is very much in the plans -- currently
thinking in terms of using school librarians as a major channel for that. Other
channels being sought as well.
factor that should encourage a non-superficial adoption of the CCSS is the
assessments that are in the process of being created. That was the topic that
enabled Greta to finish on a high, keen note. Currently, Washington is one of
the leaders in a multi-state consortium funded through Race to the Top to
develop assessments that are aligned with the CCSS. It is entitled the Smarter
Balanced Assessment Consortium, and it seems to be doing Very Good Things. Most
notably, it is downplaying as much as possible the summative assessments that
have become a weapon of mass destruction -- OK, that's me going overboard, but
the uses of summative assessment have certainly not been pretty. Some, of
course, is needed, but much more important are interim assessments with swift
feedback. These they are working on intensively. And their assessments, both
interim and summative, include performance tasks that take a couple of days to
carry out and are not computer-graded. All in all, many hope-giving signs. Now
mind you, the design process is still very much of a work in progress, and the
fact that Washington is a leader doesn't guarantee that we will adopt them,
etc. But it's still a nice thing to think about. Also to help with -- and they
are eager for involvement of Higher Ed. You can read a lot about them at
haven't come close to doing justice to three and a half hours of high-intensity Greta --
not to mention the powerhouse of information on the thumb drive she gave each
of us. But it is time to move on.
lunch and our canonical snow break, we learned a little more about CCSS plans:
Bill Moore,who has regularly kept us abreast of the Transition Math Project
that he led, and its resulting College Readiness Standards, is just at the
launching phase of a Core to College Project designed to explore the college
readiness aspects of the CCSS and how Higher Ed relates to them. Very early
days, so no details yet. But interesting, and to be helped with if possible.
Mark Lewis took over and we directed our attention to Washington STEM. Their
big launch was just last March, so it has been an extremely lively year. Part
of the time Mark gave us an overview of how Washington STEM operates, including
its three levels of investment: Entrepreneur Awards, a short term investment
designed to give folks with a bright idea a chance to check it out; Portfolio
Awards, designed to take what is known to be successful and expand its reach
and/or scale; and Learning Networks, designed to foster cooperative efforts
within a defined geographical region within the state. We had a look at some of
the specific projects -- what they are aiming at and why they are funded (and
what some mighty cute kids are doing within them!) I'd say his underlying
message was a deeper one, though. Given who we are and what we do, it is
inevitable that we tend to think in terms of STEM -- or
worse, just M. This
is not evil, but it is also not optimal. Science, Technology and Engineering
are all interwoven with Mathematics, and the more we can each acknowledge and
involve the others, the stronger we will all be. Mark presented, promoted and
illustrated this view in a variety of very cogent ways. My notes for the
afternoon end with a definition, or perhaps description, though I'm not sure
whether Mark invented it or found it (or even whether he said it or put it on
the screen -- it was a long day!):
applied curiosity and an insatiable desire to create"
my comment on the long day make things sound too heavy, let me add that we got
to play not once but three times: first thing in the morning we found the
perimeter of a triangle that wasn't all there, then later Greta had us counting
the blocks in an ever-growing pyramid. Mark outdid those, though -- both of the
morning activities were on paper, but he had real stuff to hand us.
Marshmallows! Spaghetti! Dental floss! Masking tape! And a chance to use the
latter three to construct a tower capable of holding up the marshmallow. The
third graders in Mark's subsequent slides may have constructed better towers
than we did, but there's no way they can have had more fun! [Action video
morning, as always, we headed into the land of "What now?" The first
thing that came up was a reminder that Greta had made a comment that ESD math
coordinators were on the state's budgetary chopping block. Folks arrived
swiftly at an agreement that a letter from WaToToM should go to key legislators
and that all WaToToMites should be encouraged to write individually as well.
Since this newsletter goes out to a listserv maintained by a state institution
and hence cannot advocate lobbying, I can only report here on the existence of
the agreement that letters should be written. If you would like details, please
write me at
up was a larger issue of the shape and future of WaToToM, starting specifically
with the need to bolster our between-meetings existence. Several members were
much interested in the possibility of some sort of on-going study groups
maintained on one of the current flock of internet web sites that are designed
to act as meeting places. Kris Kissel and Kayana Hoagland were exploring the
virtues and vices of the available options -- you will hear more!
we got to the annual issue of sharing responsibilities. I most emphatically do
not want to be one of those who put something together and then wind up
strangling it by hanging on too tightly. A couple of years ago we put together
an Executive Committee, and that has been very helpful in terms of shared
decision-making. And I enjoy almost all of the things I do -- but for
sustainability of WaToToM it is not well for me to continue to do all of them.
has a far more serious issue to deal with, however -- and it is one where I
would cheerfully delegate up a storm: we cannot continue our current fiscal
format. We have operated at a loss for two years, with the UW mathematics
department picking up the slack. Not only can I not ask them to continue to do
so, but the reason for the low income is that many institutions around the
state -- most notably most community colleges-- can no longer fund people to
come to our gatherings. That produces a serious and unacceptable loss of
important voices. So I hurled onto the meeting floor the proposition that what
I really wanted to delegate was the raising of funding -- any volunteers?
Immediate result was a whole herd of deer in the headlights, but once the shock
wore off people got together in two groups and did a veritable hurricane's
worth of brainstorming. One group tackled the question of the meetings
themselves, and came up with a huge batch of possibilities for changing the
venue, style and format of them. In terms of the first two of those, there was
a unanimous view that if we could afford to do so, staying at Sleeping Lady
would be strongly preferable to cost-cutting by shifting to a more
do-it-youself scale of things. That big "if" then brought us to the
work of the other table, where an abundance of good ideas had meanwhile been
The basic
numerical fact (produced by me and scheduled for some much-needed verification
by a more fiscally oriented person) is that with $6,000, or maybe $7,000 a year
we could do just fine. We would then be able to stay at the Sleeping Lady,
continue inviting our vital K-12 members as guests and some students at various
levels as well, and somehow scale back fees in such a way that folks whose
institutional support has run dry could afford to register on their own without
breaking the family piggybank. And whereas that many thousands of dollars look
multitudinous from a personal standpoint, in many contexts they would be
regarded as trivial. Mark, in particular, pointed out that our state has many
citizens with huge amounts of money and a lot of good will towards issues
educational. It is also the case that we are precisely the type of enterprise
that higher education needs to be supporting -- and most colleges and
universities have Foundations geared to doing just that. So we settled on a
two-pronged approach:
Each of us as individuals (or a team of individuals from the same place) will
undertake to find the Development Office or Foundation or whoever it is at our
own particular institution, state our case, and request $2000. For this we are
preparing Talking Points -- so hold off a short while before launching the
effort. But then we all need to do it!
2) We
will also make an effort to locate private funding. I am willing to lead this
effort, though for many reasons I shouldn't try it solo. Mark volunteered to
introduce us to a person at Washington STEM who is extremely knowledgeable not
only about possible donors but about how to present one's case to them. I plan
to go and sit at her feet with my ears flapping and every note-taking device I
own activated -- and I will be putting out a request for company on that visit!
our confidence thus restored, we then headed out, fueled by the energy that
being together always gives us.